Embassy to Team Quatronia

As a condition they turn off all esp against us. This would let us focus more attention on the other teams.

Broadcast towers give +50% culture dont they. For this reason I would much rather we get this wonder - especially if we end up needing to go for a culture win. I would counter - we get Eiffle and will give them aid to speed their purchase of broadcast towers on Hoag. They get what they want, and have lower odds of losing a wonder to other teams.
Broadcast towers give +50% culture dont they. For this reason I would much rather we get this wonder - especially if we end up needing to go for a culture win. I would counter - we get Eiffle and will give them aid to speed their purchase of broadcast towers on Hoag.
Its the same like we building towers in the 3 or 4 cities we are preparing for legendary, no? :)

In civ, a grateful friend worths more than 10 wonders. This I know :)

Somewhat fresh example. The Warmup pitboss for this MTDG - at the end it was up to me who will win the game - I and my gang, armed with tens of nukes and some 150 seaborne units decided who to go to hell and who to go to space between the two pretenders. This decission was based solely on a sympathy. The guy who was nice to me in the past saw Alpha Centauri, the one who treated me arrogant and not kind, saw his lush lands glowing in the dark form radiation, his huge cities in smoldering ruins, his SS parts sabotaged and his allies ruined :)

What about as a comprise I will tell them we promise not to compete for those wonders, and also we would appreciate them stopping espy on us? I will not make it a condition, just a friendly request.

Yes, this I would like most :)
Sent this PM to Q:
Hello to Caledorn and all of Team Q,

Team AMAZON had big plans for Eiffel Tower, as it has perfect synergy with our CHA trait. However we are happy to defer to our good friends the Q since you guys claimed it first.

We had also planned on making a go at Rock N Roll, plus, it is highly irregular (and a little unfair/greedy) to try to claim more than one thing at a time, especially 2 great Wonders. Usually, when a new baubles become available, you claim one thing and give your ally a chance to claim something else, but again, we will agree not to go after either of the Wonders as per your request.

You mentioned being open to doing us a favor. The team agreed that I should request you agree to stop assigning espionage points on us permanently. Please understand this is not a condition on cooperating with you to get the Wonders. We will give you dibs on the Wonders regardless of whether you grant our request or not.

Good Luck:)

Latest from Q:
Caledorn said:
Greetings to our good friends from Team Amazon!

We appreciate this gesture from you very much! Thank you on behalf of the entire Q Continuum. :)

We will get back to you on your proposal with a counter proposal that may be of interest for both our nations.

Best Regards,
Got this via PM. Apparently Q is determined to attack CDZ and they are asking for our permission.
Team Quatronia would like to extend our warmest greetings to our good friends of Team Amazon.

We recently suffered a major setback with Team CDZ building Rock'n'Roll in the city of Or Here, and we are now looking at a dire situation where Team CDZ will almost certainly gain control of Hoag unless we intervene in some way. For this reason we now come to you asking for your help once again. If we are to retain control of our rightful lands on Hoag, we may have to intervene by force of military on Hoag, and simply chase the vikings off. However, we are hard pressed to do this on our own, as Team CDZ has a decent military. And if we go to war with the vikings without any assistance, I fear we may lose even more. However, the current situation on Hoag is so dire that we of Team Quatronia feels that CDZ are more or less declaring war on us - only by culture and not military.

We therefore have decided to approach you, based on our long lasting relationship of peace and friendship, asking for your assistance in chasing CDZ off Hoag. If your nation accepts this proposal, we will consider you our allies, and all espionage will be diverted to other nations for as long as we remain allies. This may be a hard pressed question for your nation, as I know that your nation tries to maintain a status quo as long as you stay in the lead. If you accept this proposal, we do not expect you to declare war on Team CDZ. All we ask is for defensive assistance in our cities if you can help provide us with that. If, however, you decide that declaring war on Team CDZ is in your interests as well (Merlot Home Island is rightfully Amazonian territory, and only by the grace and honour of Team Amazon did Team CDZ acquire the two cities they have there), we will support you as well in such a decisive act and provide any military force you require from us to make sure Team CDZ is reduced to a proper position of humility.

If the Amazonian Nation thinks this is an acceptable proposal, please provide us with your terms so we can consider them. If we enter an alliance with an agreement, our nation will abide by the terms at all costs, as our integrity and honour are our most valued possession.
CDZ's army is pathetic, and certainly no match for Q. Also, I am worried that Q might quit if we say no, because their only real hope at this point is to conquer CDZ. So maybe now is the time to let CDZ get elimminated.:dunno: What do you all think?
I think that in our best interest it is to keep the status quo. But as we already won this game, we can still make some more drama to ourselves :)

While speaking about Q quitting if we disapprove their attack on CDZ, I think that CDZ will also quit if they are attacked by Q and for sure if we support Q.

I think CDZ were reliable and honest ally of team Amazon in the last and previous wars and we most probably would have lost against Sirius if CDZ were not supporting us. I think that we still have some of their units in our army. On the other hand, if we were bowed to Sirius or we were agreed to their proposed "we get Q, you get CDZ" scenario, CDZ would still be in big troubles months ago. This said, I think that CDZ dont deserve we to backstab them by attacking them in open or supporting Q. I think we must first return their units and then ask Q to warn CDZ in advance that they intend to attack them. And then stay absolutely neutral, keeping all our ETTT duties of sharing techs, etc.

As hard it will be in any case hard - we will finish losing Q or CDZ at the end - if we allow the war or if we dont allow it - so this is lose-lose situation (when speaking of feelings hurt) I think we still can try to be as neutral as we can possibly be.

After all, I am not sure what we must do.
At some point in past we informed CDZ of a point at which our treaty obligations would end. That might be something to relook at.

I agree we can't pick sides in this and like the idea of having Q inform CDZ of its intentions. Will make it a semi fair fight but one Q still has good odds of winning.
Any new developments on this? This is a very hard situation to resolve. With our might, perhaps we can, like Sommer said, act like judges in this war between Q and CDZ. Make sure it's a "fair fight" or something...
We need to make a decision on this as it has been a few days. I am as undecided as everyone else, unusual for me, but its mostly because I think we will win regardless. IMO, Q WILL attack CDZ. It is inevitable, and they would be fools not to do so because they are being crushed by CDZs culture, and CDZs military is far far weaker than theirs. So to me our options seem like:

1. Give Q our blessing to attack and join them by taking the rest of MHI, followed by Troisland, while they take Hoag and CDZHI. CDZ is elimminated, and socralynek is grateful to be put out of his lonely misery;)

2. Give our blessing to attack CDZ but stay out of it, Q probably takes Hoag, for sure, maybe Troisland too and CDZHI. We finish CDZ off on MHI.

On the other hand maybe CDZ fights back and keeps their other lands and Q only gets Hoag. CDZ drops out of ETTT, maybe allies with Sirius, maybe quits :(.

3. Don't give our blessing, say we prefer status quo, and see what happens.

Any other possibilities?
To my understanding, Q are not trying to kill completely CDZ, they said something like "They will get the place they deserve" which I read like - they will be left alive with the land and position in the score, according to their army - if they dont have army to defend, then they dont deserve their belongings.

Can we ask Sokralynnek how he feels? We might be worrying too much about destroying CDZ, while he might feel keeping playing as a heavy burden to him?

I dont see how we can ask polite though :( "Are going to eat that?"
No matter how it shapes out it will end up being a violation of the ETTT if we don't act we can assume that tech sharing will fall apart. Are we at a point where we can hang with Sirius on technology? Otherwise this would give them an opportunity to stop sharing tech.

If we are confident in our standing I say we tell Q that we do not approve and have warned CDZ of the attack. Also say we will return units CDZ gifted to us.

I do not think we should actively intervene to support either side in a shooting war. We could tell Q this or leave it out to be ambiguous.

I think an ideal outcome would be Q hits CDZ and after they roll over Hoag and are moving into Troisland Sirius sees a chance to hit CDZ. At this point Sirius and CDZ would be fairly evenly matched. Sirius probably would get the upper hand, but the final out come is every other team having lots of burned cities whist we race ahead.
No matter how it shapes out it will end up being a violation of the ETTT if we don't act we can assume that tech sharing will fall apart. Are we at a point where we can hang with Sirius on technology? Otherwise this would give them an opportunity to stop sharing tech.
I was thinking about this too, but it is not exactly necessary to end up with someone stopping tech sharing. If we say clear to all involved that WE DO EXPECT them to keep sharing technologies, as otherwise they are violating the ETTT and thus giving us a reason to join the fight, I think the other teams will just shut down tech for the duration of the war, and no one will dare to stop share techs with us. Sirius is the latest sad example about what happens to those, who deny us techs for one or for other reason :D

If we are confident in our standing I say we tell Q that we do not approve and have warned CDZ of the attack. Also say we will return units CDZ gifted to us.
Not exactly that we dont approve - we just dont want to take side. Also we want a fair fight, so we want Q themselves to warn CDZ :) And the loaned CDZ units to be returned to them in such a moment when they will need it is some very logical and fair thing to do. Dont you all agree?

I do not think we should actively intervene to support either side in a shooting war. We could tell Q this or leave it out to be ambiguous.
Yes, after all - they were both our allies in the last war and were also always fair to us, so we cant take side.

I think an ideal outcome would be Q hits CDZ and after they roll over Hoag and are moving into Troisland Sirius sees a chance to hit CDZ. At this point Sirius and CDZ would be fairly evenly matched. Sirius probably would get the upper hand, but the final out come is every other team having lots of burned cities whist we race ahead.

You mean Q instead of CDZ in the second and the third mentioning, right? :

I think an ideal outcome would be Q hits CDZ and after they roll over Hoag and are moving into Troisland Sirius sees a chance to hit Q. At this point Sirius and Q would be fairly evenly matched. Sirius probably would get the upper hand, but the final out come is every other team having lots of burned cities whist we race ahead.

If so, then yes, we will be the island of the peace, while all the other are smashing each- other. I would hate such a passive stance, as it is against the all what I am, but well - we are trying to win a MTDG here, not to play the world's police, right?
You know very well that I am never hesitating to fight. ;) But it is silly to give up the sure win just for the thrill of another battle.

I will tell Caledorn this:
Hey Caledorn,

The team is still deciding what to do. You last message is being hotly debated. Some want to remain loyal to Q and join Q's fight against CDZ. But some want to remain loyal to our old war buddies, CDZ, and warn them of Q's impending attack. Some are insisting that Q at least warn CDZ ahead of time that they will be attacking.

Some want to get involved, and some want to stay out of it, but one thing on everyone's mind is the ETTT. As you are aware, the ETTT contains no NAP, so you have to keep sharing tech even while you are at war. What are your thoughts on this?

Caledorn promises to respect the ETTT and gift tech no matter what. Also, just got this message. CDZ and Q are racing to United Nations and Hollywood.:(

I want us to get both of these. Can we beat them both? UN is more important.
Caledorn said:

We have noticed that Team CDZ are producing Hollywood in the city of Or Here. This is not acceptable for us, as this will make the situation on Hoag even more difficult, so I have set Continuum to produce the Hollywood. It will complete in 9 turns, while Or Here will complete it in 11 turns.

I have also set up Resonance to build the United Nations.

Please inform me if Team Amazon claims either of these wonders - and if you claim Hollywood please give me reassurances that your team can and will complete it before Team CDZ does, as it is critical to Team Quatronia that Team CDZ does not build Hollywood in Or Here.

Thank you :)
:) You guys will like this one:

Before seeing this I was playing our turn and we got Mass Media from CDZ. I set in Vandal UN to be built. It will be ready in 3.

Then I looked for another high hammer city to build Hollywood. But then I queued it in Vandal after the UN. Guess what - they BOTH will be ready in 7 turns, 2 turns before anyone else can make any of those :D
:D Yeah, quite discouraging.

Not as much as sinking 2 times big fleets in heavy guarded port I guess, but still quite embarrassing :D
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