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Feedback: Some Notes and Questions

Sep 11, 2017
First of all, thank you for creating this (unofficial) expansion, it greatly enhances the game!

I don't want this post to sound too negative, so just consider this to be the only flaws (IMO) in an otherwise excellent mod; I have been playing it for some months now and this is just feedback from my experience with it.

1. Nuclear Weapons:

I find it a real shame that the Nuclear Missile (NM) replaces the Atomic Bomb (AB) instead of being "just another unit". I do not see the use of that deviation from the way it works in vanilla and it certainly creates problems:

a) when rushing Advances Ballistics (e.g. to allow for Nuclear-Non-Proliferation treaty) it can happen (and has for me) that AB being built are cancelled automatically when the AB tech is researched; this is annoying and unreasonable as getting access to a new tech that is pretty much the "next tech over" from the enabling tech should not cancel production of units that were only enabled a few turns earlier; in fact, I once had 3 Atomic Bombs cancelled because I did not know about this beforehand.

b) I do not see any exploit potential here since the AB is much weaker than the NM, so the fact that the NM costs twice the amount of uranium should not mess with the game balance wise if players are still allowed to build AB.

c) for a player with access to very limited amounts of uranium the choice between one or two NM with greater range, damage, capabilities or two to four AB with lower ranger, damage, capabilities should be left to the player...I do not see why you would take that choice away from the player.

d) there is no real tactical nuke in the game (sadly) but with AB and NM allowed simultaneously we could have something that is somewhat similar to the distinction between tactical (low range, low damage) and strategic (high range and damage); so while I would prefer adding another unit (tactical nuke) this would mean much effort so an easier approximation could be to simply not have AB obsoleted by NM.

e) IRL there are AB and NM in use simultaneously (in the relevant arsenals) and while NM are by far more dangerous and the primary deterrent, AB are still being kept around and the bomber fleets are still being maintained and conduct nuclear strike training so I why is this not possible in VP?

2. Movement trigger

This may seem a little nitpicky but I personally find it quite annoying:
When using right click to issue a movement order and hovering with the click-held mouse over a tile, the order is sometimes issued despite me not releasing the mouse button...this annoys me so much that I have almost completely stopped using right click. It does not seem obvious to me why the automatic and seemingly inconsistent movement trigger for right click on hold down is needed or wanted.

3. Canals

This might be a bug or not:
In the 26th May '17 version of the game I tried building a canal with Coast - Fort - City - Fort - Lake which did not work.
In the 16th Aug '17 version I built a canal with Coast - Citadel - City - Fort - Coast which worked (although the city was a "coastal" city with ice to one side; the canal was to allow for a shorter way and not have to buy all the ice tiles).
In the 23rd Aug '17 version I built a canal with Coast - Fort - City - Fort - Coast which did not work (I also tried with citadels but no luck).

I am somewhat certain that I successfully built a Coast - Citadel/Fort - City - Citadel/Fort - Coast canal earlier this year without the city being coastal. In all these versions two-tile canals involving coastal cities worked.

I would just like some clarification on what is supposed to work and what isn't and whether the current state of affairs is a bug or not.

4. Vassals declaring one-turn wars?

This may be another bug but since no one posted on Github I am not sure; if it is intentional, please consider removing this "feature":
- vassal by conquest is bullying some city states under the masters protection
- the master does not cave (on the dialog screen clicks "You'll pay for this in time") to safeguard the PoP and not lose influence
- vassal declares war as a response and attacks master's units
- vassal's turn ends and eventually it is the master's turn again and the war ends automatically because the vassal is still the vassal (liberation criteria not met and no liberation triggered) so the master can't even kill some of the vassal's units in retaliation.

This means that at any time the vassal can extort the master to abandon the PoP and lose influence if he doesn't want to potentially lose any units (like a level 10 Zeppelin that I once had in my vassal's territory) and without being able to retaliate militarily and still keep the vassalage going (declaring war during the masters turn would end the vassalage).
I really hope this is a bug and if so I can post to Github but please confirm if it is or not or if you think it should be.

5. Vassal text bug

This I am sure is a bug but I don't know whether the CBO Github is the right place to post since it involves the Civ 4 Diplo Features module:
The conditions for vassals to liberate themselves have the wrong text, from the way the game works for me it should read instead:
1. Vassal for x turns (depending on game speed)
2. One of the following conditions
a) Vassal City count LESS than 75% of initial count ----- not "more" as it says
b) POPULATION count more than 300% of inital count ----- not "City" count as it says
c) [is correctly stated I think]

This is pretty confusion for new players since the text description is simply wrong and it takes some time to figure out what is going on.

Thanks for reading and again thank you for this amazing mod!
First of all, thank you for creating this (unofficial) expansion, it greatly enhances the game!

I don't want this post to sound too negative, so just consider this to be the only flaws (IMO) in an otherwise excellent mod; I have been playing it for some months now and this is just feedback from my experience with it.

1. Nuclear Weapons:

I find it a real shame that the Nuclear Missile (NM) replaces the Atomic Bomb (AB) instead of being "just another unit". I do not see the use of that deviation from the way it works in vanilla and it certainly creates problems:

a) when rushing Advances Ballistics (e.g. to allow for Nuclear-Non-Proliferation treaty) it can happen (and has for me) that AB being built are cancelled automatically when the AB tech is researched; this is annoying and unreasonable as getting access to a new tech that is pretty much the "next tech over" from the enabling tech should not cancel production of units that were only enabled a few turns earlier; in fact, I once had 3 Atomic Bombs cancelled because I did not know about this beforehand.

b) I do not see any exploit potential here since the AB is much weaker than the NM, so the fact that the NM costs twice the amount of uranium should not mess with the game balance wise if players are still allowed to build AB.

c) for a player with access to very limited amounts of uranium the choice between one or two NM with greater range, damage, capabilities or two to four AB with lower ranger, damage, capabilities should be left to the player...I do not see why you would take that choice away from the player.

d) there is no real tactical nuke in the game (sadly) but with AB and NM allowed simultaneously we could have something that is somewhat similar to the distinction between tactical (low range, low damage) and strategic (high range and damage); so while I would prefer adding another unit (tactical nuke) this would mean much effort so an easier approximation could be to simply not have AB obsoleted by NM.

e) IRL there are AB and NM in use simultaneously (in the relevant arsenals) and while NM are by far more dangerous and the primary deterrent, AB are still being kept around and the bomber fleets are still being maintained and conduct nuclear strike training so I why is this not possible in VP?

2. Movement trigger

This may seem a little nitpicky but I personally find it quite annoying:
When using right click to issue a movement order and hovering with the click-held mouse over a tile, the order is sometimes issued despite me not releasing the mouse button...this annoys me so much that I have almost completely stopped using right click. It does not seem obvious to me why the automatic and seemingly inconsistent movement trigger for right click on hold down is needed or wanted.

3. Canals

This might be a bug or not:
In the 26th May '17 version of the game I tried building a canal with Coast - Fort - City - Fort - Lake which did not work.
In the 16th Aug '17 version I built a canal with Coast - Citadel - City - Fort - Coast which worked (although the city was a "coastal" city with ice to one side; the canal was to allow for a shorter way and not have to buy all the ice tiles).
In the 23rd Aug '17 version I built a canal with Coast - Fort - City - Fort - Coast which did not work (I also tried with citadels but no luck).

I am somewhat certain that I successfully built a Coast - Citadel/Fort - City - Citadel/Fort - Coast canal earlier this year without the city being coastal. In all these versions two-tile canals involving coastal cities worked.

I would just like some clarification on what is supposed to work and what isn't and whether the current state of affairs is a bug or not.

4. Vassals declaring one-turn wars?

This may be another bug but since no one posted on Github I am not sure; if it is intentional, please consider removing this "feature":
- vassal by conquest is bullying some city states under the masters protection
- the master does not cave (on the dialog screen clicks "You'll pay for this in time") to safeguard the PoP and not lose influence
- vassal declares war as a response and attacks master's units
- vassal's turn ends and eventually it is the master's turn again and the war ends automatically because the vassal is still the vassal (liberation criteria not met and no liberation triggered) so the master can't even kill some of the vassal's units in retaliation.

This means that at any time the vassal can extort the master to abandon the PoP and lose influence if he doesn't want to potentially lose any units (like a level 10 Zeppelin that I once had in my vassal's territory) and without being able to retaliate militarily and still keep the vassalage going (declaring war during the masters turn would end the vassalage).
I really hope this is a bug and if so I can post to Github but please confirm if it is or not or if you think it should be.

5. Vassal text bug

This I am sure is a bug but I don't know whether the CBO Github is the right place to post since it involves the Civ 4 Diplo Features module:
The conditions for vassals to liberate themselves have the wrong text, from the way the game works for me it should read instead:
1. Vassal for x turns (depending on game speed)
2. One of the following conditions
a) Vassal City count LESS than 75% of initial count ----- not "more" as it says
b) POPULATION count more than 300% of inital count ----- not "City" count as it says
c) [is correctly stated I think]

This is pretty confusion for new players since the text description is simply wrong and it takes some time to figure out what is going on.

Thanks for reading and again thank you for this amazing mod!

Thanks for the feedback.

1. I'll take it under advisement
2. Sounds like a hardware issue with your mouse, actually.
3. Canals cannot extend more than 1 tile inland.
4 & 5 - report to github, I'll look.

Canals can be 2 tiles(fort+city or city+fort or city+citadel) Both tiles must be coastal.
Thank you for the quick reply! I posted the issues to Github now and am hoping you implement the nuke change, it would remove a rather awkward and IMO non-sensical limitation from late game.
Thanks for all your hard work!
I'm curious. What's your opinion towards another expendable unit of guided missile?

Yes, another guided missile of the type tactical nuke would be wonderful!
Maybe something like 1 Uranium requirement, damage radius 1 tile, range about that of the regular Guided Missile or even a little less, a little weaker than Atomic Bomb and available with Advanced Ballistics that would be great!
That way one could have a true tactical and strategic nuclear distinction...also a new type of land unit that can carry and fire missiles (or just give that ability to the SAM launcher) would be nice.
I doubt it will happen though since adding another unit is a lot of work I realize and this mod seems to be in a "feature complete" status, so I would be happy with Atomic Bombs not being obsoleted by Nuclear Missile.
If there is an upgraded A bomb, this should be an H bomb. Same area, more punch.

That would be a more appropriate upgrade, yes; but I would prefer the introduction of a tactical nuclear missile akin to the Guided Missile and the ability to shoot from land (e.g. from SAM launcher) but since it's likely not happening I hope that at least the AB and NM are untangled.
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