Embassy to Team Quatronia

I am here. Waiting for Sommers to compose a message to Q regarding their desire for war with CDZ.
Sent to Q:
Hey Caledorn,

As you know, we have built United Nations and Hollywood. We know that this was not your first choice, but hopefully you are happy that CDZ did not get them. Sorry for not telling you this earlier, but the Team concern were twofold. First, as I told you before, the team does not take kindly to you trying to claim 2 wonders at the same time. Second, we prefer to keep our wonder plans secret, once there is a race to get them. Discussing a few turns ahead of time BEFORE the wonders become available is one thing, but once the race is on, it is akward to announce that we are in the race. Net time tell us a few turns before the wonder becomes available so we have time to talk about it and discuss it.

Also sent this... A little bit heavy-handed, now that I look at it again, but still, we need to let them know what the score is ;). They cant dictate to us, its the other way around. Am I right?
Caledorn said:
if you claim Hollywood please give me reassurances that your team can and will complete it before Team CDZ does
Just a friendly reminder... we really wanted Rock N Roll and we could have beaten CDZ to it easily. So we were very worried that CDZ would beat you to it, but we never asked you for "reassurances" that you could beat CDZ to it as a condition of us letting you go for it uncontested by us, so it is kind of dissapointing for you to be demanding "assurances" from us.:(
Wonders or no... it does not make much difference.

Way more important is how we (and Q) handles the war with CDZ. We should make our stance on the case.
Got 2 responses from Caledorn:
Caledorn said:
Hey there Sommerswerd,

I am not unhappy at all about this - in fact I am most pleased! :) My single and only concern was that CDZ not get Hollywood. It was never my intention to try to claim either of these wonders for the team, as it would have been very greedy of me to propose or even think that Team Q could lay claim to so many of the great wonders of the present time. The Eiffel Tower was a great boon to us, and we are very grateful that Team Amazon allowed us this wonder, so do not worry that anyone on our team is unhappy or displeased about you building the United Nations (where you got our vote promptly for the Secretary General), nor Hollywood. :) I hope you and the team understands that I expected you to build both wonders, and that my intention was never to lay claim to either of them.

Thank you for the reminder about the wonder races. I will inform you if there comes a wonder that Team Q would like in the future, but I do not expect you to do the same back, so don't worry or feel obliged to give away more information than what you are comfortable with.
So essentially all they want is to keep CDZ from getting Wonders, they dont care whether we get them or they get them.
Caledorn said:
Please understand - this was written in desperation, and was not intended as an unfriendly or rude remark. CDZ building Rock'n'Roll was either a lucky string for them, or extremely careful planning of the Great People situations as they got a Great Engineer that could complete it for them. I apologize profoundly for any slight or rudeness my message my have contained, and I hope your nation understands that I never intended to come across as rude or demanding in any way at all!
FYI, Pulsar Plateau is almost totally overrun by CDZ culture on Hoag and they are still building wonders all around it. CDZ obviously wants to claim all the tiles they can on Hoag, maybe even flip the city:dunno: who knows. But one thing is certain, Q will eventually declare war on CDZ to take control of Hoag. It's just a question of when.

We need to get nukes banned before Q and CDZ go to war. As long as nukes are banned, no one can stop us from getting a space or cultural victory. We just need to make our first UN resolution to ban nukes and then we will have smooth sailing to victory. Only thing is to get Q to agree not to move against CDZ until AFTER nukes get banned. Q and CDZ are both stacking military on Hoag now, preparing for the showdown:eek:

:lol: It is sort of funny to think back to when the whole ETTT was about to break up around the Q/CDZ Cold War over that Great Artist from Music. Back then, I wrote them a long letter telling them that Pulsar Plateau was a provocative "abomination" and it was going to eventually cause a war between them. And now it seems, it finally will:rolleyes:
Just got this from Q. Basically, they intend to attack CDZ unless CDZ gives them Orhere and erehrO. Obviously this is a ridiculous proposal that CDZ would never agree to since those are two of CDZ's best cities. What that means is Q and CDZ will be at war soon. Q is asking us again to be their allies against CDZ.
Caledorn said:
Greetings to Team Amazon from your friends in Team Quatronia!

We are still looking forward to your response to our suggested alliance, but we understand that this is a difficult matter to take up a position towards, and as such understand that it needs to be carefully considered before reaching a conclusion. We would like to give you a little update on the current situation with the hope that helps reaching a decision sooner.

First of all, and this is a big blooper on my behalf: I forgot to mention the fact that we have tried to approach CDZ to remedy the current situation on Hoag peacefully. I sent them a letter a long while ago asking them about their intentions with pushing Pulsar Plateau with the cultural borders of Or Here and ereH rO. CDZ responded by telling us that they most certainly did not have any intentions of flipping Pulsar Plateau, and that if that should happen they would return the city. This made us relax a bit.

However, they followed up this message by building Rock'N'Roll in Or Here, and the cultural control of the tiles around Pulsar Plateau was flipped to CDZian control one by one, resulting in us having to move in a significant military prescence in Pulsar Plateau to keep the city under Quatronian control. If not for that military prescence, the city might possibly already have flipped. Now, add to that their intention of building Hollywood in Or Here as well, and their socalled peaceful intentions of not attempting to flip Pulsar Plateau is obviously a dishonest attempt at buying themselves more time. Team Quatronia is, as stated in our previous missive, very happy that Team Amazon built Hollywood!

It is also important to note that because of the situation around Pulsar Plateau, we have had to funnel substantial amounts of cash into culture. This has resulted in us pressuring the southernmost CDZian city on Hoag as a consequence, since the high amounts of cash we have put into culture has resulted in Resonance outputting a substantial amount of culture as well as Pulsar Plateau. Normally, we would have avoided a situation like that at all costs, as we are a peaceful nation who does not want to needlessly pressure our good neighbours - but in this current situation this is a regrettable consequence, and we cannot really say that CDZ is behaving as good neighbours towards us. The city may eventually flip to Q control, and I am not sure that our team wishes to return it to CDZian control based on how much problems they have obviously intententionally caused us on Hoag.

The only peaceful solution that we can see to the current situation that will avoid a war is if CDZ grants control of the cities of Or Here and ereH rO to Q. If, by your intervention, Team Amazon manages to achieve convincing Team CDZ that this is a necessary act, then war can most certainly be avoided. Team Q would obviously be very grateful to you if you are able to help us avoid a war, as we do not wish a war. However, we do not, in the current situation on Hoag, see any other options except war - which is highly regrettable!

In a case of war, Team Q primarily wishes to protect our interests only, which entails capturing the cities on Hoag to relieve the cultural pressure on our nation. We will be open to peace negotiations as soon as the current situation is resolved, without trying to capture any more of the CDZian territory, unless of course you - hopefully as our valued allies - decide another course of action is more appropriate. We will be totally open to your input and opinions in regards to what a possible war should entail, and how severe it should be. In case of a war, we will pit our full military force into the war, both to protect our and your interests to our full ability.

With the recent build of the United Nations, Team Amazon was given the unconditional vote of Team Quatronia for the Secretary General position. We expect, as per the agreement that you asked for in regards to nukes, that your first UN proposal will be the banning of nukes. Please know that we will welcome this proposal and vote Yes to a ban on nuclear weapons unconditionally.

Lastly, I would also like to let you know that we have honoured your request to us where you asked us to funnel away espionage focus from your nation to the other nations. All our spies have been redirected to the nations of CDZ and Sirius, and their main focus will be the nation of CDZ as soon as city visibility has been obtained with the nation of Sirius. Please consider this a gesture of good faith from us, in addition to being a thank you for letting us build the Eiffel Tower and attempt to build Rock'n'Roll, as we wish to show you that we intend to be your friends, and also close allies if you desire that as well.
EDIT: Notice also that they finally agreed to stop espy on us :D
One more example of the Somerserdian diplomacy :D

With the hardening the tone, not only they say something against it, but they actually try harder to convince us they are friends with us. Not that they have choice, but still... Well done Sommers.

Now we have to reply them about the war. I guess we gifting back all CDZ units and asking Q to forewarn CDZ 1-2-3 turns?

Banning on the nukes will make for peace of our mind indeed before the war broke out.
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