Here's another bump, but with a story in the interval. You posted, so it's


"Die you evil bastard!" Finmaster screamed, hacking at the monster.
BOOOOM.. came the sound as the monster fell over onto the ground.
BOOOM, BOOOM... came the echoes from all around.
"Pling!" came the chime as Calenruh materialized a few feet away.
"And just who are you? Another one trying to stop me leaving this &#"%£@{* monster land?"
"I am Calenruh, Archmage of Kaleh. Long have I kept my vision on you, as a hero."
"Huh. Might have guessed it." grunted Finmaster irritably. "Now can you get out of my dang way so I can get out of the 'cursed land of monsters' ?!"
Calenruh looked down a moment and stepped aside. Finmaster took a few steps and roared triumphantly.
"Well done." said Calenruh. He called up a portal to his storeroom, then showed Finmaster several small magical items, such a silver amulet with rubies, a ring of white gold, a scabbard marked *Xcalber. Made in Japan*, and a pair of ordinary-looking boots. "None of these are inherently magical," he said. "The only thing that can give them power is your belief and your personality. They may become heirlooms, sacred treasures or trinkets. You alone will decide their power and use." Then
<OOC: The upshot of this is that you take the amulet (it does nothing) and can pick one more of the items above and choose a small magical effect on it, such as increased hp regen or faster walk.>
P.S. I bet none of you could ever guess where the name "calenruh" is from. Hint: CVS.