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Do you like Germany

Do you like GERMANY?

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  • Poll closed .
Blasphemous said:
Wha? Is there something wrong with Leipzig that I'm not yet aware of? :blush:
I visited the "Wild East" a few years after the reunification and it was... impressive... :mischief:
For your sake, i hope things have changed for the better!

From what I saw there, many women are not so schön (etwas overweight =X), but there are a multitude of Frauen die sehr schön sind...
Anyhow, Israeli girls are some of the most beautiful on earth (probably because of the ethnic melting pot effect) so if I'm impressed with German women you better well respect my opinion! :p
I applaud your taste! :goodjob:
To the tune of "Hey Micky"

Hey Kruats, your so fine
your so fine you blow my mind
Hey Kruats, Hey, Hey
Hey Kruats

They got hot blondes or so I'm told.
Shaihulud said:
I like Germany, I like the people and language. I plan on going to hamburg for a vacation when I have the time.
That's where i currently live. I would suck as city guide, but if you are looking for somebody to have a beer with, i'd be glad to help. :goodjob:
Syntherio said:
Das geht ja runter wie Öl ^^

And I thought, nobody likes us... :)

If you get a damned view on the poll options you'll see there's no other way than to like us :goodjob:
slozenger said:
No, nasty boring place
Why don't you just open the gates to abyss and get lost there?
AceChilla said:
I don't like Germany I love her :love:

here was an image

Especially the one on the right :love:

Well, I prefer the left one, she'll be drunk sooner :drool:
AceChilla said:

When looking at such pics I always ponder on the virtues of German culture, the grasroot of European culture and philosophy with great minds like Kant, Nietsche and Fichte;)
To be a good philosopher you basically need to be seriously drunk. Didn't you know this is the base for it?
nonconformist said:
Oh, God this thread is like an orgasm!

Certainly, 'cos it is 'bout GERMANY ;)
But you still didn't answer me (according visits and stuff)
BirraImperial said:
Ich moechte ein Bier bitte!
just use the "o" with 2 points on top and your visit will be a freaking success!

Hitro said:

Du bist Deutschland!

DAS verstehe ich nur zu gut und ich bin Deiner Meinung Kumpel!

"THIS I understand quite well and I am about your opinion mate"
Tank_Guy#3 said:
Considering a good part of my heritage is German, and that we were near the Polish-German border (Gdansk area), I would say Yes.

So you consider the Gdansk-area still close to the front? (Judging by your profile) :D
Cheauviniste :p
Blasphemous said:
Deutsch ist schön, Deutschland ist schön, Deutsche Frauen sind schön, und Deutsches Bier ist verdammt gut.
In three and a half weeks I will be making my third visit there. In around two years I hope to start studying at some German university (haven't quite started looking around to decide which one yet.) For all I know I may end up living there for most of my life. :)

I like particularely your attitude. Presuming you are Jewish. But seriously. Are you certain to change sunny warm Israel for this freakin raining Northern place?
If so more than welcome!
Commy said:
Yes, I like Germany for its rock (especially Rammstein) and language.
добро пожаловать!
CIVPhilzilla said:
Still like them even though they failed to take over the world twice. :lol:

We say in German:

Alle guten Dinge sind drei!

Russians say:

Бог любит троицу!

So there's still hope hope :D
Winner said:
Well, it is true that girls with Slavic blood tend to be... more attractive :mischief:
If my wife was not a Russian I would seriously :whipped: you. But considering the circumstances I'd say you're even right :D
Rare enough Winner, rare enough ;)
nonconformist said:
Oh, don't start with the "We were trying to visit Rome, but took a wrong turn at Budapest" crap :p

Don't mention the war I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it :)

Major: Bunch of Krauts, that's what they are, all of 'em. Bad eggs!
Basil: Yes well, forgive and forget
Major... God knows how, the bastards.

Basil: Oh, (you're) German! I'm sorry, I thought there was something wrong with you.

German: Will you stop talking about the war!
Basil: Me? You started it!
German: We did not start it.
Basil: Yes you did, you invaded Poland...


British comedy aside; like Germans, like the country. So yes.
Im not too fond of Germany. The Germans I meet are often rude, the traditional food is bland, the language is ugly, the girls are ugly, the history... well.. it seems like it's a German tradition to invade my country...

I like the villages with old houses though, the castels and the beer drinking part of German culture.
storealex said:
Im not too fond of Germany. The Germans I meet are often rude, the traditional food is bland, the language is ugly, the girls are ugly, the history... well.. it seems like it's a German tradition to invade my country...

I like the villages with old houses though, the castels and the beer drinking part of German culture.
Oh oh, if you read the history more attentive you'll see, that the one and another Dane also came along for a visit, am I wrong?
But I think this is not much of a topic nowadys, should it.
If you consider out language ugly, well - Schiller Goethe Kant Schopenhauer (just a few) were using an ugly language. I can live with that :p

If you enter Germany with such intention I wonder you find 'em rude. I wonder more you manage to return home alive

I guess anyway you 1st purpose id to get some "ole" with less tax than in Danmark, rigth?
Vikings are legendary to leave their borders to drink spirits like Camels water after a year in the desert.

The only thing I agree with is our girls. They are plain ugly- like Heidi Klum, Claudia Schiffer, Julia Stegner, Tatjana Patitz, Eva Padberg - awful freaks!

Hey, may be you envy us since you wear helmet without horns?
It's a constant source of irony to me that Germany had the greatest thinkers in quantum mechanics of the time, but the first nuke was built on American soil. Oh and Denmark Thanks for Niels Bohr as well :) Einstein was Austrian that's practically German ;) Even Openheimer was from a German immigrant familly. Another German - Schrodingers equation forms the basis of modern physics.

@ E-Raser: you forgot Nietszche

@ Storealex: I'd say generally Germans are honest and forthright, if you take that as rude then that's your problem.

For physisists and great thinkers look no further than Germany :)

There comedy is a bit odd and frankly anyone who has David Hasslehoff down as a great musical artist are way off the mark, but that aside :)
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