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Dr.NES - The DOOM Project: The Sapphire of the Sea

@Aetius: Our good friend Birch was captured by unknown enemies after being thrown out of the Bridge by the good captain. The good captain, and the good captain's chum Navigation Officer, both sustained various knife wounds and gunshot wounds as a result of showing strange aggressive behavior after he heard that we captured one of the hostiles.

One of the passenger also exhibited rather strange behavior when he saw the captured hostile. The strange behavior in question was to exhibit superhuman strength and speed with which to throw aside two of our operatives and beat the captured hostile's brains across the floor.

Meanwhile, the unknown hostiles somehow sent a message to one of the "passengers" in the med bay. They demand this ship to be piloted to an uninhabited part of a world, from which they can journey to more civilized areas. By this, I think they are meaning to drop us off at some uninhabited island and drive off with the ship. Obviously that is not part of our mission statement. But then they did have some convincing arguement. They said they will kill Birch and every one of us if we do not do it. This is a real threat as there are potentially hundreds of hostiles with the same superhuman speed that the captain and one of the passengers exhibited.
@Mod: I'll take a blood sample from the restrained passenger, and observe it as best I can, doing what tests are possible in this room. (I HOPE I have a microscope)
Since the page got bumped really fast, click this link to see an emergency update with important information.

@Aetius: Our good friend Birch was captured by unknown enemies after being thrown out of the Bridge by the good captain. The good captain, and the good captain's chum Navigation Officer, both sustained various knife wounds and gunshot wounds as a result of showing strange aggressive behavior after he heard that we captured one of the hostiles.

One of the passenger also exhibited rather strange behavior when he saw the captured hostile. The strange behavior in question was to exhibit superhuman strength and speed with which to throw aside two of our operatives and beat the captured hostile's brains across the floor.

Meanwhile, the unknown hostiles somehow sent a message to one of the "passengers" in the med bay. They demand this ship to be piloted to an uninhabited part of a world, from which they can journey to more civilized areas. By this, I think they are meaning to drop us off at some uninhabited island and drive off with the ship. Obviously that is not part of our mission statement. But then they did have some convincing arguement. They said they will kill Birch and every one of us if we do not do it. This is a real threat as there are potentially hundreds of hostiles with the same superhuman speed that the captain and one of the passengers exhibited.

Aetius: I'm sorry, this is just a lot of information to take in at once. Alright. Look, I haven't forwarded the information to Corporate yet, but I can already anticipate their response: get the mission done. They want to get paid, and I'm sure you want to get paid. But, personally, I think your priorities should be to rescue Birch if possible. I can delay Corporate in order for you to do so, but you must be able to complete the mission as quickly as possible.

@Mod: I'll take a blood sample from the restrained passenger, and observe it as best I can, doing what tests are possible in this room. (I HOPE I have a microscope)

As you approach the man, he mutters, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
@mod: Stop moving towards him and ask him why not. Ask him, with my best, friendly, interrogative manners, who or what he and the others are, what they are doing here, and what their plans are. I am willing to release some of my/our secrets in exchange, if necessary. I want this information relayed to Arnold and, through him, Aetius.

After listening to the message Doc received from the captive, Youriy pauses for a moment and after a quick decision, raises his glock against the hostile passenger who killed our eyewitness and fires several rounds to blast the hostile's head into smithereens.

@Gabriel, all:
You were right. Kill on sight, and shoot to kill.

Throw away the first aid kit and pick up 2 frag grenades.

With the capture of birch, our radio frequencies have been compromised. All prepare to change to backup-frequency.
Gabriel (on backup freq)
"I told you so... Also, while our radio freq may have been compromised, the main problem here is that the hostiles are displaying inhuman traits. Sudden bursts of strength and agility, lack of survival instinct, incredibly accurate coordination across a large area and apparently communication without devices or the like."

"I hate to be called a lunatic but all these are signs of a 'hive mind', like ants have. The best way to reduce the capabilities of such a hive mind is to decimate its components. We should be actively killing everyone who aren't us."

"Also, in our current dilemma, I say we sacrifice Birch. We knew this mission might cost some of our lives. Birch is the first and we should be thankful it's gone swell so far. But what we really need is to get this ship to port and be done with it."
Alexandrov: (backup freq)

I agree that everyone we encounter on this ship should be treated as hostiles from this point forward. Also, it seems like that this "hive mind", whatever it is, has infected the original crew members of this ship, which means it is contagious. I hate to say it, but we cannot trust birch anymore, there is no way for us to tell if he has been infected too. He is an unforunate sacrifice which we must make.

@Doc: (at the infirmary)
"Shoot the hostile while you have the chance. Now!"
@all, via backup frequency:

"I am not comfortable with leaving Birch to zee 'ostiles; we shouldn't leave anyone behind if we can 'elp eet!"

@Doc, via backup frequency

"I suggest keeping zee captive alive, we may be able to use 'im for information; in zee very least, 'e is our only link to Birch."
@Doc, via backup frequency

"I suggest keeping zee captive alive, we may be able to use 'im for information; in zee very least, 'e is our only link to Birch."

Via same frequency:

I agree. I'm not going to just throw anyone's lives away.
@mod: Stop moving towards him and ask him why not. Ask him, with my best, friendly, interrogative manners, who or what he and the others are, what they are doing here, and what their plans are. I am willing to release some of my/our secrets in exchange, if necessary. I want this information relayed to Arnold and, through him, Aetius.

The man doesn't flinch. "This is not a negotiation."
Alexandrov: (via backup freq)

"I think we should give ourselves a bit more leverage with them. Plant C4 all around the engines, enough to blow a hole in the ship. If things go that badly, we will atleast take them with us."
The Grin:

Well, ain't this a clusterf#ck. Here we thought we were doin' everyone a favor by turning the lights on, and this is the thanks we get?

I think the fireteams need to secure the livin' hell out of Engineering, and I mean any rat, roach, or hostile gets a curbstomping. Then I think we need to secure the door to the control room and have some of us hunker down and hold the fort. This place is more defensible than the infirmary, and arguably more important. That said, I don't think we need half the team down here, and it sounds like you guys ain't makin' any friends topside. I recommend Charlie fireteam make their way back up to the infirmary to consolidate forces and protect our bases while we find out what the holy hell is going on.

Obviously, what's on that camcorder is important, so I think first priority should be getting the data off of it and onto our computer. Also, you should send a copy to corporate ASAP in case our equipment is destroyed or the mission is compromised.

Plant C4 all around the engines, enough to blow a hole in the ship. If things go that badly, we will atleast take them with us."
If no one objects, I'll get on this right away. Time we got ourselves leverage of our own.

I wholeheartly agree with Grin. Charlie fireteam should stay to hold engineering while Delta fireteam moves up to infirmary, while securing and neutralizing all hostiles on their way there.

@Team Delta: (gabriel and the rest)
Do you have any chance to rush to the aid of team Charlie on the deck 12? Assuming this hypothesis of a hive mind, the hostiles can easily coordinate themselves to surround and overpower the team if not supported.

If you don't mind, could we turn charlie fireteam and delta fireteam into team echo and team foxtrot respectively? I find it horribly confusing when we have team charlie and charlie fireteam. Would be so much easier if we just could call each team with their respective letter.
OOC: I agree with Charlie Fireteam -> Team Echo and Delta Fireteam -> Team Foxtrot.

Nils: Should we remain in our current position or should we move away in other direction in order to be able to aid the other teams?
@ Team Charlie (through quiet whispered voice)

Arnold: I am willing to bet couple of dollars that our hosts are going to try and take control of the Bridge once they realize what we are planning on, or if they don't like us. I suggest you all quickly go to the Bridge to support Sarge if and when that happens.
@Dreadnaught: Is it possible for me to get a (private if need be) description of what is happening to Birch?
@ Team Charlie (through quiet whispered voice)

Arnold: I am willing to bet couple of dollars that our hosts are going to try and take control of the Bridge once they realize what we are planning on, or if they don't like us. I suggest you all quickly go to the Bridge to support Sarge if and when that happens.

Jarkko: I second this, we will definitely need support on the bridge. Some of those who come up might want to ditch their weapons for those Kalashnikovs, which we found a cache of, and bring as much ammo for them as possible.
@Hivemind dude: Alright, that was kinda freaky. But you're right, this isn't a negotiation. We've got control of this boat, I've got the gun pointed at your head, and how do I not know Birch ain't just winded somewhere? Whatever, you drugged up a$$hole. Now let McCoy get a blood sample. Don't worry, it won't hurt nearly as bad as what could be happening to you right now.

@Everyone else: So are we locking down the engine room and bridge and keeping a few men at the infirmary? We've pretty much got control of the components of the ship needed to bring her home. Let's find Birch's happy a$$, turtle up, and bring her on home.
@Everyone else: So are we locking down the engine room and bridge and keeping a few men at the infirmary? We've pretty much got control of the components of the ship needed to bring her home. Let's find Birch's happy a$$, turtle up, and bring her on home.

Infected Man said:
If you wish for him to live, you must direct this ship towards the nearest inhabited zone from which we can secure passage to more civilized living zones.
These nutjobs want nothing more than to hit dry land. Obviously, whatever turned these tourists into slobbering autobots can spread their crazy, and want to, bad. That's why we gotta prep to scuttle the ship. I sure as hell don't wanna let this sh!t loose on the mainland.
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