Current Status + Future Updates


Jul 25, 2006
Current Status
January 10th, 2010

Right, we're on the move once more. Here's where we're at now.

Completed:*XML only

  • Ideologies - On the SVN. Just needs to be slightly reworked to fit the RevDCM standard
  • DiplomacyInfos.xml - Frank is busy fixing the last file to have a working pre-beta released
  • Buildings - Praetyre is working on this now. Please help him out with suggestions in the buildings thread
  • Units - Bahmo is taking this on, and is compiling art. If anyone can help by providing detailed stats on the armor in use today, that would be a great help, so post in the units thread

To Do
  • Features - I never heard back from Steve, as he was DVS' contact, so none have been done yet
  • Events - We have enough good ideas for [URL=""]events
  • but none have been added
  • Leader Art - We have a few good LHs, but most are placeholders that bear little resemblance to the leaders they represent. It would be good if this could change
  • Building, UB and UU Art - Some UU art has been found here, but there's still plenty to find. If you've got some spare time, this is something nice and simple to be getting on with.
  • Scenario - Mattygerst has the city placement finished, and his work is on the SVN. We're now just waiting for some other things to be completed before they're added

If you want to help, send me a private message, or post anywhere in the forum. If anyone wishes to take over leadership, I'm also open to offers, but I won't just give it away to anyone.
January 10th, 2010
Spoiler :
Right, we're on the move once more. Here's where we're at now.

Completed:*XML only

  • Ideologies - On the SVN. Just needs to be slightly reworked to fit the RevDCM standard
  • DiplomacyInfos.xml - Frank is busy fixing the last file to have a working pre-beta released
  • Buildings - Praetyre is working on this now. Please help him out with suggestions in the buildings thread
  • Units - Bahmo is taking this on, and is compiling art. If anyone can help by providing detailed stats on the armor in use today, that would be a great help, so post in the units thread

To Do
  • Features - I never heard back from Steve, as he was DVS' contact, so none have been done yet
  • Events - We have enough good ideas for [URL=""]events
  • but none have been added
  • Leader Art - We have a few good LHs, but most are placeholders that bear little resemblance to the leaders they represent. It would be good if this could change
  • Building, UB and UU Art - Some UU art has been found here, but there's still plenty to find. If you've got some spare time, this is something nice and simple to be getting on with.
  • Scenario - Mattygerst has the city placement finished, and his work is on the SVN. We're now just waiting for some other things to be completed before they're added

If you want to help, send me a private message, or post anywhere in the forum. If anyone wishes to take over leadership, I'm also open to offers, but I won't just give it away to anyone.

January 2nd, 2010
Spoiler :
Well, you've been very patient with this mod, so I thought I should update this thread.

I know it's been a very long time since I updated this post, and I apologise. This mod's decline must rest on my shoulders for the most part, as I've been a poor leader and have had less and less time to work on it. But also, a lot lies at the feet of the members who promised work that never got done. I'm not accusing anyone directly, as I know many people did do a lot of work on this mod, but I got very little sent to me or posted on the forum. But, with another year gone, I thought it right to let people know what's going on, and what's happened for those who haven't been around.
  • DVS, the mod's founder, went AWOL over the summer and I haven't heard from him since
  • Many other members lost interest and went to other projects or left the community altogether
  • We switched from the buggy WoC mod to RevDCM, which meant losing a lot of XML work
  • Mattygerst volunteered to build the mod himself, and did a vast amount of work, but I've heard little since we were unable to fix the DiplomacyInfos file and such unable to load the mod

Completed:*XML only

  • Scenario - Genghis Kai was working on this, but retired. Mattygerst also had a go, and his work is on the SVN currently
  • DiplomacyInfos.xml - Frank is busy fixing the last file to have a working pre-beta released

To Do
  • Civics - Bahmo was working on this, but I never heard back.
  • Buildings - Firestorm94 was going to start adding buildings once we had a complete list, but this never happened. Please give us suggestions in the buildings thread
  • UUs and UBs - sandman730 and Joecoolyo made many ideas, but no-one ever put them into XML
  • Units - Ajidica started adding them, but I never saw the results
  • Features - I never heard back from Steve, as he was DVS' contact, so none got done
  • Ideologies - Ian started work on this, but I either lost the file or it never arrived. The file has also changed in RevDCM, so would need redoing anyway
  • Events - We have enough good ideas for events but none have been added
  • Leader Art - We have a few good LHs, but most are placeholders that bear little resemblance to the leaders they represent
  • Building, UB and UU Art - None has been created or found

So, as you can see, there's still a great deal to do before we even get close to a finished product. If you want to help, send me a private message, or post anywhere in the forum, as I just don't have the time or energy to do it alone. If anyone wishes to take over leadership, I'm also open to offers, but I won't just give it away to anyone.

February 5th, 2009
Spoiler :
Our mod is almost ready to be tested. We are somewhere between v0.7 and v0.9 on our roadmap. With some serious effort we should have a playable mod that meets our standards released inside of a month (possibly two).

Completed:*XML only

In Development - No help needed
  • Civics - Will be finished very soon thanks to Bahmo
  • Scenario - A very ambitious undertaking, will be one of the last things finished, but is under control thanks to Genghis Kai
  • Buildings - Firestorm94 is going to start adding buildings once we have a complete list. Please give us suggestions in the buildings thread
  • UUs and UBs* - sandman730 and Joecoolyo have these covered
  • New UN Feature - Thanks to Steve, our newest member
*XML only

In Development - Help Wanted
  • Units
    Spoiler :
    Ajidica is beginning to add them, but there are a lot, he will almost certainly not be able to add them all himself. Someone please volunteer to help with the XML here! We could also use more art for a number of these. We still need someone to look around this forum and find existing naval units we can use. As well, sheep21 (who has done all of our military research) needs someone to help him by researching Armoured Personnel Carriers. Those are both great jobs for any non or beginner modder who wants to make a contribution and help get this released faster. Other than that, thanks to sheep, the list of all units and the number each country in the world has in service is finished. He has merged those down to a number we can reasonably include in the game, so our list of units to include is all but finished (other than APCs of course). Believe it or not! This mod and scenario is going to contain 48 civs with militaries balanced extremely close to exactly as they are in reality.
  • Features
    Spoiler :
    We have found some of our feature ideas in other mods that we have now merged. Weapons Licenses are a done deal, no problem with those. We have a few SDK/Python people looking in to some of the other ones we would like to have in version 1.0, however our ability to have most of these functional remains in question. If you are a SDK/Python modder and want to help us make any of the changes, please send myself or DVS a private message. We would love to have you helping. IMO it would be great to find someone with these skills and some time who is interested in trying some additional GDP related modifications in particular. Features thread.
  • Ideologies
    Spoiler :
    Ideas for each are finalized, XML work still has to be done. (volunteers welcome) Ideologies are our replacement for religion, no XML work has begun on them. Buttons are taken care of thanks to ianinsane.
  • Events
    Spoiler :
    We have enough good ideas for events. Some have been added, I don't know the exact status. If we can't find someone new to help with these, I'm sure the existing team can handle them soon enough. Other areas are a priority I'd say, but if someone wants to take a crack and them, please do.
  • Leader Art
    Spoiler :
    All 48 of these have been added, including LHs, buttons, and civilopedia entries. We're only using animated leaderheads; most have placeholder art for now, some look great, others need work. We could still use custom skins for a few more of our leaders. Art thread. China (Hu Jintao) in particular, if someone who can skin wants to do a request. It's such an important civ and I have such a crummy placeholder for him (Hirohito). Better placeholder suggestions also welcome. I also really can't find a LH that resembles Gaddafi in any way.
  • Building, UB and UU Art - Low priority, but if anyone can find or make any decent graphics for these, it's much appreciated.
Hopefully we can find a new team member or two to help us make my ambitious goal of finishing 1.0 (at least for testing) this month. If you want to help, send myself or DVS a private message, or post anywhere in the forum.

January 14th, 2009
Spoiler :
(Thanks for the original, DVS :goodjob:)

Our mod is not yet ready to be tested or played. We are somewhere between v0.5 and v0.9 on our roadmap. With some serious effort we should have a playable mod that meets our standards released inside of two months.

Completed:**XML only

In Development - No help needed
  • Civics - Will be finished very soon thanks to Bahmo
  • Scenario - A very ambitious undertaking, will be one of the last things finished, but is under control thanks to Genghis Kai.
  • Buildings. Firestorm94 is going to start adding buildings once we have a complete list. Please give us suggestions in the buildings thread.
In Development - Help Wanted
  • Units -Ajidica is beginning to add them, but there are a lot, he will almost certainly not be able to add them all himself. Someone please volunteer to help with the XML here! We could also use more art for a number of these. We still need someone to look around this forum and find existing naval units we can use. As well, sheep21 (who has done all of our military research) needs someone to help him by researching Armoured Personnel Carriers. Those are both great jobs for any non or beginner modder who wants to make a contribution and help get this released faster. Other than that, thanks to sheep, the list of all units and the number each country in the world has in service is finished. He has merged those down to a number we can reasonably include in the game, so our list of units to include is all but finished (other than APCs of course). Believe it or not! This mod and scenario is going to contain 48 civs with militaries balanced extremely close to exactly as they are in reality.
  • Features - We have found some of our feature ideas in other mods that we have now merged. Weapons Licenses are a done deal, no problem with those. We have a few SDK/Python people looking in to some of the other ones we would like to have in version 1.0, however our ability to have most of these functional remains in question. If you are a SDK/Python modder and want to help us make any of the changes, please send myself or DVS a private message. We would love to have you helping. IMO it would be great to find someone with these skills and some time who is interested in trying some additional GDP related modifications in particular. Features thread.
  • Unique Buildings and Units - Yes, we are are including unique buildings and units for all 48 civs in version 1.0. The names/bonuses for the buildings are here. We need someone to add the XML for these using placeholder art. If I have to do these myself it will delay the release by weeks. In addition to that, someone making buttons for them would help, but that is much less of a priority. The 3d art for the majority of these will have to wait for Version 2.0. The ideas for unique units are being researched by sandman730, but we need a lot, I'm sure he could use a hand from a new researcher. With these we are going to try to stick mostly to variations of the Infantry. (since most countries don't produce their own armoured units)
  • Ideologies - Ideas for each are finalized, XML work still has to be done. (volunteers welcome) Ideologies are our replacement for religion, no XML work has begun on them. Buttons are taken care of thanks to ianinsane.
  • Events - We have enough good ideas for events. Some have been added, I don't know the exact status. If we can't find someone new to help with these, I'm sure the existing team can handle them soon enough. Other areas are a priority I'd say, but if someone wants to take a crack and them, please do.
  • Leader Art - All 48 of these have been added, including LHs, buttons, and civilopedia entries. We're only using animated leaderheads; most have placeholder art for now, some look great, others need work. We could still use custom skins for a few more of our leaders. Art thread. China (Hu Jintao) in particular, if someone who can skin wants to do a request. It's such an important civ and I have such a crummy placeholder for him (Hirohito). Better placeholder suggestions also welcome. I also really can't find a LH that resembles Gaddafi in any way.
Developing the more advanced features fully is going to take time (potentially well after 1.0 comes out), but once we finish up the few other remaining tasks we have listed here, we will be ready for public beta testing. I want to be there by the end of February boys, so let's keep rocking.

Hopefully we can find a new team member or two to help us make my ambitious goal of finishing 1.0 next month. If you want to help, send myself or DVS a private message, or post anywhere in the forum.
The Team





Former Members:
NikNaks, if none is doing any other XML work, I can do that. If I have to I can also finish up the map.
That's alright: Niknaks asked me by PM to do a map, which as is features an 18 civs slot.;)

I'm checking Carter's 18/24/36 map for compatibility. Don't know about 50 civs though; on a Huge Earthmap that will be very crowded. (You know GEM is doing a 2008 scenario as well, right?)

BTW, might be best to keep map discussion on the map thread.;)
am I on the team? :P
heheh, ta very much
current status:

As do I. However, it's a bit slow around here. What we really need is advertisement.
I hope it is but I think it is dead. We need to get a good core of longterm modders in here.
I say if NikNaks isn't going to wrk on it we should get it done ourselves. Who is to say we can't continue on in his footsteps?
hear! hear!
Im happy to finish off the unit lists over the next few weeks. Seems alot of them are out there already, judt got to find em.
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