cav scout said:
With a 9-destroyer escort I had no chance of taking out all of the Sirian transports. I was able to get 2 of them (hopefully with cargo onboard) after sinking 7 of the escort destroyers and crippling the other 2.
Hey cav,
So it seems that Sirius has retreated from your home island following our DoW, so what are your invasion plans?
You could sail to the Western tip of Bode and land there. The defenses on Bode are non- existant right now, single Warriors, Archers, Xbows in cities, stuff like that. Of course by the time you get there some of these will have drafted/upgraded Infantry, but if you hurry, they can only raise a few defenders.
You could chase the Sirians to Comet which would basically pin their forces there and free us to keep trying to raze them off of the mainland.
Or you could sail around and try to take their home island which has about 6 defenders on it. You could also sail to Mavs island which has a Rifle in each city. Just remember that they switched to Nationalism and will start drafting Infantry next turn, so it is a race against the clock to take as much as we can from them before they have drafted a good defense.
I noticed you are teching Communism... What's that about? Why not Artillery or Assembly Line? CDZ is teching Flight. We are building gold for upgrades, so we probably wont be able to steal a tech from Sirius anytime soon.
I was just logged in with you, but by the time I noticed, you had logged out. Talk to you soon.