* Increase the commerce bonus for cottages by 1. It was this way in 1.2 and the feedback was that this was too high.
This wasn't because cottages were too high, this was just feeling that the general tech rate/economy growth was too high. I think cottages *do* need the bonus commerce, otherwise they are outclassed by specialists, particularly with the specialist civics.
Compare, vanilla: cottage plains = 1 food, 1 hammer, 1->4 commerce, +1 gold with tech, +1 hammer with civic, +1commerce with river.
Here: Cottage rock = 1 hammer, 1->4 commerce, +1 gold with civic, +1 hammer with civic.
While base specialist yields remain unchanged (and there a nice specialist boosting civics in Dunewars, and specialists are easier to get because water is more concentrated in a few files.
So, I changed my mind about my own 1.2 feedback, cottage yields weren't the problem with economy size, low tech costs were the problem.
* Remove the commerce bonus from turbine. I added the commerce bonus to turbines in 1.4.x based on feedback that the AI wasn't building them enough.
If turbines don't have the commerce, then they are vastly inferior to solar farms, since the -1 water only ever has any impact if you build them on terraformed tiles.
Remember that solar farms instantly upgrade yield with tech, while turbines must be reconstructed with workers, so they are already somewhat inferior.
* Make surface mines no longer buildable on flat. The motivation for making surface mines buildable on flat was to compensate, in an indirect way, for removing forest terrain and the related chop bonus.
This reason became irrelevant with the earlier game turbine and solar farm access; there are already hammer boosters you can get on flatlands relatively early.
* Remove the qanat altogether. This isn't directly circular, but it is the only thing that depends on fresh water; we should have "more" dependency on fresh water, not less.
I find every city is build near a hill and/or groundwater, so fresh water access is never rare. If you don't want to remove the qanat, then increase its yield, and make it have a yield increase with either a tech and/or the water discipline civic.
Mostly though, if you boost them up to the point where they are worth the human player building them you lose some of the "water is scarce" feel, and as long as you *don't* boost them this high the AI will still use them (because it sees water is scarece, so tries to build improvements that increase this) but be weakened by doing so. So removal may be optimal.
Another possibility: have cottages get +1 commerce with fresh water (instead of increasing them by +1 commerce universally). This makes sense to me both logically and balancewise.
the total commerce went up about 30% into a range which seems slightly too high
Keep in mind that the human player can generate *very* high commerce in this mod, particularly with spice. So the solution is not to decline to make adjustments that improve AI performance, it is to lower the relative value of commerce, by increasing tech costs and unit upkeep costs.
Any ideas for reducing the AI's slave whipping/drafting its population away? As you can see in the save in post 8, this is pretty bad.