European Union v.2.0

European Union v.2.0 2016-10-05

Greenland got it's limited autonomy in 1979, 1982 there was a referendum about whether to stay in the EC or to get out. 1985 they left the EC.
the main point was the overfishing of Greenlands coast by Westgerman fishing flottillas and the overall fishing politics of the EC.
There are developments in Greenland for complete indenpendancy.
Greenland, although still dependent on Danish financial help, has resources, that could change that in future, the fish of course, iron ore, uranium, lead and coal.
But with less than 60.000 citizents it will certainly be one of the smallest in terms of population (if not the smallest?) countries in the world. Besides do they really have enough people to sustain a mining economy? + if Denmark isnt supporting them then they would have been at the mercy of global economic deals, which could limit/cripple their exports.

greenland's population:


Greenlander (eskimoes and greenland born whites) : 87%
Danish (and others) : 13%

I do not understand what the "greenland born whites" means though; i suppose those people have cultural backgrounds too.
It will probably not even be in the top 10 smallest populations list. There are all those tiny countries in Europe, like San Marino, Liechtenstein, Andorra, but there are also quite some islands in the Pacific with only a couple of thousand inhabitants.
It could become the smallest pop country of the Americas, I think.

I did read somewhere that East Greenland-language will in a couple of decades be the smallest still spoken language. All the small languages from natives around the world are threatened to die out, because of the speakers all being relatively old and the youngsters speaking modern languages like Spanish.
There's been a bit of political debate here... a bit odd, I think.
Nice map, by the way.
I think that Vatican City is the smallest country in the world cos its not even 1km square and it only has a legal population of like 168 or something.
Varwnos, DONT SAY ESKIMOES. call them inuits, cos in their language eskimo means raw human flesh eater.
also why are all the capitals in really weird spots?
Because they are random start locations
Bulgaria and Romania have joined, but what about in some way including the nations that have applied for membership such as Turkey, Macedonia, and Slovenia (I think, please correct me if I'm wrong) you could have them be all plains or desert or something.
It goes to show that I'm already forgetting everything I learned this year, I love summer.
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