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Explosion In London

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Keirador said:
Well, my family's just heard from the last of our London friends, they're all alive, though two were mildly injured near Liverpool station. My sister just returned on the 6th from a year getting her Master's at King's College. Had she stayed another week, as she would have had our grandmother not fallen deathly ill, she would have been in the explosion. Liverpool station is her station, she's there every morning to go out. The bus that exploded was the bus she took to go to her library.

This is more real and horrid to me than the 9/11 bombings. I had never seen the World Trade Center. I know London very well, I've spent a lot of time in most of those stations. My thoughts and hopes are with all Londoners. I am proud of the stoic and brave way your city and your country is reacting to this attack.

Wow, I'm glad to hear that your sister is okay, sorry to hear you friends were injured.

Her story is like so many others I hear everyday now, basically if not for one thing or another it could have been them - it could have been me, it's one of the freaky things about terrorism.

This morning was strange getting on the train, looking at all the bags that *might* be unattended, but what is the other option?
CurtSibling said:
I am not annoyed, and if you want to play at being cynical, I think you'll find me hard to beat at that game.

But let me tell you were I am coming from, Dan.

I understand where you are coming from, because I am a Glaswegian.
I recognise your religious war banner avatar, and all the falsehood of all the sectarian nonsense.

I also understand the anti-Asian bigotry, borne from the Scots streets, but let me tell you something:

The jihadists are hardly going to care about what flavour of christianity you support...
...You know they'll hack us all up, be we an atheist or a holy roller.

That Muslim guy that sells you the Daily Record in the local mini-market is not the enemy, Danny boy!
We should beware intolerant jihadi-bigot who screams hate at all the Westerners, regardless of individual people!

He paints them all as infidel...Now, does that sound familiar to you?

It should, because you and the jihadist are talking the same language....


I don't appreciate your condescending tones.
Firstly, there is nothing 'sectarian' about Ulster-Scots displaying solidarity with their Bretheren in N.Ireland.

Secondly, you stray totally off topic from the point i was making. The point i was making was that no one honestly regards Iraqi deaths as big a tragedy as if it happened to their countrymen. Read papers, watch the news, listen to people's conversations - that will show you i'm right.
chancellor_dan said:
I don't appreciate your condescending tones.
Firstly, there is nothing 'sectarian' about Ulster-Scots displaying solidarity with their Bretheren in N.Ireland.

Secondly, you stray totally off topic from the point i was making. The point i was making was that no one honestly regards Iraqi deaths as big a tragedy as if it happened to their countrymen. Read papers, watch the news, listen to people's conversations - that will show you i'm right.


I figured you would jump away from the point and seek refuge in typical fake indignation.

Real debate is too much for you to handle.

Run along then.

CurtSibling said:

I figured you would jump away from the point and seek refuge in typical fake indignation.

Real debate is too much for you to handle.

Run along then.


:lol: It's you who's avoiding the point - which is, deaths of Iraqis don't figure on the radar of Westerners like, say, the London deaths would.
Laugh it up. You are the one who looks lame here.
You are the one devolving into 15-year old debate language.

It is a matter of what media you watch, the net gives us all the portals we need to see the world news.

And my irony about your bigotry still stands...You sound just like the ones you deride...

You are the only person here who feels the need to lower the tone to personal insults. I feel the thread reflects more poorly on you than me or anyone else.

And you still haven't addressed my point.
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