European Union v.2.0

European Union v.2.0 2016-10-05

The lake still hurts me, but well, am least I am on its shore... :)
I would download this map instantly, but it makes no sense, as I have not installed civ3 on this computer... :D

seriously, looks like a good work, mitsho
Caesar Ozo said:
Sedordante: I really hope that was a joke.

The EU Constitution (actually not a constitution itself, but a constitutional agreement) is iced for now. European union without France is like a GOTM forum without threads. Denmark is an old and important member as well. I myself, wouldn't hesitate voting for the Constitution.

I wouldn't say it was a joke - but it certainly was tongue in cheek. Just imagine I was smirking when I said it.

jselsmark said:
Since the german people are also against the EU constitution, but have never been asked about it, should they be counted out too?...

Just wanted to hear your oppinion on the subject...

Personally I think the map looks funny being how all none EU countries are missing... it's a whole now way of looking at Europe :goodjob:

I just spent two months near both Berlin and Munich. And with the exception of the agricultural sector - the vast majority of Germans I spoke with were in favor of the proposed consitution.

Three_Crowns said:
- Denmark has not yet voted on the prosposed EU constitution.

OOPS! Sorry - yes I just can't keep the Dutch and the Danes straight even though I love playing the Dutch in Civ3. I am planning a trip to Denmark for next Spring - so maybe that will help. :crazyeye:

Richard Bartle said:
If Norway were in this map, it wouldn't look as if Finland and Sweden represented some usually-hidden parts of male anatomy (a problem also shared by 1 Euro coins, incidentally).

Oh yes - I get a kick out of that coin. And thanks to France and HOLLAND - I will be able to have many more of these coins on my travels. Political uncertainty is a traveler's best friend.
Hey, first of all this is an awsome map. Second of all i dont think Superbeaver wanted this turned into a political thread. If you want to discuss politics make a thread in the OT fourm.
greenman1234 said:
Hey, first of all this is an awsome map. Second of all i dont think Superbeaver wanted this turned into a political thread. If you want to discuss politics make a thread in the OT fourm.

I could be stretching it a bit - but I don't think it's completely OT. We are discussing our opinions of what should be on the map.

Of course - my map would look rather odd with Spain being an island. It would be a good place to start though as you could develop well before being attacked and you'd have the Pyrenees mountains preventing an invasion from your immediate east. :eek:

OTOH - you'd better get those ships going fast to get the contacts. It could be fun to play this map.
very good map. one suggestion: the map is already distorted. why don't you include in the next map that parts of the European Union, which aren't on the european (in a strict geographic sense) continent? that would be:

Canary Islands, Mellila and Ceuta (Spain), Azores and Madeira (Portugal), French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion (France) (Newcaledonia and the other french TOMs ("Ôutre-Mere-" territories) are not a part of the European Union)
spanish islands? don't know ... no, i don't think so. some french, yes, but they are TOMs. Greenland left the EC in 1985. it has the status of an associated over-sea territory (they aren't a part of the EU), as well as the french TOMs, i guess. but it is not a member and it does not in any way need to be on this map ;)
mitsho said:
Aren't there some more spanish small islands somewhere around? And what about Greenland? Hasn't it some connection to Denmark? :)

mfG mitho

Greenland and the Faroe Islands are a part of Denmark - their Head of State is the Danish Monarch. But they have limited self-government, and are not technically part of the European Union.
Nice map, but Scotland looks kinda weird. Most importantly, you seem to have missed out the Orkney Islands altogether!! :eek:
Scientific colony?! Greenland is an autonomious part of Denmark. It is a country with a people living in it. It is NOT a research colony.
interesting. Still with 56.000 it has the population of a small town, and not a country. Arent most of the non-inuit citizents involved in research? Or is that just an image that exists only in the movies?

on a future version you could also include bulgaria and romania, i think that they will join in 2006 ;) (this way Greece will not be an island, but it will have a borber with everything else, since romania is bordering hungary)

also you could add the island of Corfu, it is bigger than some of the cycladic islands you have (it is west of Epiros)
There are research facilities on Greenland. Weather stations and various ice core projects on the ice sheet (my girlfriend have been part of some of them). But there are not a lot of personnel involved in those projects at any one time. Most danes living in Greenland are teachers, medical doctors, dentists, or involved in the fishing industry - and of course there are the American military bases.
Mirc said:
It's a very good map, but Spain has some problems...

Tell me about it. Oh, you were talking about the map? :mischief:
Holland has little over 16 million inhabitants.

Greenland was in the EU but stepped out of it again a few years later. Maybe because it isn't part of Europe!
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