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Cumulative Ancient World Quiz

Originally posted by SeleucusNicator
Duh, no.

#2 is Septimus Severus. How did I forget him.

That's correct :goodjob:

Now...I'm not sure who should get the next question. :confused: PP and SN, you guys can decide ;)
you should see the bust of marcus aurelius on roman-emperor.com-he and septimus severus could be brothers
don't really have a question so i will make a easy one so the ball can keep rowing. what roman emperor was a high priest of a syrian sky god?
To an anciet greek (like Alexander) Ammon, and Zeus are one in the same....
No, he said he WAS Zeus-Ammon, that's not the same thing at all. For clarification purposes, though, I'm talking about his Father's father's father's (etcetera) side.
no, they were accepted,in a similer fashion to my own religion (though when you strat digging, the differences start to become more apparent...) as being a differnt name, or title of the smae diety-

for instance

Olympian Zeus, and Zeus all wise, or Zeus soter (savior Zeus) are not differnt dieities, but rather the same dieity in a differnt aspect, or role (similer to modern Orthadox, and perhaps catholic theology on the 3 aspects of the god of thoses religions I think, I can hardlly say I know much about either religion)

Zeus-Ammon, was very literally, Egyptian Zeus
Actually, no one is quite sure who Ammon was because Zeus was generally equated with Amun that dosen't matter, though because it dosen't answer the question.
I remind you that most eastern mediterranian religions had alternate name for there dieties, egypt was no exception

(or it could have just been faulty translation on the greeks part, or perhaps that was how the name was pronounced in egyptian- I dont belive that the phoenitics of that ancient language have been cracked yet...
philip II's line was decended from hercules, but herc was not a god
but hercules was a descendent of ZEUS! :D
his son to be exact :p
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