DaNES I: At the Precipice

OOC: Democracy in Russia. Oh this just keeps getting better.

Indeed. I think I'll change to whatever is the strongest russian rebel-faction after this turn and re-unite russia from it's civil war :p
I must say you are getting too easy with this

I know! Didn't even have to lift a finger this time :).

Dachs, is Britian active? (If not, then can we pull someone else in/ NPC him nicely?)
When is the deadline?
Today? Damn. I'll send them in the morning when I'm all confused and tired for maximum effectiveness.
I'll give a go answering it if you like? :mischief:
UK is inactive enough to make us question, but active enough not toi be NPCed. the most annoying level of activitty. either show up or dont!
UK is inactive enough to make us question, but active enough not toi be NPCed. the most annoying level of activitty. either show up or dont!

Have you PMed me?
Im talking about in thread. Look at France compared to you.

and multiple peoples complaints factor in as well

and a dominion knowing nothing about your going ons, or any sort of things from you in the least.
Yeah, the deadline is in less than a day. Huzza.
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