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Fall with Fleme

Do note that my update is the last post on page 15.

Also, I'm glad we've inspired you to try the mods, Matrix! :)
1. I want to enlist those pirates
2. as for shaman, let's escort him to the altar
LOL did we just found Fellowship of Leaves in the middle of the desert? We need to plant at least one forest there and make it a religious site. (Also, if we get the shrine and start trading Way of the Forests around the city will be disgustingly rich)

As for the pirates, I think they should pay their debt to society by joining the navy. N'zesh protected them from the goblins and now it looks like he needs a boat to get to that island.
1. I want to enlist those pirates

But we are misunderstood, we were apprenticed to be Pilots not Pirates! Aaaaarrrrrr!

It's Fellowship of the Shrubbery now! :)

If you're not careful I will use the dreaded word on you. As Om is my witness I will say it!
No! No! Don't say it!
Great call on founding Kaver, Brian. I completely forgot out that site. Uberfish is right, that city will be monstrously wealthy once it's cottaged (not a real word) and mined. As for quests, I'm not partial to one plan over another. Have at it lymond. You know you're up, right?

uberfish said:
We need to plant at least one forest there and make it a religious site.
Once we have access to water mana we can turn that shrub into a new forest! The more you know. By the way, best of luck with the PBEM. I'm pulling for either you or Amelia to win it all. Wish I could comment more about what you've been up to but, yeah, spoils.
I'm up already, Wow!!! I NEED anothah Shrubberaaay!!!

I will take a look at things tonight and likely play tomorrow. Fee free to keep those thoughts, suggestions and shrubbery coming.'

edit: Just an update letting you know that I'm still reviewing stuff. This game is more complex that my ex-girlfriend :D:suicide:. Great stuff, Fleme. Anyway, I should have a plan together by tomorrow.

Anyway, any thoughts on what to tech. WoF is great trade bait since it's virtually useless once you get the religion. We can trade it for BW and probably CoL. Need to put a turn or so into BW though. I was thinking the Philo>Priesthood path.

I think we should switch into FoL. No one is running a religion even though RoK has been founded - maybe another civ out there like the Luichurp.

I would put the Disciple of Leaves into Bayamo for culture. It should spread to Telyholn from there.

Boo is awesome!!! I love that he has Marksman promo. Can't even see him in the shrubbery and the gretchins looks hilarious building a roads in the shrubs.

Fleme - Other than his quests can we still use the Chief/shaman guy for some Springy action? Love the model...
edit: Nevermind. I see we have to make decisions with him now.

I would definitely escort the Indian to his altar in hopes that it might revive him enough to join our cause. He has some weeeked skeeeuullls
Take your time, my weekend is packed until tomorrow anyway so update would come sunday afternoon at the latest. I like Boo too, it was nice of him to take a break from Minsc and do a cameo here.

Also, looks like that there wasn't an abundance of discussion on what to do on those quests that require a decision so as far as I'm concerned, you play with your own preferences lymond.

Furthermore, since you haven't played yet, I made a teeny weeny modification, so if you don't mind play this save instead.


  • Falling Deirdra Turn_0149d.CivBeyondSwordSave
    364.1 KB · Views: 187
Now I remember what it is I was forgetting. That extra disciple of the leaves should spread FoL into our capital if the religion is absent. The cap then can produce two priests once we've built a temple and nab us the Song of Autumn in a timely fashion. With Kaver cottaged and pulling shrine gold... kind of breaks the game but all in the name of RP. Huzzah!
^^^^good point. Of course, we can't build Priests until Priesthoood. Would be nice to just have a priest build a temple in Bayamo for religion spread/culture, but Telynoln can build another disciple quick for Bayamo.

I forget if Disciples gain experience over time like Priests. Wondering if we should just build one to have around.

Anway, general summary of my plan:

1) N'zesh - I will get a Shadow over to the tower to fortify there - not sure what that does for us but it is the quest. I will use N'zesh and whatever support he has to pop the lairs/ruins in the vicinity and take out the barb city as Fleme mentioned. However, I will only take city if the odds are significantly in our favor. We may have to wait for swordmen, not sure.

2) Stargazer - I assume this is the explorer with Boo. I will try to work him down to the SW to investigate Nezhuac Tower and he can possible help with clearly the area. I expect Boo will take the barb city all by himself.

3) Lost Shaman - I will have Gryndane escort the Chief to the Spirit Alter so that I can fortify him there per the quest option 1. Also, I think the Chief can rid Gryndane of what ails him, so I will make sure to do that before we lose the Chief, if we in fact do lose him. He's too cool to lose!

4) Pirates - Not sure who M'rafall is, but I say we take option 3 and expand the business of the merchants. I expect it would be profitable later. Not sure what to do though at this point other than for the group to come to a decision on this matter.

5) Gretchin IMprovement - Not sure what to do here. Sounds like we need to road to his mine or settle a city near it.

6) Elohim Friendship: I will look to get Tancred over to Foxford. I assume I just fortify him there and take a picture. I guess Fleme takes care of the sanctify stuff. He may need some support so I may bring Gryndane down to help protect him after he deals with the Chief.

General stuff:

I will settle the DoL in Telynoln and build another DoL for Bayamo and build a temple in Telynoln for priests later. I'd like to start an expedition in the cap soon as well for another city. I think it would be nice to have a coastal city and kinda wish Bayamo was coastal.

Kaver will start getting some cottages and mines on the gold. Not sure of the state of workers at the moment, but we may need more.

I may try to get another explore out somewhere for general scouting like in the NW>

Switch to FoL first thing. I will wait on Civics switch for when we get CoL which I hope to trade for soon.

I will try to trade WotF to Decius for BW, but need to put some turns into it.

My focus techs are Philo>Priesthood - only diverting for setting up other trades. I'd like to start on Bone Palace. I find it takes the AIs forever to build wonders, so I usually just put some turns into it as well as some overflow hammers from other builds.

I can play later today.
1) N'zesh - I will get a Shadow over to the tower to fortify there - not sure what that does for us but it is the quest. I will use N'zesh and whatever support he has to pop the lairs/ruins in the vicinity and take out the barb city as Fleme mentioned. However, I will only take city if the odds are significantly in our favor. We may have to wait for swordmen, not sure.

Shadow healing two east for you.

2) Stargazer - I assume this is the explorer with Boo. I will try to work him down to the SW to investigate Nezhuac Tower and he can possible help with clearly the area. I expect Boo will take the barb city all by himself.

No, no, no, no, no nonononnonoNO! He's off to Evermore to get you your shrubbery (i.e. become a druid) you stupid knight of Ni. Do I have to say the forbidden word, because by God I will use it!

3) Lost Shaman - I will have Gryndane escort the Chief to the Spirit Alter so that I can fortify him there per the quest option 1. Also, I think the Chief can rid Gryndane of what ails him, so I will make sure to do that before we lose the Chief, if we in fact do lose him. He's too cool to lose!

Fine by me.

4) Pirates - Not sure who M'rafall is, but I say we take option 3 and expand the business of the merchants. I expect it would be profitable later. Not sure what to do though at this point other than for the group to come to a decision on this matter.

I keep telling you we're not Pirates, we're Pilots. We can't help it if our nannies are all a bit deaf.

Spoiler :
Am I the only one who had a part in Pirates of Penzance when in school?

5) Gretchin IMprovement - Not sure what to do here. Sounds like we need to road to his mine or settle a city near it.

I was roading to Kaver with them. I'd say keep them there for the moment.

6) Elohim Friendship: I will look to get Tancred over to Foxford. I assume I just fortify him there and take a picture. I guess Fleme takes care of the sanctify stuff. He may need some support so I may bring Gryndane down to help protect him after he deals with the Chief.

I'm guessing you'll have to cast Sanctify too (if he has it) on the city.

General stuff:

I will settle the DoL in Telynoln and build another DoL for Bayamo and build a temple in Telynoln for priests later. I'd like to start an expedition in the cap soon as well for another city. I think it would be nice to have a coastal city and kinda wish Bayamo was coastal.

Kaver will start getting some cottages and mines on the gold. Not sure of the state of workers at the moment, but we may need more.

I may try to get another explore out somewhere for general scouting like in the NW>

Switch to FoL first thing. I will wait on Civics switch for when we get CoL which I hope to trade for soon.

I will try to trade WotF to Decius for BW, but need to put some turns into it.

My focus techs are Philo>Priesthood - only diverting for setting up other trades. I'd like to start on Bone Palace. I find it takes the AIs forever to build wonders, so I usually just put some turns into it as well as some overflow hammers from other builds.

I can play later today.

As Mrs Doyle would say: Ah, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, GO ON GWAN!
No,no!!! You said it!!! Oh no,wait, I said it!!! aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!
Let's escort the shaman and enlist the pir..merchants.

As for lymond Plan's, I have no objection.
I'm not sure about the bone palace. Is it worth it ?
^^^In my experience, it is worth it to build it slowly - gradually throwing in extra hammers and then going strong at the end when you have more production. AIs always seem very slow to build it. In other words, I think we can get it without sacrificing the important stuff. A Golden Age is always worth it IMO.

Priesthood will be great to have, especially for PoLs and forest spread.
Gretchin Improvement wasn't a quest, merely something that carried from when Fizziks gave you the little fellows. Their quest is done and they're for you to do as you please. Fizziks vs the Dark Iron, however, is still in play. Kardel and Boo are indeed to make their way to Evermore to find out more about becoming a Druid and they are in that sense not available for you to use. And yes, Tancred is able to Sanctify on his own so that is something he can do solo, should you so choose.

On your civic switch stuff: You're Spiritual now so you don't need to wait unless you prefer it that way. Also, the benefits of Spiritual do work on Disciples; They start with Potency and Mobility when you build them during this period so it might be wise to stack up on them during the spiritual period and then reap the benefits when you switch to something else.
We ARE spiritual!
So, the only thing that stop us from changing civics would be a time delay between changes (I do not remember - 10 turns?).
Also, if we happen to get another religion in our lands during the time that we are spiritual it may be worth it to switch into it for a moment and build some priests...
***reserved for report****

round played and very interesting stuff I think. I have lots of screenies so it will take some time for my report

First turn, G bites that bear and turns him into a Werebear - awesome! However, the Werebear has Lunatic promo. Interestingly, he did not go feral until the very last turn of the round. I named him Wallace. Maybe Fleme will tame him for us since we discover the secret to good Lycanthropy.

Next turn, as the Chief guy can't move until G arrives, a weird but strong barb Fawn comes up to him. I check the odds and they don't look good for Chief. So I upgrade him to Ice II so he can hit the wild Fawn with an Ice Elemental to weaken him.

I move the DoL to Telynoln to settle him there and switch to FoL. FoL spread to at least 2 civs during the round and they switched. I think it was Malakim and Hippus.

I have G kill a skellie and pop both barrows. He gets mountain gear from one of them. I then have him move up to escort the Chief to the Spirit alter.

hippus trade

Also, got BW from Decius and maps from both which revealed 2 unmet civs - we will meet them though

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Find the Maelstrom east of the good Elves. I think we need to visit it with someone.

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N'zesh finally destroys that barb city.

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G and Chief arrive at the Spirit Altar. I just fortify the Chief there and have him cure Gryndane of Withered. G nabbed a couple of Lions on the way - no Werelions though:

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Another barb city spawns almost immediately after destroy Zlobob, so I move N'zesh to take it too and the Shadow makes his journy to the Tower to fortify:

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Meanwhile, Tancred, the animals and a warrior move out of city to fight off (defensively) a Goblin invasion. The tiger dies. I then promote the warrior to Highlander > heal a turn > and move the crew to Foxford for Sanctification. Foxford is now at peace:

Spoiler :

Another barb city near goes down:

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And then it gets more interesting:

So after the Chief heals Gryndane, I plan to move him down to the Stargazer Recluse by the end of the turn. I always use Messy to light the way for G each turn, so I reconed Elohim land before moving west that way. Messy reveals none other than Orthus himself entering the NW border of Elohim land. He's a tad injured and the nearest city is well defended so I'm afraid that the Elohim will kill him first and get the axe. However, I have been promoting G with the mobility promos so he can move very far now. In just 2 turns he gets over there and slays Orthus. THE AXE AND FREE BLITZ IS OURS!!!

Spoiler :

Meet the Kahd and open borders. No techs to trade. I'm not familiar with this civ but the appear to be kinda like the Amurites:

Spoiler :

Kardel and Boo arrive at Evermore. I have Kardel kill a tiger. Not that there is an Elephant just to the NW that we definitely want to kill, but I wanted to end with Kardel at Evermore for Fleme. Not sure if the screenie is enough proof. Oh...and Minsc sent Kardel a telegram that arrived before in Evermore stating he better get his damn hamster back after this adventure his over and that he misses him very much.

Spoiler :

Now just when you think it could not get any cooler, Gryndane arrives near the Recluse and Messy sees several Dwarves on the Copper Mine. I assume this is Fizziks mine. So G kills all of them in 1 turn as he has Orthus axe. He also turns 1 of these dwarves into a WereDwarve...ha! awesome! However, currently, the dwarve has the Held promo like all the other ones so we need Fleme to remove it.

I want G to finish at the Recluse, but we can probably use him to take out that Dwarve city at size 2 which will help secure the copper mine. I think we should settle the dragon bones before the Elohim.

Spoiler :

I send the other Shadow to the NE of Telynoln assuming the second tower is up there. I find this barb city and something called "Ironhand Expedition", which I assume will open another quest. By the way, the Shadow grab that hut for a nice chunk of beakers towards Philosophy.

Spoiler :

The other Shadow is now fortified on Nezahuac Tower:

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The Hawk moves to Kahd land so that we can meet the very hot evil Elf Queen. She's not very happy with us. I gift her fishing but that doesn't help much. Oh...and she is the one that founded RoK which is one reason we are at such odds:
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Messy reveals Ztlecoana from the Recluse and the 2nd Shadow is close:

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N'zesh pops that Goblin fort NW of Bayamo but get's diseased. Fort remains. Questions is weather we can have Tancred cure N'zesh. If so, he should meet up with him in the next set.

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Gryndane arrives at Recluse on last turn after destroying that Barb city:
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So on the last turn, N'zesh once again tries to put an end to that pesky fort near Bayamo and is faced with this tough decision:
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Do I dare let N'zesh see what evil lies beneath the fort????!!!!

Do I????!!!! :eek::nono::crazyeye::ack::scared:

What if I FAIL????!!! :hide:

Oh well...let's do it anyway:

Spoiler :


Other general notes:

1) I did not switch civics except for Pac at the end with the new GA. Agrostocracy doesn't seem that attractive if we have few farms anyway. God King is doing more for us at the moment

2) I teched slowly to gather gold to upgrade some warriors to Highlanders which should make barb defense MUCH easier

3) FoL is now in every city and we have a Temple in Telynoln

4) I switched Telynoln the last turn to work all specialist slots to speed a GP. I hope we get at Prophet, of course. Just running 2 prophets is no guarantee though at all, so I figured we'd just try our luck. Of course, if the group wishes to do otherwise that is fine.

5) I started an expedition which is close and have another DoL in process. The next DoL we can just keep to gain experience from Potency and then upgrade him to a PoL.

6) I started a road on Fizziks Hill with a worker, but Goblins popped up. The trade route is not complete without it, so we need to kill those goblins and complete the road.

7) Wallace the Werebear became feral this last turn as mentioned. Hopefully, he can be tamed by Fleme as I'd like to keep this bear as an attack bear. The Weredwarf needs to have the Held promo removed. He and Gryndane can take the Dwarf city.

8) 2 Stacks of Goblins near Fizziks so watch out. Highlanders should make it easy now.

9) Oh...and the Kahd were already at war with the Matazl

10) What the freak is the deal with the AI. It seems most of the AIs have not even met each other even though they are pretty close.

11) It's 111g to upgrade a highlander so we might want to keep that in reserve for a bit in case we need an upgrade. Bayamo could use one.

12) Gold city can probably get the Brewhouse eventually.

13) Gryndane stands at the Recluse waiting to ask Stargazer for more knowledge of the Nezahuac Tower

Oh...and what's the deal with that Tlacotl Sacullem...is there a quest here?


  • Falling Deirdra Turn_0165.CivBeyondSwordSave
    398.5 KB · Views: 161
Now this is quite interesting stuff... been lurking with some interest.
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