Charlotte Blackburn
Titles: Lieutenant of the Vault 404 Militia
Strength: 5
Perception: 8
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 9
Agility: 4
Luck: 5
Primary Weapon: Spear
Secondary Weapon: Crossbow (20 bolts)
Explosives: None
Armor: Vault 404 Jump Suit
Gear: 9 Days' Rations
June 5, 2163 0600 Hours
It has been a grueling process as you train your platoon in tacking initiative and self-reliance. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be taking your lessons to heart, and seem barely improved from the rabble they were before. You can't be sure if they'll even hold it together when the battles begin. At long last you are about to embark on the campaign against the Chem Dogs, as the leaders of the expedition have ordered the march, and reports confirm that the Chem Dogs have attacked the Reapers. Today, the army marches on the Chem Dogs' stronghold, hoping to catch whatever garrison remains by surprise.
1. Accompany the army in the march.
2. Request a special mission (Charisma Check)
3. Desert (Specify direction)