Embassy to Team Quatronia

Sommerswerd said:
We DoWed Sirius. If you get this msg before the end of the turn (in about 1 hour) please quickly log in and kill that one unit that is left in their Harbour closest to your capital. If you kill the one cavalry that is left there, it will sink all their transports. If not coordinate with our General 2metraninja who is doing the battle tactics. Good luck to the ETTT. Death to the Sirian traitors.:)

The above went out to cavscout via PM
I put a lot of things to be slaved this turn - like 6-7 cannons mostly.

We need a letter to Cav Scout, telling him what happened and what is the current situation. We maybe need to send him screenshots of their transport fleet. I strongly do hope Sirius will try to evacuate their army from QHI with transports, but they can only load them in those transports this turn and have to spend a turn in the open sea before unloading at Starland. If Q use all their destroyers to attack the Sirius fleet, they are doomed. On the other hand, if they dont, then I guess we are doomed :D

I will tell him but he does not seem to want to obey us, caring only for saving his 14 cannons. Saving them for what? I don't know:dunno: since exactly now is what cannons are for, to pulverize a stack sitting on open plain outside your capital.
Hey cav,

If Sirius retreats you will have one chance to sink their transports before they land back on Comet. Please don't let them escape, as our side will lose if that army makes it back to the mainland.
Got this PM from cavscout:
cav scout said:
With a 9-destroyer escort I had no chance of taking out all of the Sirian transports. I was able to get 2 of them (hopefully with cargo onboard) after sinking 7 of the escort destroyers and crippling the other 2.

I have provided a screenshot showing the naval barrier I put up with my destroyers after the battle. I haven't finished positioning all my ships yet but you guys get the jist of my plan to keep them away from "comet" next turn. They will either re-land their stack or sacrifice some transports to try to force a break out. I think I might open an outlet for them through the tile next to Continuum so they can try to escape (they'd most likely head for "hoag" but if they landed I would kill their stack that turn).

I can only play between 0200-0600 gmt during the workweek so it would be difficult to coordinate any sort of real time in-game action. I'm also pretty limited to the amount of time I can dedicate to the game as a whole so please bear with me if i'm not as responsive as might be desirable during the war.

Thats another great news indeed! So we are in fact in active 3vs1 situation and this Sirius uber monster is going to bleed lavishly.


This means that Cav do care for our allied victory and is willing to cooperate. Also it seems he is encouraged by our Declaration of War and active fighting.

Lets hope Sirius will land their units back at QHI, but it is not very possible. I think they will fight their way out and land on Comet.


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This is not gonna happen most likely as Sirius play first in the next turn and most probably they will break the blockade and run, or they will unload at QHI again and then try to break the blockade.
But breaking the blockade will cause losses for Sirius, right? Their remaining two destroyers are heavily damaged and their transports vs. Q's destroyers should at least cost (depending on the final position of Q's destroyers) 2-4 transports.
I can't imagine that Sirius would land back on QHI. If they did, they risk losing their whole stack plus losing their transports and Destroyers. At least if they run the blockade they save most of their stack and transports and maybe a couple destroyers too. TBH, if I was them I would suicide the wounded Destroyers, and the empty transports to get the full ones back to Comet to save their Bode cities and home island. They have to realize that Q has Naval superiority now, so those Destroyers are useless to them.

Should we board the Galleons and try to land and raze their home Island while Q lands on Bode from the West? I guess it depends on what Sirius does. I was favoring hurting their production, but without their forts, they can't Chase us to their defenseless home island and we would cripple their tech if we razed it.
Q destroyers are damaged too - it will take 1 or at most 2 Sirius transports to kill one of the Q destroyers and all the Sirius transports to run away. But yes - this still will cost them losses. If all their transporters are full, they will unload the MGs to the shore (if they happen to be in one and the same transport and then use the empty transport to attack the most damaged Q destroyer. Then they run as fast as they can.
I was favoring hurting their production, but without their forts, they can't Chase us to their defenseless home island and we would cripple their tech if we razed it.
I like this idea the most, given we manage to protect our galleons. Sirius have at least 4 destroyers north of Anjennida.
Just sent a PM to Cav Scout as I saw him online:

2metraninja said:
Hey, Cav,

Great job with the navy!

Currently we are discussing few possible ways of action for our alliance - one of them being Amazons head for the Sirius Home Island and you heading and conquering the lightly defended Mavericks Home Island - we have visibility of all the Sirius cities and they have no other army than this on the transports and this on Comet.

Will keep in touch.

A random thought but could we use espionage to "help" Q switch civics? I don't think they would suffer anarchy that way and if we have civics they want that could be a helpful trick.
Sent this PM to cav scout:
cav scout said:
With a 9-destroyer escort I had no chance of taking out all of the Sirian transports. I was able to get 2 of them (hopefully with cargo onboard) after sinking 7 of the escort destroyers and crippling the other 2.
Hey cav,

So it seems that Sirius has retreated from your home island following our DoW, so what are your invasion plans?

You could sail to the Western tip of Bode and land there. The defenses on Bode are non- existant right now, single Warriors, Archers, Xbows in cities, stuff like that. Of course by the time you get there some of these will have drafted/upgraded Infantry, but if you hurry, they can only raise a few defenders.

You could chase the Sirians to Comet which would basically pin their forces there and free us to keep trying to raze them off of the mainland.

Or you could sail around and try to take their home island which has about 6 defenders on it. You could also sail to Mavs island which has a Rifle in each city. Just remember that they switched to Nationalism and will start drafting Infantry next turn, so it is a race against the clock to take as much as we can from them before they have drafted a good defense.

I noticed you are teching Communism... What's that about? Why not Artillery or Assembly Line? CDZ is teching Flight. We are building gold for upgrades, so we probably wont be able to steal a tech from Sirius anytime soon.

I was just logged in with you, but by the time I noticed, you had logged out. Talk to you soon.

Oh and Q did switch to slavery afterall.:)
Oh and Q did switch to slavery afterall.
They are in slavery for quite some time. I noticed you keep saying they are not slaving and wanted to correct you each time, but just something else came and I forget.
Got this PM from cavscout. It seems Q are also wanting to save $ for upgrades. But our alliance desperately needs Artillery and Assembly line too, so I am not sure what to do about this as we still have many upgrades to do :dunno:

EDIT: Oops I forgot to put the PM in the post:blush:
cav scout said:
Just killed their 1 transport and 1 destroyer at sea at the loss of 1 of our destroyers.

We have enough troops on our home island to safely garrison it even if Sirius tries to land there again. So we are sending an expeditionary force of 12 cannons and 16 rifles around the comet cape. Not sure where we will land yet but the Mav home island would be a good initial target to take out. We could then put pressure on Bode or their home island.

Tech wise the last we heard was that you were gonna go assembly line and steal artillery via espy and cdz was doing flight. So we just put communism as a place holder to generate cash for upgrades. We need infantry and artillery asap so whoever is in the best position to tech them should right away.

Last time I checked it seemed to me it will cost us some 2000 gold to steal Artillery. Make it 2500 with the increased Sirius espionage level (they are using the slider). This is 3 or 4 turns at 100% espionage for us.

But I think we need more Infantry, as we can draft Infantries and not Artillery.

Still thinking on it, TBH.
Sent this to Cav Scout:

2metraninja said:
Hey, Cav!

I managed to raze 2 more Sirius cities and for now it is just stalemate on Starland. We dont care too much for our cities on Comet, so we are not even trying to defend them.

However, we must use our temporary naval advantage. I am moving our fleet and army to strike Sirius where they are not prepared. Meet you at Maverick Home Island in 4 turns ;) Then we sail our combined fleet to Sirius Home Island. I will bring like 8-9 destroyers and 30 seaborne land units. Combined with yours, Sirius stand no chance of defending as they have like 1 unit per city right in this moment. If we capture those two islands, I think the war is almost won.

To add to this, Sirius foolishly kept one of our cities on Comet - Shamoo Pointe - and now we are able to steal techs from them at a cost of ~2500 gold each converted in our espionage machine. I had put all of our GNP to Espionage and we hopefully will have Artillery AND Infantry techs in 5-6 turns. If you can spare some gold, we think it is best used to give it to us to speed up stealing those vital technologies and just then start to upgrade to Artilleries and Infantries. Only upgrading to destroyers is worth at this moment, as we MUST keep our naval superiority. I am even asking you to start slaving destroyers in all of your cities. We are doing the same. If we fail at the sea, for us 3 there is no future, for which we to think.

After all, it seems like some light in the end of this dark deep Sirius tunnel, eh? ;)

Do you need updated screenshots?

Keep in touch.

Yet dont know - I am going to play our turn tonight, but I got this message the next day:

cav scout said:
Excellent news! We can help out with cash for tech steals and upgrades but without oil we can't whip any more destroyers (a shame because we have 4 cities with drydocks and one with a military instructor as well).

Our expeditionary force is just west of our home island. It consists of 7 transports with 5 wounded destroyers escorting. We have 12 cannons and 16 rifles (including a super medic) embarked.

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