• Elven workrate malus removed
• Balseraph Worldspell goes to normal length golden age (from double length)
• Warrens have -1gpt (I believe they already had this)
• Puppets have 0 str (from 2)
• Foreign Trade has +10% trade commerce (from 25%)
• Governor's Manor goes back to Code of Laws (from Mathematics)
- Note: the proposed changes to re-combine Governor's Manors with Courthouses have not been made
• Pirate port and Pirate harbour lose +1c each (so they are +2/2/3 and +1/1/2)
• Stasis worldspell loses golden age
• Mobius Witches no longer buildable
• Destroy undead now does up to 60% damage to undead units (from 30%)
• New civic, Bannor state: +50% improvement growth. Membership civic (so it competes with Overcouncil and Undercouncil)
• Guardsman (Bannor Civilisation trait for Melee units) now gives +15% strength
• Drown->60h (from 90h)
• Axemen/Swordsmen/Sons of Asena/Wood Golem ->50h
- Note Moroi/Pyre Zombies remain at 60h
- Note Fawns remain unchanged
• Radiant Guards ->75h (from 90h)
• Diseased Corpses ->75h (from 90h)
• Soldiers of Kilmorph ->75h (from 90h), hurry amount ->37h (from 45h)
• Warriors/Bloodpet/Beastmen lose Bronze Weapons
• Soldier of Kilmorph and Paramander swap art assets (this is a EMM aesthetic change I'm fond of)