• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


That is one nice Warg. However, as wargs will we rideable as well (they will be right?) the two should have some resemblance of eachother. If the wargs-riders will be made from scratch though, we can request using those Dire Wolfs as base.
Here is also Religion based settlers (Also Rhye has a format as well for Islam that might work):


As far as I know we plan on having Warg Riders, yes. The Wargs could also be used for a unit for Shadow Civs., or a wandering animal unit. Remember the Wargs the Fellowship fought near Moria.
Not sure about the religion based settlers, as we would still have to make the first city get the right religion automatically, so why not reuse the same code for all cities. (this is depending on how religion will be implemented at all in the mod, so this might still come in handy).
Religion-based settlers is good. It might also work if we add FFH's all-units-have-religions thing.

For Wargs, I think Wargs by themselves work better as a more aggressive Animal unit.
If I understand correctly how the unit based religion works now, than this is already in FFH2 so we don't need to code it ourselves. How it works is that it randomly picks a religion (with none also as an option) and assignes this to the settlet (or whatever unit it creates). If the settler than founds a new city, the religion is automatically there as well. What we could do when we have religions in every city from founding on (and just one per city) than maybe we can remove the none option and always assign that religion to the settler/unit. Also to found/give the first city the religion is making the beginning settler recieve a religion to begin with or maybe give the starting tech to the civ which automatically founds the city. Another possibility is to use python to just assign the religion to the city (but I would have to see were to check which religion and that it happens only the first time). If we do it all the time, this will make the code even simpler and can be in the python part of founding a city (assign the state religion to every city that is founded or something).
If we do it all the time, this will make the code even simpler and can be in the python part of founding a city (assign the state religion to every city that is founded or something).

This is what I was thinking, but the other way works as well, though it will be more work.
I had another Idea that I think would add a little bit of Middle-Earth flavour to the mod.

I believe, in the History in the Making mod, they use a system that allows the naming of the Continents and Seas. It would be nice if on the actual Middle-Earth Maps (not the random ones) that we permanently assign the proper names to the Continents, such as:


That sounds cool. How does it work?
I just counted our Civs. We need to remember to allow more than the standard 18 Civs. Probably a 50 CIV .dll would be best, this way we can add Civ Packs for people who want to add more or if we expand based on scenarios or for whatever reason.
FFH has 21 civs excluding minor leaders and barbarians, so we're in the clear here. Will check to see what dll they use to know for sure.
By GeoModder: Ethnic Citystyles:


We might be able to use some of this for some of the Human Civs. I doubt that we will be having the Citystyles change from beyond the Middle Ages, so hopefully this will help cut down some of the work. I am also posting this in the Of art thread.
We might find a use for this as well. For example, the Mithril Mining -dwarven specific - tech can be researched quicker if the civ in question has access to Mithril.
Also, some techs can be made more expensive if another tech is researched allready (think Tengwar vs Runes > this would make it possible to have civs able to research both techs, but the second will be at 10x (or more) the cost of the first).
That looks interesting. We could have some fun with that.
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