The final report
Thanks to Asperger, war was almost prepared. I started a GA and took a few more turns to fill the boats and sailed over:
I decided to take on Alex because he was so close, and had a big enough landmass for domination I reckoned.
Attacking from the sea I took the first city:
Alex retalliated with catapults, tebuchets and some cannons.
After I took a few of his cities Alex gave in and capitulated. I decided to give in to his request to finish off this game faster. With all the people leaving I didnt want it to drag on. Here is the situation after capitulation.
Alex's borders were very close to washington, so I declared and immediately took a few cities.
Before I knew it I reached domination:
The Conclusion
It was a fun game that showed us how much power commerce has in the game. We truly overpowered all our enemies in tech level. But with money we were also able to purchase more than enough units.
Too bad this game died a little bit in beauty caused by computer problems of two people, leaving us with only two. I also blame myself, as I started this game when I was involved in 4 other SG which turned out to be too much, esp in combination with RL. With more time you can take more time to play and write reports. From now on I decided to play less SG at a time so I can write better reports

BTW. This was our highest commerce position. We had 6 times the commerce of the number 2.
Some end game screenshots.
Too bad this capitulation doesnt show the orange blob expanding, but you can see I rolled up Washington with ease.
Not a bad score I would say.
Before taking Washington
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End save:
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