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Enhanced User Interface v1.29i

In the above cases, if I hover "start a golden age" then move to insta tech icon, tech icon will show golden age text. If I hover manufactory then swap to scientist and hover tech, it will show manufactory. The same applies in any combination.
Yep, turns out that's another bug related to BNW-exclusive things. Seems like quite a bit of stuff in EUI wasn't actually tested in vanilla, or if it was effectively playtested by players, it wasn't reported.

The behavior you described happens whenever the code that creates the tooltip crashes, so instead the last successfully generated tooltip is shown. In the great people actions case, it's due to the fact that the tooltips try to use functions that give the amount of science/production/city-state influence/Portuguese Nau unit XP for these actions, but those were only added in BNW.

All of this makes me think that there are probably other bugs that you simply haven't stumbled upon yet... But in case you're particularly bothered by the ones you've discovered, you could utilize these modifications (however, all the tooltip will show for most of these now is the descriptive text, no useful numbers):
Spoiler UI_bc1\zEUI\EUI_tooltip_server.lua :
        -- Sell Exotic Goods -- bnw only
        elseif actionType == "MISSION_SELL_EXOTIC_GOODS" then

            insert( toolTip, L"TXT_KEY_MISSION_SELL_EXOTIC_GOODS_HELP" )
            if isCiv5BNW and gameCanHandleAction then
                insert( toolTip, "----------------" )
                insert( toolTip, "+" .. unit:GetExoticGoodsGoldAmount() .. "[ICON_GOLD]" )
                insert( toolTip, L( "TXT_KEY_EXPERIENCE_POPUP", unit:GetExoticGoodsXPAmount() ) )

        -- Great Scientist, bnw only
        elseif actionType == "MISSION_DISCOVER" then

            insert( toolTip, L"TXT_KEY_MISSION_DISCOVER_TECH_HELP" )
            if isCiv5BNW and gameCanHandleAction then
                insert( toolTip, "----------------" )
                insert( toolTip, "+" .. unit:GetDiscoverAmount() .. "[ICON_RESEARCH]" )

        -- Great Engineer, bnw only
        elseif actionType == "MISSION_HURRY" then

            insert( toolTip, L"TXT_KEY_MISSION_HURRY_PRODUCTION_HELP" )
            if isCiv5BNW and gameCanHandleAction then
                insert( toolTip, "----------------" )
                insert( toolTip, "+" .. unit:GetHurryProduction(unitPlot) .. "[ICON_PRODUCTION]" )

        -- Great Merchant, bnw only
        elseif actionType == "MISSION_TRADE" then

            insert( toolTip, L"TXT_KEY_MISSION_CONDUCT_TRADE_MISSION_HELP" )
            if gameCanHandleAction then
                insert( toolTip, "----------------" )
                if isCiv5BNW then
                    insert( toolTip, "+" .. unit:GetTradeInfluence(unitPlot) .. "[ICON_INFLUENCE]" )
                insert( toolTip, "+" .. unit:GetTradeGold(unitPlot) .. "[ICON_GOLD]" )
I guess for the happiness per policy bug, one could use the "TXT_KEY_SOCIALPOLICY_HEADING1_TITLE" localization key instead of "TXT_KEY_VP_POLICIES" in "UI_bc1\ToolTips\InfoTooltipInclude.lua".
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Does anyone know if EUI works with Rhye's and Fall? I don't want to bother him with a request to play it just yet, but I've noticed in the screenshots that no one has been using EUI. Could be coincidence, could be intended. Would be a little unfortunate if I couldn't use EUI with it.
Can Religions simply use the color of their civilizations? This way, you won't have two reds next to one another.
I want to force this into the next update of Vox Populi. Anybody else with me?
Florence is bugged - when you open it's panel (including the moment of the first meeting) game crashes.

Can be fixed by turning off city-state leader icons.

Maybe anybody knows better solution? City state leaders are fun...
I had the same crash. If you are playing in Russian, the problem is with several letters with accents in the file CSL_text_ru_ru.xml
Spoiler mod file CSL_text_ru_ru.xml :

line 120
<Replace Tag="TXT_KEY_CSL_LEADER_MINOR_CIV_FLORENCE"> <Text>Лоре́нцо ди Пьеро де Ме́дичи «Великоле́пный»</Text> </Replace>

line 124
<Replace Tag="TXT_KEY_CSL_LEADER_MINOR_CIV_GENEVA"> <Text>Пастор Жан Кальви́н</Text> </Replace>

line 188
<Replace Tag="TXT_KEY_CSL_LEADER_MINOR_CIV_LISBON"> <Text>Королева Мари́я I Тюдо́р "Кровавая Мэри"</Text> </Replace>

line 319
<Replace Tag="TXT_KEY_CSL_LEADER_MINOR_CIV_TYRE"> <Text>Царь Хирам I Великий̆</Text> </Replace>
Hello, I was hoping someone here can help answer a few questions.

1. I have an issue where after playing fine with the mod, I'll open and close the game throughout the day) and I have no issue with crash's. But after some time I will crash almost instantly after starting the game. This has happened twice and I fine it really annoying. If anyone has a fix let me know.

2. How do I enable the feature from vanilla where I can hover over a tile and see the info for that tile, like if its a hill or whatever.
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