DominatrNES: Infinite Struggle

Population: 0 (Now, although you don't have exactly ZERO people, it's not intended to be realistic.)
Military: 0
Culture: 0
Technology: 0 (Every multiple of 5, you get a new advancement!)
Gold Per Turn: At this point, it's at 0 (this is not too bad, remember that this stat could also be in the negatives)
Unity: Strong (can become weak when there is more population than treasury)

for the effects of each stat, consult the first post in the thread. I have it outlined under "Stats and Traits"

Now, the way you influence your stats, is by investing points into traits. Each trait has a 10% chance to increase a stat per point you invest in it. So, if you invest 5 points into Combat, then there is a 50% chance of the Military stat to increase by 1 unit.

Your orders dictate what the stats are. Being that i have not requested orders for Chapter 0, there are no stats to go along with it. However, since we are now into the main story, there will be orders required, thus you will get stats with each coming update. :D

Oh and for your convenience:


you have 20 pints to invest. Early on, its tough to balance stats property. Be aware that some stats influence others and balance is key when investing. Spend wisely!
From: Phoces
To: Alexaendros

It is known to the Republic that Alexandroi and Phocesian traders have grown more heated in their relations. It is in the spirit of calming them that the Phocesian Republic offers Alexaendros the following deal. If Alexaendros will release any and all claims to the islands of Drop and Panden, the Phocesian Republic will release any and all claims to the Alexaendros Peninsula. The rest of the Haredicumian Sea will be up for grabs. In addition, traders from Alexaendros will be allowed acess to Phocesian ports if the Phocesian traders are allowed acess to Alexaendroi ports. Of course, the traders must follow all laws and regulations of said ports.

What say you?

~Epistates Miltisius Holon and the Eccleisa of Phoces
Alexaendros (Samsniped)
Canfre (Germanicus12)
Khay Lat (Krzowhh)
Phoces (Tambien)
Paschim Ghati (Bonefang)
Otara (Dreadnought)

The players in grey have sent their orders already. I need orders from the players in bold. The sooner they are sent in, the sooner i can write the next chapter!

Note: I changed the date to Monday, the 23rd, instead of that Friday. Please, let me know if you won't be able to get orders in by then!
Paschim Ghati: Turn 1

With the commencement of trade between Phoces and Alexandria, money started to flow in. The major beneficiaries of this trade was the trading class of course. This has led to some resentment among the other classes who envy their growth. An 'adviser' has even met the king, stating this concern. The king thought that it was a good joke and was promptly shown the door outside.
Meanwhile, the construction of the armory, which had caused much strife among the members of the king’s court, was finally brought to an end. The kingdom itself will undertake the construction of the armory. The armory will have 5 blacksmiths commissioned by the king’s court, and several apprentices. The armory will take care of construction of weaponry for the army viz, spears, bow, shields and leather armor. These are not allowed to be traded elsewhere in the realm.
However, on the bright side, the merchants' guild was given the permission to develop the coastal fishing village into a harbor, with proper shipbuilding facilities. The shipbuilders will currently fashion fishing boats and trading galleys as of now. Our emissary returning from the western lands of Phoces and Alexandros report of mighty strong ships already being built in these kingdoms. The king has been planning to hire some of these shipbuilders to our realm so that a strong navy could also be recruited.

Our emissaries have also been sent to the neighboring villages of Holigra & Suppa. Their objective is to spread the word of the kingdom. These uncivilized villages will also be instructed to accept greatness of our kingdom. A yearly payment of money has to be sent across so that we consider these townships to be our vassals. The vassals will not be allowed to train any army of their own. Defense of the vassals' township is undertaken by our kingdom.

In anticipation of a possible rivalry, the imperial army is being fitted with equipments. Legions of Spearmen and Archers are already being raised. Each legion is lead by a "Mansabdar", who reports to the king, and acts on orders of the king only.
Chapter One: First Blood (31-60 WhC)

The Gulgat river was now not only the source of an abundance of food, but now a source of screams, fear, and blood. Mechparian thieves raided in broad daylight, clashing with city guards. Gilguron, deeply dissatisfied with with Mechparian carelessness, began a campaign to take over a tract6 of land across the river to serve as a buffer. After several long days of battling, they had owned the land, and began setting up numerous forts and watchtowers to prevent anymore thievery. Mechpar, exhausted from war, begged for peace, and Gilguron accepted. Peace would be maintained as long as no thieves made it to Gilgur markets.

Ashpai, wishing to retake their land in Otara, assembled a small band of warriors and marched to a small village at the end of the river, built in the foothills of the Pochars. They closed in on it as the sun set. Hours later, as the darkness set in, they set houses on fire and pillaged everything. They slaughtered many and then left the village to choke on the smoke. They hurried down the path to a larger town called Carntesh. Otaran troops fought brilliantly once the Ashpaite forces reached the outer gates. As the conflict unfolded, Otara proved to be more prepared. The Ashpites were driven back across the river to their own land. Otara, satisfied with the victory, learned to better defend their borders. Now that the Ashpites were driven off, Otara had to keep their eyes on Burisht, a barbarous state across the river to their north.

Up the Issar River from Keshbar, a small trading community called Crodila was established. They set out to be the stopping point for traders coming from the cradle to Empreca, and possibly rake in some profit of their own. Out east, the Pyrems were showing signs of becoming a war machine. With the Crodils on their side, Pyrem took control of the delta from Quesha. Crodil trade boats first appeared friendly, but merchants were ambushed right on the docks, and Pyrem warriors marched in from the north. The delta was quickly flooded with blood, and the Pyrems marched further south and conquered Queshan land. Quesha desperately searched for peace, offering their second largest city, Deqalsar, in exchange for the war to cease. Pyrem accepted, now certain that they were the dominant power in the Wisayan region.

North of the Erochtians, things were a bit more peaceful, but tensions were building there as well. Paschim Ghati, after some aggressive expansions, began to claim ownership over Suppa and Holigra. Both states were deeply offended, being that Paschim Ghati was not nearly powerful enough to rule over them. In fact, the two states began to arm themselves in case the peace was breached. Two new states Nihamurat and Segashto, branched off from Suppa, taking along their farming techniques and beginning the growth of their own civilizations.

By far, the post peaceful area was the Zoan river valley. Khay Lat expanded north along the river, and across it as well, running into the Zoans. Zoa was far too interested in studying the night skies to wish to fight, so peace was quickly established. Sholdhor expanded a bit and came into contact with Shosay, a young, but war-hungry state to their north in its early stages of development.

In the Haredicumian region, The sea was becoming a bit more populated with trade boats aiming to enter the Trymos river and conduct lucrative trade with the west. Notably, Phoces and Alexaendros went great lengths to trade with Paschim Ghati for their timber, rumored to be the strongest in the known world. Ships with Paschim Ghat wood seemed to last longer and sail a bit faster. Alexaendros and Phoces, with their new boats, were able to quickly expand. Alexaendros had most of the Peninsula under their control, and Phoces took over Drop and Panden, with little resistance from the natives. Iomir, the little known seafaring culture, also took control of several small islands.

Canfre, nearly dormant, was beginning to lose control of their region. Terantia and Glypthus began trading exclusively from each other, and their territories swelled until they shared borders with Canfre. To the north, at the delta of the Phianto river, two young states already began to clash. Phentia and Lepria, as they were called, both claimed the same bits of land, and as a result, brutally slaughtered each other. No advances were made, as both sides were equally matched and seemed more bent on killing rather than taking over land.

The lands all around saw awful battles, resulting in fear settling in the hearts of citizens. No longer were the lands safe for inhabitants. The quest to survive was more clear than ever, and each culture's strength was test with each passing day.

Spoiler :

To : Nihamurat
From : Paschim Ghat

Greetings to the new found civilizations. We come from our great leader bearing offers of alliance. We noticed that you city state has defected from the uncivilized city state of Suppa, we are here for you, if you need any help.
Our leader sends you some of our finest timber as a gift.

To: Segashto
From Paschim Ghats

Greetings to the new found civilizations. We come from our great leader bearing offers of alliance. We noticed that you city state has defected from the uncivilized city state of Suppa, we are here for you, if you need any help.
Our leader sends you some of our finest timber as a gift.
Also, we request you to let our traders be allowed to carry on trade in your realm so that we both may be beneficial.

From : Paschim Ghats

Greetings to the new found civilizations. We come from our great leader bearing offers of alliance. We noticed that you city state has the finest warriors, we respect our warrior classes and yours. We beleive in the survival of the strongest. Our traders might be interested in trading "slaves" if you manage to capture any. A good price is paid for the same.
Our leader sends you some of our leather armor as a gift for your brave ones.
To: Paschim Ghati
From: Khay Lat

Our Magnificent Emperor sends your Great Raja a message of benign intent. We propose for agreement of non-aggression and for freedom of our traders to pass through both our realms. We have sent a merchant ship towards your nation, bearing our finest millet beer. If the Raja does agree to this, reply with a merchant ship filled Paschim Ghat timber, so that Khay Lat may know whether trade and prosperity is welcome across the Pot Sea.
To: Khay Lat
From: Paschim Ghati

Our King would be most interested to set up a trading route between the two kingdoms. Non aggression, well, that is, in most cases a clause used to signify the time required to arm oneself before a warfare. In any case, we will be interested to keep peace in the region.

Please find a stack of the finest timber in the region waiting for you. we would be interested in your wicked brew for our upper echelons of the society.

OOC: must say this ..
you get a stick for getting us drunk :lol:
To: Khay Lat
From: Paschim Ghati

Our King would be most interested to set up a trading route between the two kingdoms. Non aggression, well, that is, in most cases a clause used to signify the time required to arm oneself before a warfare. In any case, we will be interested to keep peace in the region.

Please find a stack of the finest timber in the region waiting for you. we would be interested in your wicked brew for our upper echelons of the society.

OOC: must say this ..
you get a stick for getting us drunk :lol:
OOC: I thought armistice would be more suitable for that situation and that non-aggression is strict avoidance of war.
To: Khay Lat
From: Paschim Ghati

We would take it for granted for now that you are men of honorable birth, and would keep your word.
OOC: I wil post RP next turn depending on how some of my orders turn out. :D


TO: Glypthus
FROM: Phoces

Greetings from the Phocesian Republic! It has come to our attention that you are a rising power on the Italis Peninsula. It is with this in mind that we offer the formalization of trade routes.

TO: Terantia
FROM: Phoces

Greetings from the Phocesian Republic! It has come to our attention that you are a rising power on the Italis Peninsula. It is with this in mind that we offer the formalization of trade routes.

TO: Canfre
FROM: Phoces

Greetings from the Phocesian Republic! It has come to our attention that you are a rising power on the Italis Peninsula. It is with this in mind that we offer the formalization of trade routes.

TO: Iomir
FROM: Phoces

Greetings from Phoces! You are like us in a way, expanding off of your island into the Sea. It is with this in mind that we offer you the official opening and formalization of trade routes.

TO: Alexaendros
FROM: Phoces

Phoces wishes the best of luck to Alexaendros on its endeavours to control the Peninsula. We would like to direct its attention to Iomir, a small nation expanding in the Phoryetor Sea off of the island of Trinos. It appears to be spreading in your direction. Beware.

TO: Paschim Ghati
FROM: Phoces

Phoces would like to thank the Great Raja for his wonderful timber, and ask for an increase in the supply to build our trade vessels. Ships from Phoces can be sent down the Trymos River to facilitate transport if need be. Of course, eventually a trade post could be set up as well.

~The Epistates and the Eccleisa of Phoces' Diplomatic Initiatives
TO: Paschim Ghati
FROM: Phoces

Phoces would like to thank the Great Raja for his wonderful timber, and ask for an increase in the supply to build our trade vessels. Ships from Phoces can be sent down the Trymos River to facilitate transport if need be. Of course, eventually a trade post could be set up as well.

This is good initiative . We accept
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