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Enhanced User Interface v1.29i

v1.17RC3 works as advertised in Vanilla and in an extended session with around 125+ whoward mods, City State Diplomacy, Diplomatic Features, Cultural Diffusion and several other small mods installed.

One question though. Why tie the adviser buttons display to the adviser level. Someone new to say just BNW probably would not need the buttons but might want the adviser messages on. Why not just make it a check box on the options screen?
Sorry for the back to back post.

One small request. I use the small scale interface. Is there any way to scale down the Top Panel Tech popup on mouseover. It is absolutely huge on even on a 27" monitor.
why not just make it a check box on the options screen?
scale down the Top Panel Tech popup on mouseover
Both are possible, but require time i may not have
Having a problem where the city screen isn't showing production, any ideas?
Edit: based on your screenshot, you just founded the city, and it is expecting production selection (click on one of the items in the list). Perhaps it could say something more explicit...
Probably a mod conflit: check for a mod which includes a modified "CityView.lua" script.

Sadly no. I'm not using any mods, and just to be sure I checked my MODS folder for "CityView.lua" but none of my mods modified this. Also thanks for the super quick reply.
Yep, just me being an idiot. Didn't realise that production is now showing above the production queue Thanks a lot for the help, really appreciate the speedy replies. Awesome DLC by the way, makes things so much easier :)
Suggestion: After a DOF would it be possible to display both Bank money AND gpt next to AI portrait. Right now it's gpt when neutral and gold when DOF but sometimes they have 0 in the bank and you still want to sell them stuff for gpt.
Ok, so why doesn't it show for all the units?
For that matter why show it at all if it is only telling me what it comes from not what it replaces?
The required information here shouldn't be the unit it upgrades from but rather the unit this UU replaces.
Some mods may change the base unittype of the UU so having it displayed correctly here, despite what any erroneous help text might show at the bottom of the tooltip might say, is required. Even if there isn't a mod change to the unit, showing what it replaces is mandatory, IMO.

I can't get to the source code at the moment to look, but I would assume a check of GameInfo.Civilization_UnitClassOverrides would give the needed info.

Edit: Just noticed this didn't appear under the reply I was expecting and now looks a little out-of-place. The phone interface isn't as clear as it could be.
This is in relation to the Tooltip discussion with the line about "Replaces:".

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I've been playing with your newest version (EUI v1.17RC3) all day and the only thing that I noticed was that when one of my cities has a border pop. I'm not able the left click on the popup and it take me to where the border pop happened and I know that I use to be able to that.
the only thing that I noticed was that when one of my cities has a border pop. I'm not able the left click on the popup and it take me to where the border pop happened
It seems this problem is linked to "Civ IV Diplomacy Features Mod" and/or the merged DLL with Civ IV inside
This would be a tricky issue to investigate and requires knowledge of exact configuration, save game, Lua.log, etc... see OP
Could people please test the attached v1.17RC4 (release candidate)
  • Fixes bugs found in previous versions
  • Might fix bug with city growing announcements when using Civ V diplomacy mod or merged DLL
  • Tech tree eras correctly displayed with Hulfgars's mod - works only if mod's included "AttilaResourcesTooltip" (entire folder) and "TechTree.lua" (one file) are removed
  • Compatible with CSD v23 (see OP for instructions)
  • Civilization mouse over tooltips show active deals and trade routes, and remaining turns for friendships & denouncements correctly scale with game speed
  • Civilization ribbon now available in leader screens (if enabled)
    • can get diplomatic info about everyone while talking to a leader using civilization ribbon mouse over tooltips
    • can switch talking from one leader to another directly from within the leader screen by clicking on civilization ribbon icon, or return to the game by clicking on either your own icon or the one of the currently displayed leader (this function is disabled when your turn is not active, i.e. during other civilization's turns)
  • City view advisor build recommendation icons are now disabled when corresponding game options checkbox is unchecked (checked by default)

I love this mod! There's just one problem I'd like help fixing. The sound that plays when a city grows sounds very much like the call light at work (I'm a nurse). You can imagine I don't want to hear this noise at home. I can't figure out how to silence just that sound. Any tips?
[*]Might fix bug with city growing announcements when using Civ V diplomacy mod or merged DLL

Ooh, I'm definitely going to have to test this and see, as I found it slightly irritating that I couldn't use Cultural Diffusion with EUI and the merged DLL/CIV Diplo together because the border growth announcements didn't work correctly. Unless this is referring to a completely different issue, haha, but in any case I will let you know as it sounds like you weren't entirely sure it fixed this problem.
Could people please test the attached v1.17RC4 (release candidate)

VERY happy with the new feature of accessing diplo info from the trade screen - I was flirting with InfoAddict for just this feature, but I'd rather not have access to the other info it provides. Many thanks bc1! :)

I'm still playing Vanilla at the moment and I've noticed that there are issues with City States (I don't think this is a new problem with the latest release). I found EUI very early in my CiV career, so I wasn't all that familiar with what the standard CS interface looks like and what info/buttons it provides. Last night I took time to investigate.

The main problem is that the rate of influence change is not displayed - instead I see TXT_KEY_CSTATE_INFLUENCE_RATE. This is both in mouse over on the ribbon and in the city state popup (the current influence level needs to be non-zero to see this).

The city state popup says TXT_KEY_POP_CSTATE_QUESTS instead of "Quests" - a minor thing of course.

I also suspect that there is something odd related to pledge to protect. I have seen it saying that I am pledged to protect a CS where I never choose to do that, but I couldn't find a specific example in my current game [There is one CS I'm protecting, but they are an ally, and perhaps the protection is automatic in that case]. However I have seen a case where I had only just met a CS and it said I was protecting them. Just possibly, the reason I couldn't see any in my current game is that it goes away when I save/load. I'll try to keep an eye out for this in future so I can make a proper report. :blush:
The sound that plays when a city grows, I can't figure out how to silence just that sound. Any tips?
This sound is generated by the game core based on XML data with which I am not familiar. Tip = listen to your favorite music and turn off civ sounds in the option panel :D
with EUI and the merged DLL/CIV Diplo together the border growth announcements didn't work correctly, I will let you know as it sounds like you weren't entirely sure it fixed this problem
without any data (lua.log etc) the tentative fix is just a guess, feedback would be nice
VERY happy with the new feature of accessing diplo info from the trade screen - I was flirting with InfoAddict for just this feature, but I'd rather not have access to the other info it provides. Many thanks bc1! :)
thanks for sharing
playing Vanilla there are issues with City States, the rate of influence change is not displayed - instead I see TXT_KEY_CSTATE_INFLUENCE_RATE. The city state popup says TXT_KEY_POP_CSTATE_QUESTS instead of "Quests". There is something odd related to pledge to protect
I have not played vanilla since g&k came out, and no time to look for these kind of kinks. If you provide the list of TXT_KEY_... unsupported by vanilla, i can fix them, but this has to be a one shot effort. For the pledge stuff, it might be a game bug: if memory is correct pledge status is not displayed without EUI, at any rate a detailed description of expected behaviour would be needed before a fix can be envisaged

If you provide the list of TXT_KEY_... unsupported by vanilla, i can fix them, but this has to be a one shot effort. For the pledge stuff, it might be a game bug: if memory is correct pledge status is not displayed without EUI, at any rate a detailed description of expected behaviour would be needed before a fix can be envisaged


That would be great - next time I play (probably Sunday or Monday) I will spend some time searching for TXT_KEY displays (I'm not aware of any others at the moment). As for the pledge to protect issue, it's not a big deal, but I will let you know if I get to the bottom of it.

Thanks again.

BTW, the influence string isn't just the general text missing - the value is not displayed
Thanks for moving the adviser buttons to the option screen. v1.17RC4 seems to be working fine. The adviser button check box is buggy. If checked in game the adviser button check-mark does not stay marked and changes require a reload to take hold at least when turning them off. If turning them on they do show up in the production screen but again the check-mark has problems staying marked.

@ Inawordyes
I have no problems with Cultural Diffusion, City State Diplomacy, Diplomatic Features, EUI, and over 125+ whoward mods. Make sure you are not using mods that are incompatible from whoward such as notifications and I believe there are 2 others that cause problems see the OP. Only issue is you can not go from the notification tile to the actual tile expanded. I double and triple checked the install procedures from this thread and especially the OP. Oh, and use the latest DLL from whoward updated on the 26th of May.
The adviser button check box is buggy
thanks & fixed

Version 1.17 (May 29th, 2014)
  • Fixes bugs found in previous versions
  • Tech tree eras are correctly displayed with Hulfgars's mods - works only if mod's included "AttilaResourcesTooltip" (entire folder) and "TechTree.lua" (one file) are removed
  • Compatible with CSD v23 - only if you remove CSD's own CityView.lua and TopPanel.lua from its ...\Assets\UI\... folder (EUI DLC's CityView.lua and TopPanel.lua are compatible with CSD, the reverse is not true)
  • Civilization mouse over tooltips show active deals and trade routes, and remaining turns for friendships & denouncements correctly scale with game speed
  • Civilization ribbon now available within leader screens (if enabled)
    • can get diplomatic info about everyone while talking to a leader using civilization ribbon mouse over tooltips
    • can switch talking from one leader to another directly from within the leader screen by clicking on civilization ribbon icon, or return to the game by clicking on either your own icon or the one of the currently displayed leader (this function is disabled when your turn is not active, i.e. during other civilization's turns)
  • City view advisor build recommendation icons are now disabled when corresponding game options checkbox is unchecked (checked by default)

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