@schlaufuchs I am a little lost, you spent considerable time to answer an older comment, and avoided the additional newer context? Is not a discussion to react? I asked a question, appreciated the answers, but realised without the additional context the answers didn't really answer my question. It was not about debate or scoring points. I asked a question without it being personal, but got direct hostile response. That changes the discussion into a debate as I was required to defend myself.
The reality is, from both sides of the isle, physical attributes matter. Height, weight.. length.. are all things that can and have been asked. You state these are creepy and misogynistic questions, but they are relevant and experienced by both sides. It seems very disingenuous to park this problem on one gender.
Moderator Action: This is not a debate thread. Please restrict yourself to asking questions and remembering that not all questions may be followed-up.
The reality is, from both sides of the isle, physical attributes matter. Height, weight.. length.. are all things that can and have been asked. You state these are creepy and misogynistic questions, but they are relevant and experienced by both sides. It seems very disingenuous to park this problem on one gender.
Moderator Action: This is not a debate thread. Please restrict yourself to asking questions and remembering that not all questions may be followed-up.
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