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English Leader?

Who should be the leader of the English?

  • Alfred the Great

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Edward I

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Henry VIII

    Votes: 6 7.4%
  • Elizabeth I

    Votes: 28 34.6%
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Sir Robert Walpole

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Duke of Wellington

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Queen Victoria

    Votes: 7 8.6%
  • Sir Winston Churchill

    Votes: 24 29.6%
  • Other (please post suggestion)

    Votes: 2 2.5%

  • Total voters

Pangur Bán

Jan 19, 2002
They seem to change the leader of the English with every civ-type game, so I have set up this thread to provide discussion on the matter. I guess what leader you vote for depends on what era you most admire or have an interest in. I have reluctantly included Queen Victoria even though she was only a figurehead rather than a ruler. The reason is that she does represent English (or British ) power at acme. My personal choice is Edward I, because of his personal genius and his ambition, although Cromwell and Walpole are extremely close behind.
I chose PM Winston Churchill. It'd be funny to see him in the game chomping on his cigar and nodding his fat pudgy head, or getting pissed and glaring at you.

He was important even after WWII, as he was on the other side of India's independence shouting it down.
Me? I went with good ol' Alfred, I mean there's a reason he was the only English King given the title, 'the Great'.
Being English myself, I went for Elizabeth. Her reign witnessed so many important changes that propelled England from being a European backwater to something larger, like the defeat of the armada, the establishment and consolidation of protestantism, etc.

Btw, Cromwell should at least be a great leader.
All good choices listed.

My thought was what leader best characterizes the civilization -- mythical, or historical? Who is the most fun?

If I had to choose the most colorful of the English list, Churchhill is definitely at the top. He has so many great quotes. His famous conversations with Lady Astor are typical:

Lady Astor (to Winston): Sir, if you were my husband I would poison your drink.
Winston (to Lady Astor): Madam, if you were my wife I would drink it.

Lady Astor (to Winston): Sir, You are drunk.
Winston (to Lady Astor): Madam, You are ugly. However, tommorow I shall be sober.

There are alot of others.

Also, he does have great expressions -- some of the old newreels showing him angry, laughing. Definitely more fun at a party than Elizabeth, the virgin queen!

The assertion in the forst post of this thread that "Civ" changes the English leader each time is wrong.

Civ I = Elizabeth I

Civ2: Male = Henry VIII and Female = Elizabeth I

Civ3: Elizabeth I

No inconsistency!
Granted, this assertion would have been wrong if anyone had made it, but the assertion was actually that "they seem to change the leader of the English with every civ-type game", not that
"Civ" changes the English leader each time
In the ctp games the leaders are Churchill and Elizabeth - that leads to 3 contenders. I've only ever played civ2, civ3 and ctp, so you can understand my feeling.
I don't think that there can be much debate about Elizabeth being the best female contender but whether or not she is the best overall contender is more questionable.
CTP doesn't count...I bought both CTP I & II and they were lifeless. All they need do to have "individual" civs was change the text!

Even civ2 gave a picture and a gay animated herald -CIV I meetings with leaders is the best still!
My choices, in order, would be:

Queen Elizabeth I (she made the empire possible)

Queen Victoria (she led the empire to it's apex)

Prime Minister Churchill (he saved the empire from destruction)
Churchill arguably caused the destruction of the British Empire by not accepting peace with Hitler. NOT THAT THAT WAS A BAD THING!
whatever happened to Edward III and Henry V??

But my favourite King of England is... James I!!!

No not really. It's Cromwell.

Long live the Republic!! Death to Monarchs! etc..
Cromwell setup a military dictatorship eventually...
Originally posted by Talar
What about king Arthur? :) [/

The King Arthur story has a lot of fiction to it, and there is A LOT we don't know about him:confused: :crazyeyes ....still interesting to say the least if Activision did use him :egypt:
The one thing we do know about him is that he would not have been English. The Welsh had him as a hero-king who fought against the English. So this really rules him out of contention to be leader of the English. :D
Originally posted by calgacus
The one thing we do know about him is that he would not have been English. The Welsh had him as a hero-king who fought against the English. So this really rules him out of contention to be leader of the English. :D

He couldn't have been English in any event, because the English didn't exist at that time. The hodgepodge of ethnic groups that would one day melt together to become "English" was still arriving. At that time, you had a bunch of somewhat Romanized Celts being invaded by assorted Germanic tribes and Danes.
Elfstone...a military dictatorship doesn't really come under the heading "long live the Republic". He was a bad man, but a good thing as "1066 and all that" surely stated!
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