DaNES I: At the Precipice

you'll understand the comment after the update, it doesn't make sense otherwise. Unless I forgot, part of my orders DID include make France French illegal.
It's Parisian French, or something like that, if I'm correct in assuming you're referring to the text-book, standardized French as opposed to a local dialect.
Actually, I also banned Ontario french (personal reasons, it isnt a real language), leaving only the 'pure' french to be spoken, and english of course.
I can assure you I did not order Canada to surrender.
Spoiler story in cyrillic :
Тэрэ вас а рум, вит тэ Цар анд тво оф хис адвисэрс.

"Ми Цар, хов до ёу пропосэ то стоп тэ инсуррэктион?" аскэд онэ оф Микхаилс адвисэрс. "Тэ Блуэс хавэ такэн мост оф тэ Мотэрланд!"

"Тэчникалли, тэ Блуэс арэ лэгитиматэ," саид анотэр адвисэр. "Маибэ вэ шоулд коллаборатэ..."

"Цар, хэ ис а коллаборатор! Вэ муст эксэкутэ хим ат онкэ!" скрэамэд тэ фирст адвисэр. "То тэ чоппэр то чоп офф ёур хэад!"

Тэ Цар суддэнли студ уп анд лэфт тэ рум.

"Ох Год, вхи хавэ ёу лэфт Руссиа то суч ан инкомпэтэнт Цар суч ас ми фатэр?" тэ Цар аскэд тэ ски фром тэ балкони.

Сэкондс латэр, буц стомпэд троугх тэ корридорс бэхинд хим. Тэ скрэамс оф хис сэконд адвисэр филлэд тэ аир фор квуитэ а вхилэ.

"Ох гуд Лорд, дамн ёу! Дамн ёу!"

Тэ Цар фэлт унэаси абоут тэ статэ оф хис бэловэд коунтри.

"Но, нот тэ блокк, нот тэ аксэ, агх--!" Тэи хад гаггэд тэ сэконд адвисэр.

"Вэ муст бэгин а сэриэс оф консолидатинг оур повэр," тэ Цар суддэнли саид. "Вэ муст такэ кнтрол оф эвэри аспэкт оф эвэри синглэ Руссиан лифэ со тат алл оф Руссиа вилл бэ лоял то тэ Цардом."

"Мммф--мммф--мммф--! МММФ! МММФ--! МММФ!!!" Тэ алл-ту фамилиар оф стээл гоинг троугх флэш анд бонэ эндэд тэ муффлэд скрэамс оф тэ сэконд адвисэр.

"Татс ригхт. Томорров, вэ шалл бэгин оур аутократизатион оф алл оф Руссиа, стартинг вит финланд!" Анд со тэ Цар лэфт тэ балкони анд контактэд хис говэрнорс.
Cool. I wish I could read Cyrillic.

The amazingly awesome world of applying to college has pretty much put the kibosh on me finishing this update before the first week of January. It's about 60% done, and I've been chipping away at it for the past month :)(), and as soon as I finish what work I need to do for RL it will assume top priority.
Cool. I wish I could read Cyrillic.

The amazingly awesome world of applying to college has pretty much put the kibosh on me finishing this update before the first week of January. It's about 60% done, and I've been chipping away at it for the past month :)(), and as soon as I finish what work I need to do for RL it will assume top priority.

Pah, college is easy, just do what I did - choose about 20 you like the name of/heard good things about, put them in a hat, pick out 6 and send exactly the same application (with changes for names obviously) that afternoon and head to the pub. When they reply pick the one that gives you the highest grade boundary as your choice.

Some said that was a silly way to pick the next (as it turned out) 5 years of my life, but I got to the pub hours before they did ;).
story in cyrillic

The horror...

"Mi Car, khov do yeu proposé toe stop té insurrékteeon?"
hey FC, why not post that in english too? so the mod can read it...

I could, if the forum accepted hebrew characters, write a story that read "haïm ata yechol likroa et ze, lo omer ma ani catavti", and go into random gibberish or start swearing at people or something like that (thats transliteration for 'if you can read this, don't say what I wrote')
I lost the English copy, so here's the automatic transliterated transliterated story:
Spoiler automatically transliterated 2x story :
Tere vas a room, vit te Tsar and tvo of his advisers.

"Mi Tsar, hov do yooo propose to stop te insoorrektion?" asked one of Mikhails advisers. "Te Blooes have taken most of te Moterland!"

"Technikalli, te Blooes are legitimate," said anoter adviser. "Maibe ve shooold kollaborate..."

"Tsar, he is a kollaborator! Ve moost eksekoote him at onke!" skreamed te first adviser. "To te chopper to chop off yooor head!"

Te Tsar sooddenli stood oop and left te room.

"Oh God, vhi have yooo left Roossia to sooch an inkompetent Tsar sooch as mi fater?" te Tsar asked te ski from te balkoni.

Sekonds later, boots stomped trooogh te korridors behind him. Te skreams of his sekond adviser filled te air for kvooite a vhile.

"Oh good Lord, damn yooo! Damn yooo!"

Te Tsar felt ooneasi abooot te state of his beloved kooontri.

"No, not te blokk, not te akse, agh--!" Tei had gagged te sekond adviser.

"Ve moost begin a series of konsolidating ooor pover," te Tsar sooddenli said. "Ve moost take kntrol of everi aspekt of everi single Roossian life so tat all of Roossia vill be loyal to te Tsardom."

"Mmmf--mmmf--mmmf--! MMMF! MMMF--! MMMF!!!" Te all-too familiar of steel going trooogh flesh and bone ended te mooffled skreams of te sekond adviser.

"Tats right. Tomorrov, ve shall begin ooor aootokratization of all of Roossia, starting vit finland!" And so te Tsar left te balkoni and kontakted his governors.
Do note that it's horrible in a rather amusing way. As all can see now. ;)

It sounds like the Tsar has a distinct Finnish (or possibly Estonian) accent, btw. I like to imagine that he's talking in slow-motion, too. "O-o-o-o-r p-o-o-v-e-r..." :lol:
"Ve moost take kntrol of everi aspekt of everi single Roossian life so tat all of Roossia vill be loyal to te Tsardom."

"Tats right. Tomorrov, ve shall begin ooor aootokratization of all of Roossia, starting vit finland!"

See I was going to do something along the lines of "No, comrade general, it has only begun", but instead I'll just go with:

Spoiler :

Late moves are better than moves never taken. Even if a czechmate is inevitable, primarily because it annoys the opposing player. -_-
This discussion is pointless. I'm going to win this game of chess, because I've bribed the judges.

Decloak: Ah, if only there was a way to post the Arbiter section of the Opening Ceremony from Chess The Musical...
Late moves are better than moves never taken. Even if a czechmate is inevitable, primarily because it annoys the opposing player. -_-

No, I put the checkmate picture because you, if actually doing what you imply in your story, have just handed the Blues victory on a platter. This is a war of ideas after all (in many ways ;))
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