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Deletion of threads en masse

I asked TF the same question, and he said that the archive function in vB is more of a move-to-a-different-forum function than actually taking the stuff offline and made available in other ways.

You always have the option of d/ling a thread. Click on the Thread Tools dropdown at the top of each page for a thread, and you'll have that option.
So, just to be clear.
Does this mean that the games 'Night of The Werewolves' II to XX that were hosted in forum games are gone ? I mean really gone ? Like, forever ?

Others have stated it, but it IS part of our history. There was quality in those threads, much more than in some other parts.
Sure, I understand that you had to free up space, but a 1-hour warning would have been enough for some of us to DL the whole thing.

I'm sad, really. :(
Aren't there backups of the database? Some of them ought to contain the deleted threads. Even if it is too much hassle to merge/import the threads back into the current database, it shouldn't be that difficult to export them out of mySQL into text files.
Aren't there backups of the database? Some of them ought to contain the deleted threads. Even if it is too much hassle to merge/import the threads back into the current database, it shouldn't be that difficult to export them out of mySQL into text files.

An educated populace can be such a pain in the derriere. ;)
I'm with Till here. 20 threads is all we need.
Ask Methos, he knows what I'm talking about.
It would also be nice to have the music quiz threads back. (if not now then maybe when everything is upgraded and space won't be a problem anymore) They must be 10-15 and they are small threads compared to the other threads in forum games. (the biggest one had 8-10 pages iirc)
I'm very dissapointed in the loss of many awesome forum games. Especially DYOS (which was very lovingly put together by several posters and features thousands of hours of artwork).

If space needs to be freed up, I personally would pay for the hardware needed for archive storage.
It's unfortunate, but the alternative was to lose the ability to post at all until the database server is upgraded.

If the database is upgraded, can we have our threadz back? :(
I lament the lost of DYOS.. those early ones were gold and it angers me that due to a few, it got moved from OT in the first place :(
Abaddon said:
I lament the lost of DYOS.. those early ones were gold and it angers me that due to a few, it got moved from OT in the first place :(
Yeah, I always knew that would come back to bite us...
I will ask our host Atomic Gamer to see if it's possible for us to download those threads somehow. Can't really promise anything though.
That would be awesome TF, thanks for at least thinking about it.
And again, ask Methos if you need help, he knows exactly what we're talking about.

No need to ask Methos, everything in this post will do :).
Too bad there wasn't a way to backup the thread databases so we can merge them later. I'd donate some hard drive space, although I haven't much. I don't think I'm making sense here.
An educated populace can be such a pain in the derriere. ;)

I'd volunteer to help, but i'm not sure what useful stuff can be done without admin rights...
There obviously already is a php script for downloading threads and i assume it takes the id of the thread as parameter. I further assume that vBulleting stores each forum in its own table, with the threads as rows. So getting all thread ids for forums games would be as easy as "SELECT id from <name of the forums games table>".
Then you would need a simple script to execute the download script for each id.
The only real work would be to set up a dummy forum with the backup database for the script to download from.

Or you could simply copy the SQL commands the script uses to retrieve the data to a new script and query the database directly.
Maybe you can be given admin rights temporarily. I think you can be trusted not to start banning people, and you know your stuff.
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