Deity - Teams?


Jan 4, 2011
So I've been thinking of trying Deity mode -- single city mode challenge, 7 computers on the same team as me, and 1 opposing computer.

Would this make it easier to win, or are the odds still heavily against me?

-The Le
So it's you and 7 deity AI's vs one deity AI.
How can you NOT win that?

Actually, the one opposing nation took out two of my allies, has the largest number of cities, and made a B-Line for my one lonely city.

I've been on the defensive for over an hour now, and the opposing artillery keeps coming. My 3 rocket artillerys have taken out countless of AI, and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.

The other 7 AIs are barely helping -- it's very perplexing.

-The Le
Just tried again -- sure enough, on single-city-challenge, Deity, with all the AI on my team except one, all my allies are getting DEMOLISHED by India. No, this isn't a joke.

-The Le
Just tried again -- sure enough, on single-city-challenge, Deity, with all the AI on my team except one, all my allies are getting DEMOLISHED by India. No, this isn't a joke.

-The Le

Unless the enemy spawn in a very far location , you can almost always rush deity AI with just warriors and archers...declare war asap and let your allies start moving their army towards the enemy AI.
Just make equal teams even if i want a to try a new difficult level on strategy game(for example c&c)

I put 2 computers on my team and 3 on the other...

If i found that way to hard then i reduce the other teams numbers by 1

So it is 3 VS 2 And So on...
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