EM6 RPNES- The Quest of the Sceptre

Char Name/CFC nick: Jeriko - Jeff
Homeland: Rysander - Gwili's Island, the Purple. (Humans - Thiefs)
Race: Human
Class: Privateer - Sailor/Pirate
Alignment: -1 - Arr...
Money: 2
Strength: 9
Agility: 10
Hitpoints: 5
Lore: 5
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 4
On the magnet, the lieutenant told him about the oncoming juggernaut. "Easy prey," the man added. One could laugh at that, because the 'Frolick' had only 2 cannons, both at the fore. But the Frolick was quite possibly the fastest ship in the world, and one of very few submerged ones. "Arm guns, lets show these orcs what privateers fancy!" ordered Jeriko. Using the magnet and the periscope, within 2 minutes, the juggernaut was doomed. "Its in sights! Bloody orcs DIE!" yelled the lieutenant, as the 2 cannons shot, bearing down on the hopeless ship.
Onboard the orc ship, the captain had no clue about the frolick, until cannon balls popped out of the deck and through the sails.
Another 2 followed, critically hitting the front. The ship's deck fell forward into the fore, the masts fell away, and the guns fell into the deep blue sea. As soon as the ship was defenseless, the Frolick Popped up and looted it, gaining much loot, orcish cash, valuables of the captain, and even some prisoners to walk the plank.
[Looted Ship]
[Cannon Fell on Frolick]
"Damn, bloody orcs! We'll make em repair it," grunted Jeriko, mad at the fact that a cannon fell on his ship. "Set course to Peaky Bay, we need repairs." he added. The next morning, for entertainment, the orcish prisoners were made to walk the plank.
"Off ya go lad. Hurry Up!" screamed a petty officer, as he jumped on the plank and scared the orc into the sea. Nobody felt any regret, "Arr! Walk the plank you green bastard!" because saying 'Arr!' and walkings of the plank were pirate tradition.
When they made it to Peaky Bay, they had to repair the damage of the leak from the fallen cannon. They sold their loot, and had plenty extra, the repair costs didn't hamper much at all. If every bay were like Peaky, then nobody would feel unwanted, cause wine is more common the water.
[Repair Costs]
[Sold Loot]
After talking at Peaky Bay, Jeriko decided to go prey on ships of other countries. He decided on a quest to get 40 gold bars and to explore other countries. He decided ultimately, to get another propeller.
Update? 4/5 have posted.
BTW Nivi, Ur speling is horubule, an U spamm. I mean; three posts with "I dont rally want to post a story."
And Suka; Let me guess, you like PotC?* Hah! I knew it!, You also spam a bit. 5 posts for one story? Cut it down to one or two, maybe three. Article three hundred and twenty two of the Pirates code, page seven, paragraph nine, as set down by Morgan Cane and Jack Sparrow says: You shal not spam!

*= Pirates Of The Carribean
First off:
@Gladinia, it's MY job to tell people off. Feel free to give hints, but don't publicly attack someone in the middle of the thread.
My nes=my rules.
Oh, and the pirate who set it down is called Morgan Kane.
@nivi, I sorta understood that you didn't want to post a story. But you don't need several posts to say so.

Suka: Welcome to CivFanatics' NES forum! May your stay here be pleasant, your friends many, and your stories have happy endings.
Please note the at the top right of your posts is a button marked "Edit" which may be used to add to earlier posts, and it is generally good form to avoid multiple posts in succession.
You can probably ignore most of the negative comments directed at you- they are either moronic "n00b hatred" or good-natured ribbing.

Update 5 - 38 APT, May

Finmaster- Finmaster's Events: Battling two more monsters aboard his ship, the rest of his sailors die, the ship is damaged to be unsailable, and he feels like he is off the edge of the map- "Here be monsters." However, he has a new-found toughness and feels his self-confidence beginning to grow... Finmaster declares that he has mastered his fate, and will complete his quest no matter the odds.
(-10hp, +1HIT, +1STR, +3 alignment.)

Gladinia- Garlranna's Events:
Garlranna was about to dive into the river when she heard a voice speaking: "Garlranna, your quest is fulfilled. Be at peace." She glanced around wildly, tripping, since Baragoons are not adapted for wild head-shaking while on dry land. "You are a hero. You are chosen as one of those intended to preserve the order of this world. Come now." There was a bright flash of light, and Garlranna found herself staring first at herself, now restored to an Orc, then at the figure in front of her.
An otherworldly face -an elf, and more- inside a white hood on a royal blue cape. "Who are you?" she managed to stutter.
"Calenruh, Archmage of Kaleh," he replied, "Don't try to understand. All will become clear in due time. For now, your quest is complete." He made an intricate gesture, leaving her in a completely different landscape.
"Can I go home?" asked Garlranna eagerly.
For answer, Calenruh snapped his fingers, creating a circular window into another part of the world. It showed the site of Garlranna's home.
"What has happened? My house is destroyed!" she shouted.
"Keep the ring." Calenruh said. "It was not your family's - none of them knew of it. I suggest you go down to that army camp over there- two of the other chosen heroes are over there." With a wave of his hand, he closed the window.
Stats: +2 LOR, but changed again since you're back to an Orc.
[OOC: You are now at the edge of the army where Julan is and Erez is running from. ]

Nivi- Julan's Events:
Trains with his men, gaining 1HIT and 1STR but losing 5hp.

Suka- Jeriko's Events:
The pirate Jeriko makes a name for himself when his submarine [OOC: Ehem, ehem, ehem. Mind the tech level.] sinks the juggernaut Oncoming. However, a cannon destroys the propeller, forcing him to find a normal ship, and he is now on the lookout for a new propeller- difficult, as nobody has heard of a propeller and his own crew had no idea that the ship was powered by anything but magic.
Stats: +2GB, -1 alignment, +1CHR, +1LOR.
[OOC: You're now a normal pirate. As moderator, i decide that your submarine is an introduction device, and will not come into the story again until I decide it. See rule 5 on the opening page.]

Because the submarine was destroyed by a cannon, the crew decided to get a new ship. A petty officer slapped him. "Look whatcha did to the ship I bought you!" she screamed. "We'll get you a better one!" said the lieutenant, "That one!" he said, pointing at a privateer's smuggling ship. "THAT ONE?!" screamed the captain. "Aye, That one!" he retorted. "Arr, lets go!"
The ship was docked, and an easy target. Using a new weapon the bought, some longbows, they boarded the ship. The ships captain was the first to down, then the rest. A few prisoners were kept to find some gold bars and things. As soon as they set sail to the land south of the monsters...
[Stole new ship]
[Took its stuff]
"RAARGH!" yelled Finmaster the Barbarian partly out of fury due to the fact that his crew as well as his ship had been terminated, and partly due to the adrenaline that was flowing in his body. He was in a cold land of monsters where no human lived. He had been there for months now, he had killed monster after another. And there was no way to find the ways to irrigate the northern lands of Finnolandia from this wasted land. For some reason this fact made him even stronger in his will to find what he was looking for. Maybe because he enjoyed the challenge, or maybe because he would almost certainly be killed - but in a way how a barbarian must be killed. Maybe Finmaster was subconsciously thinking that since he must die at some point of his life, it would be better to die as a barbarian in the land of monsters rather than as a bitter and tired farmer in Finnolandia where everyone hated him.

So, he started walking. And perhaps his reputation had been heard among the monsters, because for weeks he didn't encounter single one.

"I'm alone again", said Finmaster to himself while slowly walking through the jungles of monsterland.
"I'm alone and losing my mind.. but that doesn't matter.. that doesn't mean shit to me, because I will get back at those a-holes back in Finnolandia.. and while I'm at it, why wouldn't I get back at the Orcs in Rarlgland, who soo many decades ago drove me away from my happy and safe life.."

After spending weeks thinking these sad thoughts, he finaly arrived at the southern border of the monsterland. And there he would face the final monster who would try to stop him. And a big monster it was; 7-feet-tall, 6-armed creature who yelled: "One who has entered the cursed land of monsters shall NEVER leave!!"

And so, Finmaster had to prepare himself for battle once again..

below: Finmaster's journeys to summer of 38 APT


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oh yes, and ORDERS:

Kick the arsch of the evil monster to gain hit points and agility and to finaly get out of the land of monsters.

OOC: Maybe you could think of a name for the land which I'm about to enter?
Erez continued to the East.
After what seemed to be a week he entered a big city and asked where is he. He was in the city Ankiro in western Monkri.
He decided to find somewhere to stay when a found a left house. some said ghosts are in there and the person that will succeed in sleeping there for 1 night will be given the house. Erez tought if to enter or find an hotel. He decided he must rest and read from the book. So thats what he did...

It was a cold night starting here. Everywhere was summer and hot except here. He heard news that Delver already begun their invasion into Monkri and that they are searching for a missing soldeir that stole somthing of high importance. I wasn't afraid that somone will discover it's me. I hidden the sword in the house and have been reading the book for almost all this time.
The Freezing swords magic, Fire balls, water balls, and most beautifully Spirit bal. But I didn't succeded that one.
It was probably already midnight so I went to sleep at one of the rooms. And there I was... a sleep.......
The privateer ship entered into unknown land west of the orcs. the Newsander made berth right south of the monsters, and the crew went inland, heading to see if there were any treasures about the unknown place. The ships fore was damaged from a huge wave that tore off the ships heritage, a sculpture of sand on the fore. The crew headed inland, seeking to get to Delver for supplies.
I have writers block right now, so let's just say it like this:
I go down around the army camp to come up on it from the back, and meet Erez practicing Spirit ball. I know instinctively that he is one of the "chosen." We go together back towards the army camp to pick up Julan after I've disgiused Erez.
Gain 1 CHR and 1 ALIGN.
and the use of sword.
Ok you found me, but right now i'm a sleep on a top room in that house.
Update 6 - 38 APT, June

Suka-Jeriko's Events: Does a bunch of general pirate stuff.
I must note to you: Stop trying to nearly-replay Pirates of the Caribbean. You're supposed to be a lone hero, not a captain with a crew of 50 or so.
+1 Money for capturing a new ship.

Finmaster- Finmaster's Events: At the brink of leaving the monster-land, Finmaster is set upon by a seven-foot, six-armed, five-IQ, four-eyed, three-legged, two-bit single monster. He barely wins the battle, but has broken the cursed spell upon the Land of Monsters... the evil flees, and some good force permeates him.
+2 HIT, +2 AGI, full healing. Bonus for posting your own map.

Great, original ideas such as that will be rewarded, get inspired people...

Erez87- Erez' Events: Erez sleeps in a haunted house. Battling ghosts in his nightmares, he casts one of the few spells possible while asleep- Spiritball.
+2 INT, -6 hp for "brain damage" or "temporary insanity" due to nightmares.

Gladinia- Garlranna's Events: After her meeting with the Archmage, Garlranna finds herself near an army camp. Casting a 'search' spell, she feels a another strange person near her. She heads in that direction and meets Erez.
+1 CHR, alignment.
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