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FF like Adam Smith doesn't seem to work


Sep 14, 2010
Hi everybody

I was been playing Civ4Col in Vanilla mode for a while, and I get really bored really fast, although this has been one of my fauvorite games ever, (I've played it a ton of times, from de original DOS, to the windows version, and the Java Freecol version)

Then I found AODII, and finally I can play Civ4Col and enjoy, so first of all thanks to all that make this possible.

That said, after playing for I while I have the feeling that the FF, who "accelerates the construction of...", doesn't make any difference.

Maybe I got it wrong, people like Hernando de soto +100% in ranch, and Adam Smith +50% (or 100 I dont remember) in cigars and the other ,

What do they do? Make the construction of the building faster, ??? or increase the final output of the building making possible to create more "products" from the raw materials needed.

I think is the second, but I dont find any difference in the game once I get them

In my current game, I have Hernando de Soto, I should have +100% in the horses production but I have nothing, then I was able to get Adam Smith, but after having him, I didn't find any change or difference in the game (In this case I just reloaded some turns ago and chose a different FF).

But still, I dont know it this is a bug, a problem with my instalation, or just me not understanding some of the mecanichs.

I installed the vanilla game, then the latests patch, and finally the 1.12 version os AoDII

I would appreciate some help, please.

Besides all of this, about the prices in education people, aren't they a little bit high, I mean 750 for training an elder statesman looks a little expensive for me, as you can get him for 2000 (with some "discounts" available from FF this can be like 1700), and in this second case, you dont have to put the "colonist" yourself, you get the colonist also , if the colonist worths 750 (plus 750 this sums 1500) in Europe as I recall, the saving you get from training instead of buying, seems to low for me, have i got anything wrong?

Thanks in advance.
Hi Renick,
Welcome to this forum!
That said, after playing for I while I have the feeling that the FF, who "accelerates the construction of...", doesn't make any difference.
I've never seen it! But, it can be explain by the fact that some FF can increase your production by your tax rate, so if you don't have tax, you will not have more productions.
What do they do? Make the construction of the building faster, ??? or increase the final output of the building making possible to create more "products" from the raw materials needed.

I think is the second, but I dont find any difference in the game once I get them
You are right, it increases the production.
When you have a FF who increases the tabacco production(for example), you must have this help in cities that produce tabacco :
Spoiler :
In this picture I have not more of tabacco because 25*3/100 = 0.75. As we can only have an integer, 0.75 becomes 0 :(.

For the prices in education people, i agree with you but the statesman education can be decrease to 500 gold.

Can I suggest you to test my mod, Dawn of a new Era.
I am convinced you like it! ;) I hope I helped you.


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Well, first of all thanks for your answer

Just watch the attachments, I have Hernando de Soto, who is suppose to increase 100% horses in a ranch, well I have a ranch, but I dont see any trace of his work... maybe I'm looking in the wrong place but I dont see anywhere else.

About education, how can I reduce the education prices? in my opinion they are too high, maybe just free as col1 was too cheap, but 750 (or 500 as you say it can be done ) looks very expensive, as long as you have to place your own free colonist.
Please tell me how can I do that

About your mod, I'll give it a tryu when I finish the civ game.



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I have Hernando de Soto, who is suppose to increase 100% horses in a ranch,
In fact, this FF only increase the construction speed of ranch and stable, contrary to thomas hooker who increase the cross production.

About education, how can I reduce the education prices?
You can decrease the education prices in this file :
You must fine this lines and replace 1000 to a lower price (for example 500):
About your mod, I'll give it a tryu when I finish the civ game.
I hope you will appreciate it :p! Good Game ;)!!
So as I see, the FF that states "Increases production speed of " , means that the bonus is for make the building itself faster, and does not affect the final output ,

Adam Smith states:"Double production speed of Textill Mill, Cigar factory... and so on"
This bonus is only to make the buildings, right?, so he does not increase the number of final cigars o rum bottles, does he?

Hernando de Soto says: Double production speed of stable and ranch.

I thought that I was going to get more horses every turn

If this is that ways neither of them really worth, as once you've built the building the bonus ends...

Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm a little confused about this concept, maybe because the original Adam Smith allowed to increase the items producen per turn

Thanks for your help.
Adam Smith states:"Double production speed of Textill Mill, Cigar factory... and so on"
This bonus is only to make the buildings, right?
It is right!
as once you've built the building the bonus ends...
It is right again :p! But, I like get the FF who decreases the building time of unversity because, in my mod, hospitals requires an university in city. So you must do the right choice for the FF.
Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm a little confused about this concept, maybe because the original Adam Smith allowed to increase the items producen per turn
When you used "the original Adam Smith ", you talk of Civ4 Colonization or the old Colonization, if it is the old colonization I don't know, otherwise without the Dales mod, Adam Smith permitted to double production speed of textile manufacturing.
When you used "the original Adam Smith ", you talk of Civ4 Colonization or the old Colonization, if it is the old colonization I don't know, otherwise without the Dales mod, Adam Smith permitted to double production speed of textile manufacturing.

I talked about the original and old Colonization, one of my fauvorite games.
But thanks, I finally understand how they work, and finally I dont like that kind of bonus, wont pick up any on them again.

I tried to have a look at your mod, but the page, besides being in french in some places, doesnt allow me to have a look at the info, screenshots and the other stuff, how finished it is?, tried to register, messed with the french instructions, and I guessk it's waiting for administrator accepting
(Although French has some in common with Spanish, my born language, I haven't really studied a word of it, maybe getting all this stuff in english wouldnt discourage people from register or reviewing your website)

I tried to have a look at your mod, but the page, besides being in french in some places, doesnt allow me to have a look at the info, screenshots and the other stuff, how finished it is?, tried to register, messed with the french instructions, and I guessk it's waiting for administrator accepting
You can download the last changelog here and download the last version of DoaNE here.
But I think there are more informations about DoaNE in civfanatic than in my website.
(Although French has some in common with Spanish, my born language, I haven't really studied a word of it, maybe getting all this stuff in english wouldnt discourage people from register or reviewing your website)
You are right, but i am lazy :p and i never take the time to arrange it.
You are registered now ;), the advantage is that I will send you a mail when we add a new version of DoaNE.
You can decrease the education prices in this file :
You must fine this lines and replace 1000 to a lower price (for example 500):

I have changed the value of the xml line for 500, but it does not affect muy game,, do I have to start another game or should it show efects in my current game?
They keep being 250, 500 and 750, I'm playing in the second difficulty level

Hey,thanks for all of your answers they are very useful, I'll try the next game if this works.

Anyway, I thought that you meant that the price could be decreased to 500 in-game, with the regular rules, right now my price is 750, maybe it changes with the difficult level chosen, is that what you meant or I took it wrong?, if so, how? a FF,? some building?

Thanks in advance
maybe it changes with the difficult level chosen, is that what you meant or I took it wrong?, if so, how? a FF,? some building?
If I remember correctly, the game speed and the difficulty level can change the price of education. I don't think there are other factors.
If I remember correctly, the game speed and the difficulty level can change the price of education. I don't think there are other factors.

Haven't been able to change prices via the xml file, even starting a new game, dont know why, thanks anyway, I'll check different speed factors.

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