EM6 RPNES- The Quest of the Sceptre

As Julan walked to his calling, defeating the monster who by now killed another orc!
*thought*I must get to lorderon fast, but i still can't win a fair battle against the monster, maybe i should play a bit unfair, yes, thats just what i should do*thought*.

He decided to take a shotcut to the next town through the forest, a very known forest for his magic, a forest that attracts wizards from all the world. Julan made the best of the forest, learning how to cast a new spell that can bring a flying object to the ground.

During that time, he met so many wizards, those who are so young that they had to cast a spell to make them taller.
He exchanged spells with other wizards just like him.

At one point, someone almost tricked julan to give that knave his most powerfull possesion, the magic book that belonged to his father. But Julan then rememberd that he saw the knave cheating someone else of his wand. Julan casted the paralize spell, and summoned the one that was fooled by the knave.

The magician was summuned, but Julan couldn't sustain the paralyzing spell he casted earlier. The knave then ran, and nearly escaped, but Julan could out run him with his new agility training he done just 5 days ago. He then tripped the basterd, but fell in the process, while on the ground the knave boxed with him for a lopng time, but the wizard then accumalted enough force to give him a vey powerfull shock spell, that made the knave so weak he couldn't even remain conscious another second. Julan then picked him up the teleported him to the local whitch police.

"Thank you, so i see there are still gentelmen in this world"
They chatterd about everything, untill Julan Had to go, but before that Julan asked him:
"Hey, i still don't know your name"
"That is not important" he said.
"When you will need my help in the future, you just summun me and i will come and offer my best help.

As Julan went down the road, his friend waved Julan goodbye.

1 Day later, Julan still tired from staying up late at night studing his old magic book, was surprised attacked by a servent of the demon Bel'Thuzad (not a typo). Julan decided he is going to use his powerfull fist with a spell to make the damage stronger.l

ooc: Because i was surprised attack,i should lose a lot of hp. But the new magic i aquired at the forest should help me out.
Garlranna looked up.
She had been tracking the little *** * ***** ** **** ***ing human that had stolen her familys ring for four days now. Garlranna was a good tracker, and a mage, and she could see that she would find him the day after tomorrow night.
She stopped. Something had happened to the li'l brat here. She looked carefully around at the tracks here. It looked as if he had put up a fight against somethig that had come straight out of the sky, And then sprouted wings, dissapearing.
She looked around a bit more.
The attacker had claws and-What a GIGANTIC feather!
On the path, a few metres away was a GIGANTIC feather!
Human head::) Feather: -------
The feather was longer than a human head!
The stories her family had told her about Rocs were racing through her head.
"Giant wings..." "Feathers as long as this table..." Claws like stone, can scrape through anything..." "No lightning may come near it..." "Eyes like the hawks, magnified ten times over and more!..."
She had laughed scornfully at the stories then, but; What if they were true?
She decided to try to follow the Roc. Anyway, it had her ring, and she had to have that.

Fire and earth and light and dark, help my quest unto this Roc!
Galranndarange Farduna Geranteko Bralgane!!!
North it is then, She said and went North.
She checked often wich way to go, and, after three long days she got there.
Two well-grown Rocs had caght the human and brought him to their nedt to feed their youngster when it broke out of the egg, wich would be soon.
She had a plan!
She would use her illusionary magic to make it look like a load of slow-moving rabbits were passing under the cliff, so one of the rocks would fly out to get some food, prferably two so she didn't have to use the water afterwards. And then, (to get the other one out) from the top of the cliff she would send water into the Roc cave and flood it.
The other Roc would fly out, and then she would get the boy out by telekinesis.
She had made ready a shelter, because once she was finished, she would be hungry as a hungry orc,(and that means HUNGRY) and exhausted.
The boy would sleep under some bracken, and she had installed a tripwire incase he ran away.
The next day she would find her ring.
It was the perfect plan, but even better; it worked!

<OOC> erikmesoy, can you give me the stat boosts? THX </OOC>
"Finmaster!" yelled a sound behind him. The young man turned to look and saw a happy, green-skinned woman looking nicely down at him. It was his mother, Finnia, daughter of Masterong the Intelligent. Finmaster's life was happy - he was very liked among the Orcs of his tribe, he had a lot of friends - and his mother took so good care of him that life couldn't have been happier. "Finmaster, you forgot your leather jacket! You need to have it with you, I wouldn't want you to catch a cold!" his mother said.
Finmaster loved everybody, and everybody loved Finmaster. He even had a fiance, a beautiful Orc woman, who he loved very much and who he was supposed to get married with soon. He used to pick up flowers for her, being the romantic fool that he was.
Then one day Glandar, the oldest of the Orcish tribe, stood forward and said to Finmaster, while he was walking on the beautiful valley just outside his village:
"You are not a real orc. You are a half-orc. Your mother Finnia had a sexual relationship with a human male who came from the northern land of Finnolandia. Therefore, since you are not a real orc, you do not belong to this group. Now... begone!"


A sudden yell woke Finmaster from his sleep.

"Master, we grow tired of sailing in these northern waters, you promised us a great paycheck but we haven't seen a dime, we are running out of food and we don't have any money to buy more food. We are giving you a warning: when we saw what a great fighter you were, we thought we'd become rich if we served for you - but so far we haven't seen a penny!!"

"Shut up, you dumbass, just shut the fuck up!" Yelled Finmaster angrily. He saw happy dreams seldomly nowdays - actually, this was the first one in more than a year - and altough the dream didn't end happily, he always enjoyed the visions that were given from his old life. Due to the fact that his imagination was chained to blood and madness when he was awake, he could get these nice visions in his head only while he was sleeping. And when someone woke him up from these kind of dreams, he was always cranky as hell.

Finmaster took his sword and run to the deck of his ship.

"Sire, there is a ship over there! We have cannons in our ship and we are prepared to take over that ship, we believe that it carries GOLD inside it - and if you deny us the permission to attack that ship, we WILL start a rebellion against you!" yelled one of the sailors in his crew.

"Allright, attack the ship! SLAUGHTER THEM ALL AND GET THE GOLD!" yelled Finmaster. He didn't really care, it wasn't gold he was after, but he needed these sailors to stick by him and their greed was the only reason why they hadn't yet killed him. But he did always enjoyed seeing a blodshed. It made him think happily about the days in the future, when he would bloodily get back at all the humans who had been laughing at him for decades in Finnolandia when he had just tried to unsuccesfully irrigate the cold land.

So, the attack began. Finmaster was using the following battle strategy: he would run his ship towards the enemy ship waving a distress flag, and just when enemies would be prepared to help them he would turn the ship around so cannons would be faced towards the surprised enemy. And then, he would fire..


Attack the enemy ship in a way described in the story. Try to take over the ship, and then find gold, and perhaps with some luck other usable items as well.
EDIT: and I was thinking it should rather increase intelligence and charisma than strenght, because basically that is what the attack requires..
Is there an update coming soon? :)
Ok I'll start in the Pink country that will be called "Deliver"

I woke up at this hotel. I was here for some time and now it's time to run from here. My quest only begun and it's not even a week since I discovered my parents were very strong.
The quest begun when I left the hotel and payd with my last gold coins to the manager. Now I had no money and no weopon. I went out of the city in the forrests and begun to walk, hoping nothing will come.
I had a map that I bought earlier of Deliver. I knew I was on the way to a small town named Grond. I would be there in just a few days...

When I got to Grond I found out that soldeirs were preapering. Delivar was going to a war. I might could turn this into my best? If I will join the army I will get a sword or another weopon and some training. Those are things I realy need. Than I could run away from here. I decided I shall join the army. I might also hear some news this way.

First news were that Deliver was preapering a war against Monkri (brown country). Monkri found out that a lot of Iron is in their south, and Deliver was in dire need for Iron.
I signed up to join the army and they sent me with a group of soldeirs to Kirnakville for training of a Sword fighting. I hurried with the rest t the training village.
Updating now... Sorry, I was waiting a little for Erez, then the holidays caught up to me.
Update 3 - 38 APT, March
Sorry, not enough time to post a story with each char, make them yourselves if you like.

Julan is attacked by a demon servant of Bel'Thuzad. He fights it off with the magic he learnt recently, growing much stronger.
+2 INT, -10 hit points.

Garlranna sees some Rocs, birds from ancient times and the boy who stole her ring. She recalls the legends and makes a cunning plan.
+1 INT, +1LOR.

Finmaster and his new-found crew attack a ship and take it over. The battle is easily won as the other sailors are very afraid of Orcs.
+1 INT, +1CHR, 1GB.

Erez joins the army of Delver and begins sword fighting. He learns very well, getting a sword and some payment.
+1 STR, +1AGI, +1GB.


Delver is training an army and is on the brink of invading Monkri.
ooc: I think i should gain 1 LOR and 1 INT instead of 2 INT.
I did after all study my old book that my father gave me.
Then make orders ;) :p
As a nomad, Julan didn't have a permanent home, this added to his quest to kill Bal'Thazor made him travel the world.
This time a somehow got to Monkri.

At the Monkri palace:
Military advisor:"Sier., i have bad news..."
King:"Speak you fool, you are just getting me madder"
Military advisor: "Well, there are massive training programs and a big buildup on the border of Delvar with us.
King: "How could you allow this to happen and we did not know about this untill maybe too late too late?"
*Akward silence*
King:" WELL?! what are you wating for, you better start to make a good plan, or you will be die, not at my hands, but in Delvar's troops hands"
*3 Hours later*
Military advisor:"There is a man, Julan is his name, he is a strong wizard and warrior, and could lead our army to victory"

*1 Day later, on the road*
"Wait up, wait up! A messenger screamed.
"Good. I hereby inform you that you have been drafted into the the army, we will pay you (ahem) , feed you, and give you money if you agree to fight with us against the army of Delvar." The messenger read from his paper.
"Agreed, just show me the direction to the nearest camp"
"I must take you there myself" The messenger said. "King's orders.
"Very well."

*6 Hours later, at the camp*
"I see you decided to come" Said one of the humens with a very hard to describe voice, but it was obvious he hated the orc. Julan at first thought it was because of his race, but later he found out the real reason.

He cheacked in to the hospital (ahem) So they would take care of his wound and bruises.

After that he got his sword and sheild and started training the other guys.
"No no no, you have to stand like this, see? with your right foot forward" Julan said with a fatherly voice.

After dark, he went back to his quarters, and found an angry bunch of humen guys about 15 from his count.
"I saw you before, right? Julan asked one of them.
"Yes, why couldn't you just leave well enough alone?" He said angerly.
"What do you mean?"
Julan saw the guys coming toward him, and quickly devised the following plan:
At first he would cast a slow spell.
Then he would use all his strength (ahem) to stab as many men as he can before he couldn't stab no more. He would then just run (ahem) to the commander, if backed into a corner he will try to weing his sword so it would hit as many of them as possible and then kick them in the nuggets.
I woke up in the camp right near the borders with Monkri. The last thing I will do now is fight a war. I decided to take the sword they gave me and run out of this place.
My plan was simple just go behind the scout tower here and run. But befor that I saw another group coming. This were wizards. Wizards in the name of Deliver. Wow now this is going to be a grand war.
I ran to the Wizards Tent and saw their training. It was amazing.
One of the wizards took a sword said somthing and the sword was all in fire. The other wizard took a sword and frozen it. when he hit somthing that thing just gor frozen.
I just have to learn that. I came into the tent silently and saw that book. What have I became! even thieves are better!
Well doesn't matter if I want to learn this stuff I need that book.
I took the book and escaped the Tent silently. After that I ran from the camp and got into the forests. I don't know if I was in Deliver or Monkri, I guss I was in Monkri cause in my map it says I passed the borders.

Sp now i'm in an unkown land with almost no money, a book and a sword.
THE BOOK! I tought and took it tought. It's title was "War mage". Well I openned to book at the start. It explained how to do that cool fire sword spell. I read the spell and tried it. I think I succeded but in mistake I burned a tree. Oops...

I continued in my way, probably eastward I'm not realy sure, when I heard footsteps. Oh oh I tought... Just that they won't caught me and think I'm a spy or somthing. I went behind a tree and looked. It was a wizard. I wonder if he feels I'm here... I wonder who is he anyway... Maybe I could read somthing in the book...

I begun searching in the Index for a magic to tell me who is he. But it's a book for War Magic!
Well I'll just hope he won't find about me here...
(OOC: I'm afraid I don't have time to write a long story right now, and the next time I'll get to be here will be on saturday)

Finmaster parked his ship to the shore of the western, greenish land, which had no name - or if it had, Finmaster was not aware of it.

Suddenly, an evil three-headed monster jumped in front of them.

"Why did we park here?" started the sailors yell in misery. But Finmaster was not afraid. "Run back to the ship if you afraid, but I'll stay here and fight!"

Beat the 3-headed monster to gain charisma and strenght.
Short version:

Garlranna wakes up, but the boy does not have the ring.
Garlranna brings the Roc egg with her; it will hatch soon.
After asking the boy, she finds out that an evil sorceror king has taken her ring, trying to get it to work. Of course only those of Garlrannas family may use the ring.
She try's to kill the evil sorceror king and take the ring, but he wins.
He throws Garlranna in his dungeon.
While Garlranna is trying to get out of the castle, she gets hit by a polymorph trap that turns her into a Baragoon*

Erik Mesoy, Stats plz

*=A hideous combination of snake and man, normally dwelling in swamps and marshes. This chaotic evil creature moves very fast. It is magical, casting spells which terrify; It can bash down doors and push past weaker monsters. It is rarely detected by telepathy. It resists acid, poison and water. It cannot be frightened. It can claw to attack, claw to attack, and bite to attack.
I must congratulate everyone on such great orders during Christmas.
Poll- this update style, or the earlier one?

Update 4 - 38 APT, April

Nivi- Julan's Events: Gets recruited as a high officer in the army of Monkri, with an advance on his pay. Their surgeons patch him up. But in his quarters, 15 men ambush him. Due to his being surrounded, the battle goes badly, until some men hear the sounds of fighting and run to his rescue. The battle escalates, and Julan is forced to pull several tricks out of his sleeve, but then his Slow spell saves the day.
Julan passes out from blood loss afterwards.
(OOC: You are now at 27/60 hit points. Due to the army's great healers, you will be at 47/60 beginning of next turn. If you stay here, you can be at full health next turn.)
(+1 GB, +1STR, +1AGI.)

erez87- Erez' Events: Not being the type to participate a full-blown war, Erez tries to escape from the army. On the way he steals a book of WW (war wizardry). While studying it, he notices a wizard standing near him...
"Who goes there?" shouts the wizard. "I know you're there, come out!"
Erez convinces the wizard to cover for him, but soon he is marked a deserter, and is on the run...
(+1 LOR for the spell, +1 AGI for the escape.)

Finmaster- Finmaster's Events: Sailing cannot last, sooner or later you will find something in your way, be it a land or the Edge. In this case, it was the former, and Finmaster lands.
Battling a three-headed monster, his arm is sore, but grows stronger from blocking the many blows, and the sailors gain a new respect for him.
(+1 STR, +1CHR.)

Gladinia- Garlranna's Events:
The thieving boy no longer has the ring, a powerful cliché-villain has taken it. Garlranna takes a Roc egg as a consolation prize, and goes in search of him. They battle, and he throws her into his dungeon. She tries to escape, but the way out is perilous and filled with many traps. One of these turns her into a Baragoon.
(Stats rerolled due to race change.)
Bump. I understand the slow during christmas, but the other neses seemed to survive... post orders, people!
Finmaster the Barbarian was dreaming again.

"I'm sorry, we don't sell food to Orcs here in Finnolandia, it's against the law. You need to move down to the south if you want to buy stuff. But why don't you grow your own food out of the dirt?"
"That I shall do, mr. Salesman, and once I've taken over all the agrcultural markets of Finnolandia, you will come begging to me for help!"
"Go away, Finmaster the Half-Orc, we don't want you here!"
"Everyone hates you.."
"It's surprising", though Finmaster to himself after growing basically NOTHING out of the cold dirt of Finnolandia for an entire decade, "how much people can hate a good person who only wants to make his own living and be loved.. and it's also surprising how it turns some people into pathetic losers, while others use it to gain anger and by that, strenght to overcome their problems and to get back at those who hate them.."

Finmaster woke up. They were still at the same old northern, greenish land of monsters.

"Okay crew, get back at the ship, I'm trying to find a way how to irrigate the land better but NOBODY in this land knows how to irrigate, everyone's just monstering around!" yelled Finmaster to his crew.
But when they returned to their ship, they noticed that not one, but TWO monsters had taken over the ship!
This lead into a terrible fight..


Kill 2 monsters which have taken over my ship to gain Strenght and HP.
Garlranna the Baragoon let out a bloodcurdling cry.
Now you die, evil sorceror!!!
She stepped disdainfully on his neck, and broke it.
The very second he died, all that his magic had made was undone.(Not her. Pity...)The only thing left was a little yellow ring in the middle of a gigantic field.
Garlranna made up camp in the middle of the clearing, and soon she was slumbering under a makeshift cover of leaves and branches.
The next morning, when she woke, her spirits were down. It had rained during the night, washing away the shelter she had made. Then she saw something that gave her spirits a lift: All around the clearing was a ring of people, looking for the evil sorc's corpse and his magic. Garlranna nearly rushed out to meet them, but in the nick of time, she remembered that she was a Baragoon.
She walked cautiously out towards the ring of very suspicious humans. "I am a friend!" She said. "Don't be afraid." They bolted, all as one, shouting tings llike "A Baragoon!" and" Save us, O lord"
Garlranna sighed. There went any hope of warmth and a bed.
Well well. She walked into the town. "I am a FRIEND!!!"
No response. She went to a farm, took four pigs, and , since she still was an honourable orc, She left some gold coins in the bin.
Afer eating, she set out. Towards the sea!!! She found a river, and since she swam better than any fish in these parts, she had both a faster way to get to the sea, and food everywhere. Baragoons apparently LOVED fish. Lucky her!

EDIT: Garlranna found a lot of gold in the tower, and she still has the egg, wich still is about to hatch.
Dont realy want to do a story...

Lets just say he traines with his men to gain 1 hit and 1 str but lost 5 hp due to an accident.
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