CYOA - Adventures in the Sunshine Wasteland (BOTWAWKI 4)

2. O R L A N D O
Charlotte Blackburn
Strength: 5
Perception: 8
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 9
Agility: 4
Luck: 5
Primary Weapon: Spear
Secondary Weapon: Crossbow (20 bolts)
Explosives: None
Armor: Vault 404 Jump Suit
Gear: 9 Days' Rations

May 22, 2163 0600 Hours

It proves easy to join up with a recruitment drive for the Vault 404 army. Everyone is clearly excited at the possibility of wiping out not one, but two, raider gangs that have blighted the area. They are in the process of determining everyone's role in the new armed force, and you are no exception. There's several options that you could take in the order of the armed forces.

1. Front-line infantry with a spear. (Will require Strength in battle)
2. Archer (Will require Perception in battle)
3. Scout (Will require Agility and less combat)
4. Argue that you should be made an officer based on your experience. (Charisma check, will require Intelligence in battle)
5. Nope, it's time to desert (Specify what direction)
4. so below
4- archer team
Charlotte Blackburn
Strength: 5
Perception: 8
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 9
Agility: 4
Luck: 5
Primary Weapon: Spear
Secondary Weapon: Crossbow (20 bolts)
Explosives: None
Armor: Vault 404 Jump Suit
Gear: 9 Days' Rations

May 22, 2163 0800 Hours

Your campaigning to become an officer has paid dividends, as the recruitment committee was impressed by your stories of dealing with raiders further north and the other trials you have been through. You have been given the position of Lieutenant in the Vault 404 army, in command of a platoon of archers. The soldiers under your command are enthusiastic but clearly not tested in battle or any combat whatsoever. Most grew up in the vault and have little knowledge outside of it or Waverly. The army is to move out in two weeks, and you must take the time to train them to the best of your ability. Unfortunately there's not enough time to do specialized training in more than one field.

1. Train them in accuracy with their weapons. (Perception Check)
2. Train them in unit cohesion and discipline (Charisma Check)
3. Train them in self-sufficiency and taking initiative (Intelligence Check)
4. Train them in melee weapons just in case the line is overrun (Strength Check)
5. Desert, there's still time to run for it before the battle. (Specify direction)
2. basics first.
Charlotte Blackburn
Titles: Lieutenant of the Vault 404 Militia
Strength: 5
Perception: 8
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 9
Agility: 4
Luck: 5
Primary Weapon: Spear
Secondary Weapon: Crossbow (20 bolts)
Explosives: None
Armor: Vault 404 Jump Suit
Gear: 9 Days' Rations

June 5, 2163 0600 Hours

It has been a grueling process as you train your platoon in tacking initiative and self-reliance. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be taking your lessons to heart, and seem barely improved from the rabble they were before. You can't be sure if they'll even hold it together when the battles begin. At long last you are about to embark on the campaign against the Chem Dogs, as the leaders of the expedition have ordered the march, and reports confirm that the Chem Dogs have attacked the Reapers. Today, the army marches on the Chem Dogs' stronghold, hoping to catch whatever garrison remains by surprise.

1. Accompany the army in the march.
2. Request a special mission (Charisma Check)
3. Desert (Specify direction)
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