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Diplomacy, who is interested in more?

Another friend of mine Nathan is interested in playing: he is a chemistry student who has a fair bit of diplomacy experience. At present he is in a game of "Blind Diplomacy" in which you can only see units that are next to your units (I think!).

His e-mail address is N.J.Bell@durham.ac.uk

You may want to give him a heads-up Flatlander.
Geez, we could have a separate "Durham game" at this rate.

But "Blind Diplomacy." Now that's a Cool variant, and I hate variants.

I agree with Richard III in that I prefer the basic game of Diplomacy, but that 'Blind Dip' sounds cool! Now you have to decide whether believe your opponents when they tell you where there forces are! oh how wickedly evil. :satan:
I haven't played in a LONG time. I'd love to play in a moderate game. Nothing too intense yet. Gotta get my sea legs back...so to speak. :enlighten
Sorry guys, i am pulling out of the game. Good thing this one hasn't started yet. :)
Don't think we haven't had Durham games b4!
I think it would be a good idea to start the game a little different as in the last one. To eliminate the minor start date confusion GM should release the Email addresses and the country list all at the same time ( at best in a zip file) Then everyone gets the same start and there is no dipping before the game actually starts!
Just a thaught!!!:crazyeyes
Just taking a poll:

What do players in my (expert) game think about the following idea?

For this game, since everyone's tempers might still be up from the last one, I had planned:

- to set up e-mail accounts on a hotmail-like site under the country names
- and send out the codes to each player individually, effectively creating some anonymity for the early rounds of the game.

Identities would be revealed at the end when I post the revealing "civdip 002- stories and tales" up on this site.

Is this good, bad or ugly?
Kitten, your friend will have to be a sub, but we will probably need him.

Richard if that's what you want to do, do it. I think that with the nature of the players (everybody knows everybody) it will be difficult.

I will be opening my thread within the week.(Moderate Game)
For all those watching or expecting to play in the civfanatics 002 diplomacy game, I've just started the thread with some notices in that regard - e.g. proposed deadlines - under a new thread, "CivDiplomacy 002 (expert)."


This game is well underway Mr Sin...see the date!
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