Well, now I make 32civ Carter's map (32civs+8empty slots) with 40civ CvGameCoreDLL.dll I haven't problem.. it's OK, but I don't know why Carter have a set wrong starting positions in 32civ version map.. 18 and 24civ versions is OK, but 32civs not.
No, it's not. The map is usable, you just have to tweak it to make it compatible. I'm using it right now for a scenario that I'm making. I remember having a pain to fix it though.
So I sadly found out at the last second that this map/mod is incompatible 3.19 and noticed other people have too from over a year ago. I don't know if anyone would be willing to help but how can I make this work for 3.19?Shame theirs no advanced warning in the download database.
Does anyone else has encountered a problem that the game run just until 1000 AD?
At one point it just starts to count down turns until the end, and it finishes at 1000 ad. I can play after that, but no additional score is added...
Unfortunately it will only affect future games. That kind of stuff is then transferred to the regular save of the game, which is a more complex save that does retain things of its own like the MaxTurns initially set up.
Sorry for asking again, but i used non-mod version of this map, that was in post 276, and I opened it in notepad, but there are no maxturns, or turns at all...this is the closest:
grid width=192
grid height=120
top latitude=90
bottom latitude=-66
wrap X=1
wrap Y=0
num plots written=23040
num signs written=0
Randomize Resources=false
But at the regular scenario map (non mod), this is the only what I found with begin and endgame:
It looks like only the modded map can be played to the end on Marathon, while the same map (scenario type, from post 276) can be played only un to the 1000AD, on Marathon.
Or should I put MaxTurns=1200 after the BeginGame?
1200 turns is for Marathon?
I aks because that scenario map plays much faster than modded map, but they are same size.
Yeah, I learned a lot. Will try it. But I will not see the reulsts of my changes until I get near 1000ad
It is just disappointing to play this great map for a few days, just to be stopped at 1000AD. Thanks for the help!
Ok so this is a long shot considering the last time anyone was active in this thread was 2014, but I'm trying to play this with K-mod and unfortunately they both need CvGameCoreDLL.dll, so I've been trying to learn how to mess with that. So I have a couple questions:
- Does anyone know where to find the source code for it? Whether someone posted it on the forums somewhere or if it's somewhere in the files after downloading the mod or whatever.
- What in the mod is that particular part needed for? Is it just for the additional civs, or is it also needed for the larger map size and/or odyssey speed? If it's only the civs I could possibly just edit the K-mod code to have more civs.
The .dll in the map mod very likely only changes the civ limit to 32. I'm not sure if K-mod keeps the 18 civ limit or increases it, but you only need to change the number of civs in the map to whatever that limit is.
I have changed it to a WBS file to play as a custom scenario in Legends of Revolution(LoR), but it will need a lot more tweaking to improve playability.
The map itself is trying to be too realistic, with way too many islands, which I will remove. I will also change the resources, starting locations, civs and leaders, etc..
Mountains next to America starting position(Washington) is not good. A few other things too.
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