Cumulative PM-based History Quiz III

I was very busy the whole week with the users conference for my software.

Now it's over, I'll have more time to prepare a quizz next week.
Any hope for it before you get shipped off into Kashmir?
BTW, maximum is 284 points.

And I made a small mistake with the magic formula... Here is the correct one, and with some uppercase to help.


Innonimatu : 136 points
civ_king : 14 points
I was hoping to submit this weekend, but my home is still computerless.:mad: Hopefully within this week...
Sydhe grabs 18 more points. But this doesn't change the ranking.

Say1988: 148
Innonimatu : 136 points
Yeekim : 133 points
Sydhe : 124 points
civ_king : 14 points

Deadline for submission: end of this week.
The line is dead, long live the line!

Here are the answers :

Question 1:

Each two letters correspond to a name of a city

Campo Formio

And this give the treaties of the Revolutionnary and Napoleonic wars in the correct order.

Only one guessed that, but failed to identify all the cities correctly.

Question 2:
A - Louis XV, France + 8 - Marie Leszczyńska, Poland
B - James VI, UK + 3 - Anne of Denmark
C - Peter I, russia + 10 - Catherine I (Marta Helena Skowrońska), Estonia
D - George III, UK + 1 - Charlotte, Germany
E - Henri VIII, UK + 4 - Anne Boleyn, England
F - Nicolas II, Russia + 2 - Alexandra, Germany
G - Peter III, Germany + 6 - Catherine II, Poland
H - Henri IV, France + 9 - Marie de Médici, Italy.
I - Philippe II, Spain + 5 - Mary I, UK
J - François 1er, France + 11 - Eleanor, Belgium
K - Alexander I, Russia + 7 - Louise Augusta of Baden, (Elisabeth Alexeïevna), Germany
L - Louis XVI, France + 12 - Marie Antoinette, Austria

Question 3:
A - Blenheim, 1704, Bavaria + 3 - Eugène of Savoy, France
B - Borodino, 1812, Russia + 1 - Kutuzov, Russia
C - Dunes, 1658, France + 5 - Turenne, France
D - Trafalgar, 1805, Spain + 6 - Nelson, UK
E - Yorktown, 1781, USA + 4 - Washington, USA
F - Balaclava, 1854, Ukraine + 2 - FitzRoy Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan

Question 4:
1 - Rodhesia
2 - Trinidad
3 - Rif
4 - Manchukuo
5 - Yucatan
6- Free territory of Triest
7- South Vietnam
8- Republic of crête
9- Kindgom of Hawai
10- Easter Island
11- Texas

Question 5:
Hugues de Payens : Knight Templar
Robert of Molesme: Cistercian
Ignatius of Loyola : Jesuits
William Booth: Salvation army
Henry Dunant: Red cross
Morihei Ueshiba : Aikido
Joseph Smith: Mormon
Jigoro Kano: Judo
Pierre de Coubertin : International Olympic Commitee

Question 6:
A: Replica of the Eiffel tower, Las Vegas, USA
B: Replica of the Statue of Liberty, Paris, France
C : Replica of the Tower of Pisa, Niles, USA
D: Washington square arch, New York, USA
E: Moscow Triumphal gate, St Petersburg, Russia
F: Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln, UK
G : Millau Viaduc, Millau, France
Maybe I am wrong here, but I believe that is not a "replica" of the Statue of Liberty, but a earlier model on which the main one was based, so in a sense THE Statue of Liberty is a replica of that one not the other way around.

BTW: What are the numbers in questions 2 and 3?
The numbers that correspond to the commanders or royal spouses in question. They were matching questions.
It has been two months since the last one, doesn't anybody feel like he could be up to the task?
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