• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Fall with Fleme

Foolish stick in the muds who don't like change. They'll be first up against the wall in the revolution! We need to build a new man out of the dregs of the old to fashion a race worthy of the world we will conquer!
Darn Werewolve Racists!!! I say Gryndane stand up for his Werewolf rights and represent Austrin as a true Werewolf champion who likes to munch on the enemies of the Austrin people, converting them to our side. Hmmmm...maybe the Elohim or someone has an amulet of some sort that can keep our champion tame but still able to his werewolf skills when needed.

On another note, we are in some serious deep donkey mess around the cap.
Let's be greedy : I'd spread lycanthropy amongst our heroes, even if it means taking a dark tone, and risking some behaviours going out of hand.But Elohim or Fizziks suggestion about way to keep that disease under control could be good as well.

About our Cap, I think Gryndane should hurry back to the capital, even if it means having Tancrede waiting some more in Elohim's land. Relation with Eohim should remain ok, we just saved their capital city.

A Mage Nzzzeeeesh is ok to me.

Also, we need to secure our capital and be serious about that second city.
Got it, will play tonight. I'll take suggestions but I'll prioritize explorer builds and a hawk. I may be able to found our second city.
I'll just chime in with the alternatives as I see them based on the save as far as the next moves Gryndane makes without getting into your decision about the lycanthropy:

1) The Picard Maneouvre, aka going by the Stargazer on your way back or

2) Going by Fizziks on your way back if you choose to seek his help in your predicament.

Moving with the cart and Tancred isn't that slow anymore since they're both at 2 moves. Furthermore, I'd like to point out that Gryndane is forbidden to enter your culture unless you've decided on the course of action, basically boiling down to these three:

1) Attempt to find a cure (Elohim)
2) Attempt to reach controlled lycanthropy (Fizziks)
3) To heck with the people and their fears, I'm a goddamn wolfman. (Like a boss)

Choose one before the next set, pretty much.
#2!!!! #2!!!!
I like:
1. Gryndane to control his lycanthropy - and stay a werewolf!
2. N'zesh to go for priest upgrade - maybe it will be weaker than mage, but more climatic.
And maybe N'zesh will help our city?
- Controlled lycanthropy, we don't want Gryndane losing control and becoming a were-treasure chest.
- N'zesh: mage. Tancred can cover the priest side of things and Gryndane the rogue. Besides, not sure we really want a Lizard god cult spreading in our kingdom
- Dwarves: Kill them, we may be Neutral but demons are just bad news

Also: our research rate is beyond terrible, need cottages or aristocracy asap
- Controlled lycanthropy, we don't want Gryndane losing control and becoming a were-treasure chest.

It'd be nice though if he turned into a Luggage. Then we'd really be cooking with charcoal.

Back to serious matters though. I think we should focus on getting a settler out soon, after we clear the barb scum off our lands. We're past turn 100 and still on one city, a few more are needed soon.
- Controlled lycanthropy, we don't want Gryndane losing control and becoming a were-treasure chest.

I literally laughed out loud at that one and got a weird look from the mrs. Hah :lol:

AntiTwelve, any news on when you're playing the set?
Opened up the save last night, stared at the capital for a moment, cried a little, then quit to desktop and went to bed.

Gathered my composure and finished set just now. The Mokka invasion was why I wanted us to keep Gryn home until we had our trackers or at least a few explorers. Then I notice we're researching Calendar, something we don't need yet and which deviates from our original plan of grabbing FoL first. Lion, sorry to get on you for this, but I felt it was appropriate I addressed these issues.

Started Gryn on his way home, but not before sending 'Schmidt flying west, who encounter Calabim units but does not establish contact. Click on our cap and add a priest specialist bringing in our great person in in five turns. Switched research to Way of the Forest in 63t. Send the Wyvurn Guardian home while N'zesh picks a fight and gets bruised unnecessarily.

IT- N'zesh fends off another attack, putting him at substantial risk of being killed. An orc kills himself attacking our capital.

Flauros makes contact. I note he considers us his worst enemy, so I give him a map to bump relations up +4. I realize I can use our workers to commit to actions around our cap to distract Mokka and have him come after them. I'll try this manouevre to keep the barb distracted while slowly rebuilding our ivory camp.

IT- Telyhohn: Warrior>Hawk

I notice we can now trade with the Calabim, so I trade our knowledge of Hunting, Cartography and Mysticism for Crafting, Animal Husbandry, Education, WM and OB.

IT- Three goblins off themselves attacking the cap., only Mokka remains with no other threats in sight.

Shuffle workers to keep Mokka on his toes. Wyvern Guardian is protecting N'zesh as they return home.

IT- Telyhohn: Hawk>Prepare Expedition

By the time PE is completed, we'll be able to cast spells again, thus allowing a recon unit to establish a city anywhere within legal city limits. Gryn may be able to pull this off. Our newly built Hawk is sent to Elohim lands and tasked to scout east. Good news, it's Decius... as Malakim... in the desert. Trade the man for OB but do not like the prospective tech trades. I'll wait to establish new contacts.

IT- Bhall creates Orthus. He lingers someone further east of Malakim land.

GS is popped at ~89% odds and completes an academy, knocking time off WotF to 36 with an active scientist in the city. Hawk moved to Golden Leane with ally rebase trick and heads east, allowing us to meet Dain of the Amurites. I also trade Einion Fishing and Cartography for Writing and WM. A straight up trade of WMs with Dain gets us to pleased with him.

Gryn makes it to Fizziks.

Hawk to Udenerat and heads east, netting us contact with Rhoanna who's up a couple of techs. Dain is at the bottom of the score list so I end up bartering with him, Animal Husbandry and Exploration for Calendar and WM.

Dain is still far behind in score, so I make another trade for Knowledge of the Ether, by sending him Hunting and Cartography. Gryn can take on Mokka for 90% odds. I position Gryn in cap and move N'zesh near home borders to coax Mokka to head west.

IT- Hianthrough of the Mazatl has discovered our civilization. As per the wishes of the team and N'zesh, we declare war on the Mazatl.

Hawk flies SE from Hippus' lands and locates Os-Gabella. Give her WM to bump relations and she'll take a juicy deal. Os trades WM and declares on Hianthrough for Exploration. I trade Hunting and Fishing to Rhoanna for WM, Horseback Riding and a War Dec on Hianthrough. These War Decs may end soon, but those are long lasting (permanent?) negative modifiers versus the Mazatl. A long term win for our diplomatic situation. Note that Mazatl lands are further east of Sheaim.

Mokka made the slip and ended on desert. At 97.4% odds Gryndane ends the barb invasion.

Our hawk has taken note of blue Kahdi borders even further east but can not reach the civ no matter which city we deploy from. I decided to send the hawk to Malakim lands and search the great void to the south. We meet Thessa of the Ljosalfar. We trade Thessa her knowlege of Archery for Cartography, Fishing, WM and OB. I ask her politely for her map and she accommodates us. We notice Cualli borders far to the SE of Malakim and S of Sheaim.

Gryn and N'zesh meet up. Quest completed.

Hawk explores more Hippus territory. Gryn makes it to site.

IT- Telyhohn: Prepare Expedition>Explorer
Os-Gabella demands WM, so I give it to her for +1 relations. The Cualli show up and I gift the WM, bringing relations high enough for us to trade Calendar for War Dec on Hianthrough.

OB with Cualli. We have regained out ability to cast spells, therefore Gryndane founds our second city of Bayamo one tile SW of survivor camp. I stopped here so the DM can give of us just rewards. As for tile improvement, the best option is silk imho.

I'll post pics eventually.


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Spoiler :
Much gratitude, master! We are forever in your debt and will endlessly strive to assist you in your trading endeavors in whatever way we can. I do believe it was per our agreement to establish a trade route between Bayamo and Telyhohn and to construct you a plantation of Silk? Your bidding, my lord.

I added silk and a plantation and there's a route between the cities.

N'zesh: Agruonn's War

Spoiler :
Mazatl scum! I had not prepared for this so soon - my blade has yet to regain it's former sting, my magics yet to find the favor of Agruonn once more. And by his will, we shall make the lesser peoples wage the war for now. I am most pleased that you called the Cualli loyalists to aid already, but we need more to defeat the heathen Mazatl. I must redouble my efforts myself as well.

Q: Bribe another civ against the Mazatl

R: Your choice of Slave Pits / Breeding Pit in Bayamo.

N'zesh: To Recast a Shadow

Spoiler :
This quest replaces N'zesh's previous quest.

Let me at them! Let me slay these weaklings that taint my ancient homeland and be done with them once and for all. Agruonn speaks to me and tells me that I must do this. From Nezahuac Tower to Z'tlecoana, what remains of my homeland, must be free. For this, I will steel my resolve.


N'zesh gains considerable boosts in power for doing this quest and unless it is completed in the next 2 sets (both locations visited and all units seen traveling slain - without the assistance of Gryndane), his powers revert to their old state. N'zesh gained Hero, Dimensional I, II, Water I, Poisoned Blade.

Q: Clear a path to Nezahuac Tower and Z'tlecoana and report back once the jungles are clear. You may forgo the Tlacotli Sacellum for now. You may use one additional unit to help. (again, not Gryndane)

R: After this N'zesh is able to enter desert with the condition that he casts spring on every tile he walks on right away. As a hint, I recall Spring turning flood plains into plains flood plains, which are pretty darn sweet.


Spoiler :
Lycanthropy eh? Well, what kind of a friend would I be if I did not help you in your predicament. That one can be particularly tricky to deal with - I'm sure your people already fear you. I'm no stranger to people fearing me since my inventions have somewhat of a questionable track record but that is besides the point. I'm sure I can help you - but I need a few items.

I understand you've enlisted the help of the Elohim have you not? Their potions are renown for their healing power and if you could get your hands - or better get my hands on a few of their healing potions and salves I could get started.

Additionally, I'd need something that belonged to a werewolf preceeding you. If you have any items on you that may have belonged to a werewolf before, I will need those as well to combine the essences of both Elohim healing and the spirits of the werewolves themselves - ultimately - at least in theory, this should enable you to keep your Lycanthropy in a way that would make it accessible to you in combat but not have the population fear you changing and going feral on them. Make sense?

Q: Bring the supply cart to Fizziks during the next set. Also, bring an item that has belonged to a Werewolf so that the infusion of the two may be completed and a cure reached.

R: Perhaps a controlled cure to lycanthropy?

If you do not complete this quest during the set, I will flip a coin every set from now on to see whether Gryndane (and the lesser werewolves he's created) turn feral.

Explorer council:

Spoiler :
Well done, Sergeant. Establishing contact and trade with foreign civilizations is our number one priority and you have served us well in doing so. In your honor, a Statue of Valor has been erected in Telyhohn. You are hereby promoted to Master Sergeant. Thank you, once again.

Master Sergeant: Can command up to 2 units simultaneously. Gain 10% of the experience minion units gain, Minions gain +20% experience from combat and are ate +25% strength and +10% magic resistance. Command range is 1, meaning that these effects do not take place unless the minion unit is in the same square or the adjacent one.

Previous quests:

Spoiler :
Of Wolf and Man:

Spoiler :
Our champion, fallen victim to the very curse that befell Foxford. The one people of Telyhohn relied on for protection feral, ridden by a terrible hex. People of Telyhohn are afraid of this new turn of events and the explorer council divided on the proper course of action and look to you to make the ultimate decision. As a safety measure, until the decision has been reached and proper action taken, Gryndane is not allowed to re-enter Austrin territory.

1: Request assistance from the Elohim healers to attempt removing the curse from Gryndane
2: Lycanthropy must not be allowed to spread to our general populace! Champion or not, he must be locked away until we can conclude that he would be of no threat to our people!
3: Look at what happened to Foxford when the situation was left unchecked! He must be disposed of before the man goes Feral and causes our doom!
4: There is potential in this new turn of favorable events. Surely we can utilize the condition to further augment select future soldiers. Now he is a true champion!

Additional information from Lukos Keep:

Spoiler :
It is reported that the howling in the night has ceased since the last raid on Telyhohn. There are no reports of werewolf activity and some scouts are suggesting that perhaps the werewolves abandoned their keep and moved east after their last raid - some are suggesting that their ultimate goal was simply to spread the lycanthropy to an Austrin soldier and in the champion of the people, the bite was felt. What will become of the Austrin?

Gryndane's Dilemma:

Spoiler :
The bite healed well. Almost too well. The wolfman had been monstrous, standing at least three feet taller and its fangs had sunk through the studded leather armor as if it hadn't been there at all, spreading it's infection. The Werewolf had fallen to the spear in it's ravenous assault, however, and the wound had indeed healed in no time.

But now, the people fear me. Where there used to be respect for the Guardian of the people is now whispers and dread. Who can blame them? The werewolves destroyed an entire prosperous village and nothing could have been done to prevent it. What if the disease takes over and I attack my countrymen? My friends? At the very least, there must be a way to control it for the greater good. I must visit Zik Fizziks and see whether there is anything he can invent to control the infection so that I'm not a risk to my people.

Q: Visit Zik Fizziks to see if he can help control the Lycanthropy.

Previous quest:

Spoiler :
It would seem that the presumed Alpha Werewolf was simply a greater werewolf and not the source - or alternatively that it's offspring have gathered to avenge it but either way, the werewolf terror is escalating.

There is howling coming from the eastern hills and it is sightings of rabid werewolves and wolves have been made. Perhaps the emblem of the Lukos family on the Heart Amulet found on the Alpha bears some clue to what might be behind the terrors; Lukos was the governor of Foxford and his citadel overlooks the ruins. Further investigation is in order.

Furthermore, something needs to be done to the ruins of Foxford and the explorer council is offering various approaches to the subject:

Quest: You need to resolve what to do with the ruins of Foxford and you need to do it fast.

1: Bring Brother Tancred to visit and sanctify the ruins to let the spirits of the villagers rest. Furthermore, enlist Tancred's assistance in fighting the unholy beasts

2: Approach the keep and try to establish contact with whoever is in charge of the Werewolf and try to negotiate a treaty of mutual non-aggression.

3: Dispose of the unholy creatures with the only method that works with them, cold steel.

Rewards or results will be posted according to the approach you choose.

What will you do? There are sightings of werewolves roaming in the east and they will surely become more and more aggressive as the situation escalates and they grow stronger.

N'zesh's Bidding:

Spoiler :
Yessss, burn it to the ground! Thissss, my friend, isss but the firsst blow of many to come againssst the falssse gods. Agruonn isss pleaasssed and you are the firsst to receive hisss gift.

R: The warrior becomes a mutated Wyvern Guardian

Now, with your word kept let usss move towardsss common goalss. I grow interesssted in the lycanthropy your champion now hasss - One of the greater giftsss Agruonn ever grantsss hiss followersss and rarely ssseen. Thisss is a very favorable turn of eventss and he musst have pleasssed the Dark Eye to receive ssuch blesssing. I mussst attend to the champion right away, a gift of this magnitude will not be wasssted!

Q: Get N'zesh to meet Gryndane before the end of next set.

Personal quest for N'zesh: Draw Strength

(forgoing the extended s's from now on, actually)

Spoiler :
It has been too long since my blade last tasted blood. I must hone my skills once more and please Agruonn if I am to fight against the champions of Kalshekk and Omorr.

Q: Kill 5 units with N'zesh

R: Gain boost in one of the N'zesh's classes, your choice:

1: Mage
2: Priest
3: Rogue

Previous Quest:

Spoiler :
Hssssss..... Your honor bound you to assssissst me in my quessst againssst thossse falssse godsss and here we are while that vile forge sstill ssstandsss. I urge you, lend me a warrior of your people and let ussss go dessstroy that forge. If you refussse, I will make you regret the day you were born, warmblood.

Q: Dispatch N'zesh and a pillage-capable unit (warrior) to destroy the forge as soon as possible or face the consequences.

Legend of the Stargazer

Spoiler :
One of the oldest items in the reliquary of Telyhohn is a staff in which there are etchings depicting the council of men, elves and dwarves. The meeting in the depiction occurred in a field of dancing spirits, seen over by an ancient, the Stargazer as is etched in the hilt of the staff. The recent discovery of a place resembling that described in the staff has brought new interest to the relicand it would indeed seem that if such a thing exists, the stone circle Messerschmitt spotted is something we need to explore.

Q: Explore the Recluse of the Stargazer

I got Dark Iron, I got all the Dark Iron

Spoiler :
It would seem that the concerns of Zik Fizziks were well placed. The Dark Iron expedition that has sufaced in the discovery of Dun Karagh poses a significant threat and the Elohim have already been subjected to their raiding. These dark dwarves seem to be drawing their powers from the darker gods as there is a Balor spotted guarding their stronghold. A decision must be made.

Q: Resolve the Dark Iron situation in one of the following ways.

1: Dwarves, even more so Dark Iron dwarves, are belligerent and will not listen to reason. If we are to secure the mountain pass their fort stands on, we must destroy it.
2: Live and let live. These dwarves have just as much right to be here as we do - it is merely a matter of perspective.
3. We must attempt to open negotiations with the dwarves to see whether we could reach a peaceful solution to allow Fizziks' to access the mine once again. (If this option is chosen, screenshot when you're next to Dun Karagh or the guarded mine)

Other ongoing quests:

Fizziks versus the Dark Iron

Spoiler :
Zik Fizziks sent another clockwerk to bring a message to Telyhohn for whoever it may concern including the following text:

"Gryndane? I thought we were friends, was I mistaken? My clones left and I have not seen them since and I'm beginning to feel vulnerable here in the edge of the desert. You see, I almost had it all figured out but then you left me at the most inopportune moment - in my folly I did not find it in me to ask you for one more favor, you know?

Anyways, my situation is dire. I've lost contact with Underhome and to make things worse, Dark Iron Dwarves led by Garak Blightanvil have seized control of my only source of copper and I desperately need it back.

I've drawn a sketch that is attached to this message revealing the whereabouts of my mine; It's due west-northwest from my workshop along the mountains, in a valley. Garak's fort, Dun Karagh is nearby and he has posted strong guardsmen at my precious mine.

Now, it has come to my attention that you not only have become a full-fledged guardian but aligned yourself with a Tlacotl? That is fantastic! Surely a pair of powerful heroes like you can help a goblin out.

Q: Destroy the defenders guarding Fizziks' mine.

R: Fizziks' reveals a source of Copper in or near your lands which will be available to you come Bronze Working (your land does not have natural Copper) and you gain control of 2 Fizziks' Braziers guarding the pass. (Fireball defense)

Oh and before I forget; once those clones of mine have completed the road, have them stop by for some "enhancements", I figured how to make them more effective.

Merchants of the Crescent Isles:

Spoiler :
A welcome sight for weary eyes! My name is M'rafaal and I am the leader of what is left of this merchant convoy. We sailed here a few years ago and established a trading post to ensure a connection between the islands and the far east. We were, however, ill prepared for the hardships of this land and being a seafaring folk, had little to fight the lizard raiders with. Our budding settlement destroyed we were forced to skulk in these woods and live off the land and fend off constant attacks. We are but merchants without a home and plead to you, kind sir, help us. Help us re-establish our settlement, protect it for us and we will show you what a little trade can do to a growing empire! Here, we've drawn a map of the lands just south of here.

Q: Establish a city on the ruins or within 1 square of it.

R1: Receive a market in the new city

R2: The merchants have gained a profound knowledge of the flora and fauna having lived off the land for years and are able to spot new resources. Your choice of Ivory/Deer/Silk/Reagents is located nearby and improved.

R3: The merchants will construct a seaworthy ship for you. (Receive Galley with some promos)

Elohim Friendship:

Spoiler :
Word has reached the Elohim that the Austrin are struggling with considerable lizard infestation and they wish to send humanitarian assistance to help those in need. Brother Tancred and a cart of supplies have been dispatched but are waiting for further orders on how to reach Telyhohn.

Q: Make sure Brother Tancred and the Cart of Supplies reach Telyhohn safely. Consider dispatching Gryndane to escort because the way is filled with perils.

R: You gain the supplies the cart carries (potions), the cart itself (can hurry production) and Brother Tancred will offer his services to you as the Elohim liaison. (Conditions revealed when the convoy reaches Telyhohn)

Game terms: A weak convoy needs assistance. Getting this done might help with Elohim relations in the long run and net you a potentially powerful cleric as well as free stuff. If the convoy attempts to cross the distance on its own and perishes, this obviously means you lose the goodies and take a relations hit with the Elohim.


  • Falling Deirdra Turn_0124b.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Had a look at the save and was a very naughty boy, found the hidden Natural Wonders: Broken Sepulchre, Standing Stones, Aifons Isle & Maelstrom. They are all a long ways away in the east.

Fleme, you can't spring FPs, you have to wait for the Nature 3 spell to open up before making FPs plain tiles.

The "bribe another civ against Cualli" may be hard as he's already at war with everyone who knows him.

We'll have to do the Fizziks quest as well methinks, a coin flop is too high for it not to go bad sometime.
I'm looking at AntiTwelves save I believe, so I'm a bit out of date on the rewards.

Anyway nicely done on the set, there was some very good trading there allowing us to get up the tree a nice ways, well done. And some beautiful exploring to allow that to happen.

Looking at the land, we should be able to grab everything (nearly) from Dun Karagh to the Shaman without contest, and have the south-west effectively to ourselves. We'll also be able to push further to the east a bit too.

But that land shoudl give us the Dragon bones, and a very nice 2gold/FP city for commerce. There is a lot of desert in the centre but with springy N'zesssssssssh we should make it (barely) livable.
Pre turn check:

- we have a free silk plantation and road $$$

- Hmm most of our units have been moved, but N'zesh needs a quick regeneration since he's poisoned, I do that. Gryndane also has 1 movement point left, he starts heading north. Tancred and his supplies start heading south. The explorer from the Gretchin road building party will head up to meet them.

- I see we managed to explore a ridiculous amount with the hawk and trade for a bunch of early techs. Nice.

- Messy tries to scout SW for lizard sites, discovers only a barbarian city. It's next to Mount Kalshekk, since Kalshekk is apparently some sort of lizardy thing Nzesh will head that way with his pet wyvern.

- Bayamo is defended by, erm, 1 ravenous werewolf. Not good at all, it could go AWOL at any time. The warriors that were guarding our goblin workers will be transferred there.

- We're in pacifism when we need to train military. Not so nice. However we picked up some other useful civics from anti12's trading spree. So:

REVOLT: Pacifism -> Nationhood, Tribalism -> Apprenticeship, Decentralization -> Agrarianism.

- Telynohn has automated citizens. WTF? I turn that off.

t125: Messy flies over the Foxford ruins to see if there are any werewolf items there. There aren't. I guess one of Gryndane's items is probably a wolf item. Then again, technically since he is a werewolf ALL his items are wolf items :p Hawk flight from Inishbofin to reveal Slane.

t126: Our explorer tamed a lion. Hawk rebases to Slane to provide cover for the explorer on his way to meet up with Tancred.

t127: Gryndane kills a skelly.

t128: Explorer meets up with Tancred at the Mirror of Heaven. Gryndane decides to clear out the annoying skeleton barrows in the east once and for all since they're blocking our access to the gold. A lion is slain on the way.

t129: A bear shows up next to Mirror of Heaven. Messy distracts it by taking a crap on its head (hey, it's a bird with a ranged attack, not sure what else it could be doing) and the explorer captures it. Gryndane explores the first barrow and finds... a decidedly non-skeletal orc warrior. N'zesh has 70.3% odds against the Frostling Archer in Zbolub even after Blur/Shadowwalk. Bleh. Decide to wait a couple of turns for free Hero/Potency xp to get combat V and improve the odds a bit.

t130: Orc attacks Gryndane. We get another ravenous werewolf. Cool. I send it to fight a skelly to level up. Explore another barrow on the way to the local Shaman, maybe he knows something about werewolves. More orcs. Gryndane reaches the shaman.

computer turn: our new werewolf loses to the skelly :(

t131: Gryndane explores another barrow, destroying it too. Spawns a skelly. Explorer explores the barrow 3N of Mirror of Heaven and gains a free heal, Courage and Valour promotions. He feels confident to proceed to the Stargazer site.

t132: Telynohn is size 7. Hires a sage rather than work unimproved tile. Start plains hill mine.

On the computer turn our Ravenous Werewolf at Bayamo decides to suicide into a goblin archer. Not a very useful garrison unit there. Fortunately the 2 warriors I sent to defend this city arrived last turn.

t133: N'zesh takes combat V. Still only about 75% odds but presumably Agruonn would not approve if he didn't attack this foul city infesting his old homeland. Slays the Frostling Archer in Zbolub but nearly dies (0.4/6). Gryndane explores a barrow and obtains Fine Kit (+10% str.) Lion reaches Telynohn, it'll fortify there until we get a Carnival.

computer turn: 2 lizards literally appear out of nowhere to attack N'zesh and his wyvern companion... N'zesh is critically injured and can't fight. The wyvern kills one but dies. N'zesh is left with 0.6 health trapped between the city with two warriors and a fresh lizard...

t134: Only one thing for it and I don't think I've ever used this spell before: N'zesh casts Escape and lives to fight another day!

Tancred slays the damaged skeleton and takes combat I.

t135: Gryndane chases down and kills a scorpion clan archer. The desert area is pretty much clear now. Explorer captures a tiger on the way to Stargazer site.

t136: Telynohn grows to size 8. Tancred and the supplies reach Fizziks. Workers head down to the gems at Bayamo.

t137: Gryndane joins the party at Fizziks. Explorer reaches Recluse of the Stargazer. There is no Explore option so in lieu of that he'll stay there for a turn searching. N'zesh is still licking his wounds in Bayamo. Looks like he's going to fail his quest. In fact I still have no clue where the sites he is talking about actually are (past Mount Kalshekk was just a hunch)

The gem mine will take 15 turns to complete? I realise that mining wasn't actually one of the techs we'd traded for. Trade it from Os-Gabella for cartography+fishing. Now it'll still take 8 turns to complete because we don't have bronze working and neither does anyone else, but that's ok.

t138: Flauros wants calendar for free. Worthless piece of crap vampire. I refuse to give him the time of the year. Our next expedition is ready and the barrows around the gold mines have been cleared, but we'll need some garrison units and at least 1 more worker. This looks like a suitable place to hand off with the Fizziks and Stargazer quests done. Not sure if N'zesh is allowed a new companion at this point since his previous one died, but he's almost healed up and covering our workers from hostile lizard.

I still think we should take financial off adaptive to make best use of the nice commerce city sites we have available now. Also with all the barrows around the desert area cleaned out Gryndane should be able to deal with the mine if the lycanthropy situation checks out. Also our explorer has Courage and would therefore be able to get past the necrototems to check out the Alturan dig site at some point in future.


  • Falling Deirdra Turn_0138.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Sucks losing the Wyvern

Things moved quickly here. Hopefully we can get a little more discourse between turnsets in the future.

I'm confused about N'zesh quest. Apparently we have to complete a quest next turnset but we don't even know where to go.

Builds: I suggest a Mage Guild in Telynohn and an Adept, but after a worker or two. We are light on workers, especially with a new city coming up.

I guess the Bear can create his building Telynohn for the extra happy.

Fantastic job withe scouting AT.
I'm sorry, I won't be able to finish the update right now. The Mrs. decided that it's movie night so I'll have to postpone my update until tomorrow. Apologies.
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