You mean "whom?"

Right now, it could be anyone. I pitch in where I can, and I've gotten a lot of unfinished business finished, but a lot of leaders also means a lot of Diplomacy Infos, so I'm stretched thin.
This is a sensitive topic, but I would have finished leaders by now, except that Poland's president was killed in that plane crash, and I don't know much about who's in charge now. I think everyone else is done, though.
As to the DiplomacyInfos, I got that file from Remake and added a few, but not all of them. I really need help, and until we get some people willing to divide up the efforts, we're not getting done.
All of the core units are done, or at least their XML is. I have held off on doing any unique units until we actually get the mod working, although the Navy SEAL and Fast Worker are still there since they're applicable to the Modern Era.
Besides that, the buildings also need doing. For some of it, we can reassign the existing buildings to new technologies, as I've done for the units, but for the new buildings we'll need to devote more time and effort.
I might as well announce it right now if you don't know: I'm appearing on the next Modcast to raise awareness for our endeavor in hopes that some new blood will take interest and come in to help. Nobody here is getting replaced, and much of the work that's been done at one point is impressive. I'd still like to know if anybody ever got the buttons for the technologies that SVS made--I can't find them in the depository.