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If the problem is an auto-MAF then it needs to be narrowed to 48 civs (or less)

remove Kazakhstan? (Importance?)
If the people who told me are correct, the problem is actually that Diplomacy needs to be completed before the map loads. I vary my opinions on whether Civs should be removed based upon many things, but key in importance is whether a country is a good or bad neighbor to another. Russia and Kazakhstan have controversial relations over the issue of oil, so you can't just take Kazakhstan out. On the other hand, it isn't all that big a loss that the other former Soviet Socialist Republics in Central Asia are controlled by Kazakhstan in the scenario, as they don't make a big difference in world affairs.

By the way; Matt hasn't gotten back to me with the Leaderheadinfos to go along with the most recent list of Civilizations, so I'm thinking I'm just going to go ahead and add the leaders to the document I already have, and again, I'm going to do it my way in my aforementioned "Little Red Hen" policy. Also, the issue of all these countries and the oil factor will need to be addressed--look for a new thread coming soon.

So, who are we still waiting on?
You mean "whom?" :coffee: Right now, it could be anyone. I pitch in where I can, and I've gotten a lot of unfinished business finished, but a lot of leaders also means a lot of Diplomacy Infos, so I'm stretched thin.

This is a sensitive topic, but I would have finished leaders by now, except that Poland's president was killed in that plane crash, and I don't know much about who's in charge now. I think everyone else is done, though.

As to the DiplomacyInfos, I got that file from Remake and added a few, but not all of them. I really need help, and until we get some people willing to divide up the efforts, we're not getting done.

All of the core units are done, or at least their XML is. I have held off on doing any unique units until we actually get the mod working, although the Navy SEAL and Fast Worker are still there since they're applicable to the Modern Era.

Besides that, the buildings also need doing. For some of it, we can reassign the existing buildings to new technologies, as I've done for the units, but for the new buildings we'll need to devote more time and effort.

I might as well announce it right now if you don't know: I'm appearing on the next Modcast to raise awareness for our endeavor in hopes that some new blood will take interest and come in to help. Nobody here is getting replaced, and much of the work that's been done at one point is impressive. I'd still like to know if anybody ever got the buttons for the technologies that SVS made--I can't find them in the depository.
This is a sensitive topic, but I would have finished leaders by now, except that Poland's president was killed in that plane crash, and I don't know much about who's in charge now. I think everyone else is done, though.

Two things I'd like to say about that:
1st I thought we had Donald Tusk (Prime Minister) as the Polish leader
2nd I thought we had agreed on a deadline (Dec 21st 2009) for real world occurrences to be implemented. Otherwise our mod will never be released because we'd be busy keeping track with real world occurrences.

Apart from that I'm very glad to hear that this is still making progress.
It actually takes very little time to update leaders to present day status. If something truly big happened, like one country conquering another, it would potentially delay the mod, but right now the only thing delaying us is that diplomacy stuff, or so I'm told.
Has any progress been made on this mod lately? I hope it isn't dead.
Considering it's been a whole month without a response, either someone died or just isn't doing what they promised.
It seems like more than one person died, actually. I haven't done as much as I could on this mod, but I'm in college. It still seems like I'm the only one doing anything at all these days, but if I'm wrong, please chime in with your current jobs. If anybody wants to join, go right ahead.

One glaring problem is that I was going to appear on Modcast to advertise the mod. I still am, but it got delayed, so I don't know when that will be. I probably can finish a lot more after I complete my final exam, but I still need the help of other people.

To everybody who's asking for this mod to be done here, lend a hand yourself: Copy my signature and put it in yours, or at least something like it. Even if you can't do anything, you might alert someone who can.

Another idea I have is to set up a profile on the Mod Database. If we can release some cool media, it might make for good advertising.
Well, I would help, but I'm no good with any of the modding stuff (I know the very, very basics).

Maybe you can advertise for help on the modcast along with what you were going to do.
Units are done. I haven't coded any of the unique ones in, though I still have your files, but the game will load the unit file as it is.

The main thing to remember about this mod to understand what's been keeping it down, is that when you mod, you can't always just update a file and be done with it. You need to update many other files to go along with it. For example, when you redo the technologies thread, the units and buildings need to be redone, too, because by default they point to the tech tree in the core game. When you redo the Civics, the leaders will crash the game if they aren't updated because their files point to favorite civics that are no longer there.

In my opinion, the people who were working on this mod had a lot of great ideas, but not enough synchronicity with each other to get things done; a lot of the time it seemed like they weren't even aware of what other people were doing. When I saved all of the SVN stuff to my computer, for example, I found multiple different versions of the same sort of thing (notably, units), along with leaderhead files that pointed to civics in the original game and units and buildings that pointed to technologies in the original game, despite that civics and technologies were among the first things to be completed.

So what I've been doing a lot of in the chances I get to work on this is tying up all the loose ends and trying to form a cohesive product.

The Mod Database page will probably open today, for whatever it is worth. Unfortunately, one glaring problem with the Modcast is that it was delayed past the point where I can borrow a friend's microphone. Right now I'm in college, where I met him, but I'll be going home before the modcast begins recording. Worst comes to worst, though, I can just have Garret read stuff aloud that I post in a chat room or something. Plus, I at least will be able to get more work done when I'm done with college, though my main focus right now is passing my final exam on Thursday, and packing up my belongings.
That is the greatest thing I've heard in a long time. Sig-worthy.
Name needs to be changed to World 2010
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