Favourite Simpson-isms

Marge: Don't die out there.
Homer: Don't tell me how to do my job!

Now I can't stop using the "don't tell me how to do my job" line.
Aussie Man: Knife? You call that a knife? This here's a knife!

Homer: To Beer; the cause of and solution to all of life's problems
"It <verb>...like...<noun>." is how "It tastes...like...burning!" was adapted over here.
Flanders (in homers thought bubble): Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all nothing at all nothing at all
Homer: stupid sexy flanders

lenny: Dental Plan!
Marge: Lisa needs braces

I use this, too.

A brief glance at my Simpsonisms repetoire reveals such sayings as:

"I am smart! Smart smart smart! S-M-R-T I mean S-M-A-R-T!"


"Best/worst X ever."

"Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!" but I substitute the name of whomever I'm speaking to.

"My name is Otto, and I love to get blotto."

"Thank you, come again."

"I stand by my racial slur." (Best Quimby quote EVER) <---Yes I said that in the Comic Book guy voice :lol:

I'll also sometimes do the "oh good glayven mw-hurgn-whey" of Doctor Frink. He may be the best character on there.

EDIT: Oh, and the "it tastes like burning." I love Ralph Wiggum. There is a song by the Bloodhound Gang composed entirely of Ralphie quotes.

EDIT II: I forgot the best one! "Hi everybody!"
^^Hi doctor Nick!

Another McLure: "Hi, i'm Troy McClure and you may remember me from such movies as, 'Today we Kill, Tomorrow we die' and 'Gladys the groovy mule".

To many others to list right now.

The Ninja :ninja:
To many to count

But my favorites are, not sure how exact the quotes are

"Aye Aye...ya big dummy, oh what a dummy" Moe(from the episode where Homer joins the naval reserve)
"Whats a Truck?(insert whatever you want)" Fat Tony(bart becomes Fat Tony's Bartender)
"Save me Jebus!"
"I'm nto a Mormon! I'm from Earth!"
I often add "Started by German settlers in 1946" when I hear about something stupid
"Ah hell diddly ding dong crap!"

Plus those previously mentioned
"No beer and no TV makes homer something something"
"Go crazy?"
"Because shut up, that's why!"

That was the one I couldn't remember earlier. If only I could remember the context.

Aliens answer the door: "Oh great, Mormons!" "Actually, we're Quantum Presbyterians."
"Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such self-help videos as 'Smoke Yourself Thin' and 'Get Confident, Stupid!'"

Lionel Hutz: I move for one of those bad... court... thingies.
Judge: You mean a mistrial?
Lionel: Yeah. That's why you're the judge, and I'm the law... talkin'... dude.

(RIP Phil Hartman)
"This object carries a powerful curse"
"That's bad"
"But you get a free frogurt"
"That's good"
"The frogurt is also cursed"
"That's bad"
"But you get your choice of topping"
"That's good"
"The toppings contain potassium benzoate"
"That's bad"
"Can I go now?"

The Ninja :ninja:
Said by Remier Wolfcastle during the shooting of the Radioactive Man movie.

isnt it actually rainer wolfcastle? ;-)

my favourite:

homer: "I voted for kodos!" (after getting hit by an alien with a whip, referring to the election where they had the choice between kang and kodos)
This is a saying that My brother likes using, especially to my mum.
"You stupid lady." This is from the scene in Brazil where they invented a new dance called "The Penetrada." "It makes sex look like a church."
Marge - "I don't think my daughter should be hearing that."
Man- "You can't protect her forever, you stupid lady.

Dr. Nick - "Remember, let's not get the law involved. One hand washes the other hand. Oh! that reminds me." And he goes and washes his hand.

"These gloves came free with my toilet brush."

"Don't worry, it's inflammable." When the bike tire with fireworks land on the bottle. That is the only word that with in added to the front meant exactly the same as without it.

Man - "I think I will vote for a third party."
Kodo - "Go ahead, throw away your vote." Then Ross Perot punches his hat.

Ralph - "My cat's breath smells of cat food."

Mel Gibson - "Hi everybody."
Dr Nick - "Hi Mr Gibson."
Television! Teacher, mother... secret lover. Urge to kill... fading... fading... fading - rising! Fading... fading... gone.
Bart - "What is haggis?"
Willy - Go easy on the wee one, he has the shin.
Bart - Don't you mean the Shining.
Willy - Do you want to get sued?

Willy - Bonjour. Ya cheese eating surrender monkeys.
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