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Easter Egg Collecting! (spoilers be here)

Good Sauce

Jan 1, 2006
Athens, GA
If you want to find these for yourself stop reading now!

FFH has alot of easter eggs in it, and I thought it might be fun to find them and collect them all in one place. Post what you find here and I'll update along with giving credit to the finder. Unattributed ones are by yours truly.

-> Sir Not Appearing in This Mod: The image is from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, in the book of charecters, Sir Not Appearing in This Movie.

-> Summoning Tech: The quote for the tech is also the quote for the Magic the Gathering card "Phyrexian Walker"

-> Arcane Barge: The icon image is from the album cover of The Decemberists 'Castaways and Cutouts'

-> Lanun Cities: Named, in several instances, after towns and cities and so forth of the Cthulhu Mythos. (Innsmouth, Dunwich, Kingsport. Surprised not to see Celephais or Kadath in there) (samael)

-> Dis: From Dante's Inferno, and other literature and mythology (samael first, and others)

-> Malevolent Designs: The spoken quote is a Monty Python sketch (The Architect Sketch?) (samael)

-> Civic Images: Consumption is Mr Creosote (Monty Python's Meaning of Life), Social Order is King Arthur (Monty Python's Holy Grail) and No School System is Beavis (Beavis & Butthead). (samael)

-> Grigori Cities: All names of cities from Final Fantasy VII (Chandrasekhar)
-> Freak Show: The icon is everyone's favorite freak of nature, M. Jackson (Ennet)

-> Lanun swordsman: From 7th Sea card game (Nikis-Knight)

-> Doviello War Elephant: Icon is an Oliphant from LotR movies. (MrUnderhill)

-> Octopus Overlords: The song is Desert Rose by Sting. (lostkitten13)

-> Victory Screen: The ranking of leaders are all taken from works of fantasy (at least all the ones I recognize)
Cthulu - Lovecraft mythos, Raistlin - Dragonlance series, Tyrion Lanister - Song of Fire and Ice series, Rand al'Thor - Wheel of Time series, etc.

-> Mercenary: The icon is from the movie 13th Warrior. (Nero's Fire)

-> Elohim: It is the hebrew word for 'god' (Deathling)

-> Doviello city names: Respellings of scandinavian cities ie. Urslo = Oslo

-> Great Engineer names: 50% of them are anagrams of mupets names (Ahaucan) (congrats, this one was giving us all fits)

-> Twincast Promotion: The icon is from the Magic the Gathering card 'Fork'

->Pact of the Nilhorn: The giants are named Curly, Moe and Larry after the Three Stooges. (Where's Shemp?) (Kael)

Post your own!
Good Sauce said:
:trophy2: Arcane Barge: The icon image is from the album cover of The Decemberists 'Castaways and Cutouts'

ZOMG I knew it was familliar....

I don't know if it counts but the sound for enchanting, I'm REASONABLY sure that its the enchanting noise from Morrowind.
Lanun Cities: Named, in several instances, after towns and cities and so forth of the Cthulhu Mythos. (Innsmouth, Dunwich, Kingsport. Surprised not to see Celephais or Kadath in there)

Great Person: On the same note, I think Nyarlat (as in Nyarlathotep) is counted as a GP (Prophet, maybe?). And Ha$tur is a Great Commander

Dis: From Dante's Inferno, I think. City in the depths of Hell? Needless to say, makes sense in the case of the Infernal and the Meshabber.

Malevolent Designs: The spoken quote is a Monty Python sketch (The Architect Sketch?)

Civic Images: Consumption is Mr Creosote (Monty Python's Meaning of Life), Social Order is King Arthur (Monty Python's Holy Grail) and No School System is Beavis (Beavis & Butthead). Would look at the others but at time of typing I'm pretty pushed for time.

Mobility: One of the Mobility Promotions was (not sure if it -still- is) a demonstration of the Ministry of Silly Walks (Monty Python again).

Since it gives a quick run down on Guybrush, I don't think he really counts as an easter-egg.
ZOMG I knew it was familliar....

I don't know if it counts but the sound for enchanting, I'm REASONABLY sure that its the enchanting noise from Morrowind.

It is, and some other spell sounds are from Morrowind, I sent them to Kael long ago ;)

Malevolent designs sound quote is good, but why doesn't it match written quote? Change text to match Monty Python quote please!
Samael said:
Mobility: One of the Mobility Promotions was (not sure if it -still- is) a demonstration of the Ministry of Silly Walks (Monty Python again).
That was in FfH 1, I don't think it's in anymore.
Dis is a plane of hell from Dungeons and Dragons if I'm not mistaken, named after the lord of that plane, Dispater.. Not that I play that or anything, but have run into it playing Neverwinter Nights

Nearly all the game icons are from either NWN or Guild Wars, as well as quite a few sounds.. not sure if that counts as an easter egg but hey :)
The most hidden reference in FfH. Exactly half of the engineer names are from a source more than 90% of you are familiar with. What is it?

Here are the names:

Khmer Otterfig
Faber Ozzie
Hoyden Drew
Zoot Ghent Gear
Ethel Agames
Fodgel Thor
Vesta Glory
Tilonas Sal
Hulik Darkanus
Athos Ulthane
Haldayne Ozark
Pistis Sophia
Thorion Vo
Aegeus Isildur
Quetz said:
Dis is a plane of hell from Dungeons and Dragons if I'm not mistaken, named after the lord of that plane, Dispater.. Not that I play that or anything, but have run into it playing Neverwinter Nights

Nearly all the game icons are from either NWN or Guild Wars, as well as quite a few sounds.. not sure if that counts as an easter egg but hey :)

Dis is ancient greek for wealth, and hades was accociated with wealth. Dis is another name for hades...
Well, dunno that one, since I dont speak ancient greek :p

But as for Kael's post, alot of those have names of angels in them (Valoel, Schrewneil, Zehanpuryah, the Pistis Sophia) but I'd guess.. Russia? :D
hmm...well I noticed the theme music for the Octopus Overlords is a song by the Police, Desert Rose or something like that.
I could be mistaken, but the music for Fellowship of Leaves sounds alot like the music for Nature in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
Chandrasekhar said:
Dead givaway, much? I haven't noticed it until just now, just because the whole list of engineers has never played out in any FfH game for me.
That's what I thought too, but I don't recognize any of the others from Tolkien.
Good Sauce said:
That's what I thought too, but I don't recognize any of the others from Tolkien.

Well, Wikipedia doesn't turn up any hits on Isildur besides the Tolkien reference, and Kael said that 90% of us are probably familiar with it. I suppose he could have pulled the name Aegeus Isildur from his nether regions, and half the other names are from another source, but it might not fit that 90% rule.
Chandrasekhar said:
Well, Wikipedia doesn't turn up any hits on Isildur besides the Tolkien reference, and Kael said that 90% of us are probably familiar with it. I suppose he could have pulled the name Aegeus Isildur from his nether regions, and half the other names are from another source, but it might not fit that 90% rule.

I have read close to the entire works of Tolkien and I positively refuse to believe that any character named darkanus is of his design.
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