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FfH2 0.30 Bug Thread

Either the Elohim or the 2nd player in hotseat games can see both the lich and sun mana starting on turn 1 of the game, i'll playtest some more to see which it is. Either way it's a bug and my guess is it's the civ.
Either the Elohim or the 2nd player in hotseat games can see both the lich and sun mana starting on turn 1 of the game, i'll playtest some more to see which it is. Either way it's a bug and my guess is it's the civ.

The Elohim see all unique world improvements automatically, and it is a feature.
Raging Seas! Just lost the game to it -- I know it is supposed to be devastating, but WOW!

I thought is affected units at sea, but it also affects units on land, which makes it totally devastating. I declared war on the Larun, took a city on the coast, and BANG -- Donal Lugh dead, Bambur dead; this is too much. I can't even reload or anything, its just totally devastating.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or a design feature, but I think its too good if it impact coastal areas.

Best wishes,

Also, despite chopping down a good number of Ancient Forests (Arendel attacked my poor friend Arcturus you see), no tree ents showed up to explain to me how I aught to know better.

Mithril Golem -- Despite having every tech and every building, I could never build this one. Perhaps it requires the Kilmorph special holy building (I never got a great prophet :( ), but the civopedia entry makes no mention of such a requirement.

Similarly, I could not build any Dwarven Shadows.

Under the write up for Dwarven Druids, it says you must be Neutral, but they are the special unit for Luchiurp who is Good. Taking on a Neutral religion does not make you neutral anymore (as I think it did in previous versions). Somewhere in here seems like there is a bug.

To chop the forests they must have been within your borders right? Treants will only spawn when entering the ancient forest that another player controls and the treant will belong to that player, and if that is what you were doing then it's still quit rare....

The Mithril golem requires an armegeddon counter of over 70.....

The Dwarven shadows can only be built if you convert to the council of Esus

No bug with druids, you can turn neutral with octopus overlords and maybe???? esus???

The above two are features to allow the player more freedom in the way that they play, so your choice of religion or alignment won't force you to use non dwarven units.
Playing on 0.30C
1) Cast Wither spell on enemy stack of 3 units in a city, it affected all 3 of them plus all 10 units in my stack except my hero.
2) my withered adept who took damage could not heal either in neutral borders or in my borders in my city. The option never would present itself.
3) played on map where the barbarian cities outnumbered the human/AI player cities by a 2-to-1 margin from turn 1 and the computer player never built Archeron/The Dragon's Hoard.
4) my hero went to explore an ancient tomb, choose the last option and the game froze, went back 2 turns and choose 1st option and it worked fine.
Version C:
Is it normal for elven workers to take 15 turns to farm a forest? This used to be 6 (I think). Also, before starting the farm, the mouse over says +1F, -1H but when the farm is built the hammer stays (not running agriculture). So the mouse over acts like the forest is going away (the message about removing the forest is not displayed) and the time acts like a forest chop + farm.
I've found the very same issues. But I would be willing to let the time needd for building those improvements stay so high if they're built under a forest. Seems to be more realistic.
Game locks after turn 189. Patch c, save attached.

edit: it would be really cool, if i could pcontinue this game...was one of the best starts ever (3 gold in fatX)...any help would appreciated...


  • AutoSave_AD-0188.CivBeyondSwordSave
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AI having trouble making up his mind? (I got a save if you want it).


  • AI build different nodes at once.jpg
    AI build different nodes at once.jpg
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Version C:
Is it normal for elven workers to take 15 turns to farm a forest? This used to be 6 (I think). Also, before starting the farm, the mouse over says +1F, -1H but when the farm is built the hammer stays (not running agriculture). So the mouse over acts like the forest is going away (the message about removing the forest is not displayed) and the time acts like a forest chop + farm.

build times/work rate are still the same for 030 as for previous versions
a normal worker has a 100% work rate, elven has 80%, goblin 90%, dwarven 125% and mud golem 150%. (slaves are much slower than their normal counterparts) then you throw in penalties for terrain 25% for desert/tundra and 50% for snow. there is no penalty for hills and can see nothing listed in xml for entries for forests of any type. As for the +1F, -1H normally when putting up a farm on a forested hex that is what would happen, but the elves get to keep their trees, hence keeping their hammer instead of losing it.
i think the worker order still counts the forest as needed-to-be-chopped, and therefor adds the additional turns it takes to build (12 turns for a plantation for example, on normal i think).
A lot of the points I raised back on page five still haven't been addressed, but I thought I'd throw another few out there:

1) Lanun can't draft boarding parties. I suspect the harbour requirement may be messing things up, as in towns without a harbour, swordsmen are raised. In ones with a harbour, you can only raise warriors.

2) When Hyborem (wielding his Gela) killed my Orthus-axe-wielding boarding party, the axe disappeared.

3) Strong and Weak promotions are missing icons.
v0.30 patch c.

Waiting 20 turns to found the Ratcatcher's guild really has no effect: it always founds in my capital city. Since there's no time to build anything that might differentiate cities in 20 turns, perhaps increase the turn limit to 150+ turns. The early game is all about survival and settling, not so much building.

Crime events appear to either be very rare or not happening at all. No events have triggered for me in several games, even when the Ratcatcher's guild headquarters is in a city. Intended?
Well, I occasionally get the Bandits event, with the guild offering to handle it and give me a cut of the profits. Haven't seen any of the rarer events, but I'd think that they're working.
Marksmen target (and destroy) equipment. Dunno if this is intended.
smugglers port can't be built under any circumstance, Is this a bug or is it just not implemented yet? (yes, i had the undercouncil vote yes to do it)
Game locks after turn 189. Patch c, save attached.

edit: it would be really cool, if i could pcontinue this game...was one of the best starts ever (3 gold in fatX)...any help would appreciated...

Tried to identify the problem...no results...

changed the research...nope
deleted all barb city (assuming it might be the spawning Archeron)...nope
no one is building anything special, no great wars or anything...

any ideas?
2 things

I'm still getting the ratcatchers founding before 20 turns

The royal guard, can't build but got all the pre-requesites and civics but can't build them. I'm playing the Calabim, is this a feature of the vampires? or is it a bug. I can't find anything that indicates there are extra racial restrictions.

Just found this

Orthus in the same city as acheron, and acheron has nicked the axe!!

Ok, so this is my accumulated bug list for this last game, which I actually played *gasp* through to the bitter, bitter end (it took forever)...

FFH2 0.30a, Huge Map, Modified FFH Smartmap, Epic speed, 14 civs., Player as Luchiurp on Noble or Prince (doubt it matters), Using Runes of Kilmorph as my religion all game long (very little incentive to switch, tbh ;).

Ok, so, not all of these may be bugs. There were a number of "bugs" I "found" which later turned out to be design or interface decisions I hadn't expected. So, if I erroneously report some non-bugs as bugs, my apologies 8).
Ok, going to go through a few of these as they're not al bugs.

Bombarding units can move to the end of their movement (all mp spent) and then bombard. This also goes for fireballs.
This is a test that the team have been trying out, they're open to switching it back if it proves problematic as I recall.
Boats can use all their mp, bombard and then blockade.

NPC factions commonly request resource trades for resources they already have (which I don't believe occurs in regular civ, nor has any meaning for non-mana resources).
They'll usually be doing this to broker them on to others for more cash. Seems reasonable to me.

Rune of Wardings are off-center on large cities. I'm not familiar enough with the LSystem for cities, this may not be easily fixable, but, I did notice a lot of off to the side warding circles on many of my larger cities.
Known issue for a long while. Not easily fixable.

Summoned units (Earth Elementals, Balors, etc.) can capture cities. I thought I read somewhere that summoned units were supposed to be incapable of such.
Summons (and HN units) can now capture cities. Intended change

You can not build a lumber mill on an Ancient Forest.
Intended as a balance, as lumbermilled ancient forests are a tad too good.

Also, despite chopping down a good number of Ancient Forests (Arendel attacked my poor friend Arcturus you see), no tree ents showed up to explain to me how I aught to know better.
Chopping forests doesn't spawn treants. There's a chance on entering the tile if you're at war with their owner, but if it's not triggered, you can sit there as long as you like.

Maelstrom effects boats, as do fireballs and meteor storms. This is probably as intended, but I was still surprised :).
Yup, intended.

Stonewardens can't pillage.
No disciple units can. Again, balancing issue.

Skeletons (the permanent summoned kind) also can't pillage. Neither can hippogriffs.

Conversely, Earth Elementals, Imps and a few others can pillage. Somewhere, something here seems odd with the pillaging.
Not sure about these. I'd think it should be consistent, but perhaps some of the weaker spell lines have the ability to pillage as a bonus.

Mud Golems built in cities with a Fire Mana workshop (I forget the exact name) can cast fireballs. This may be intended, but it's damn funny looking 8). And mean. Definitely mean.
Yup, intended :)

The Large Elephant Stables, as near as I can tell, do not work, and do nothing. Similarly, captured elephants are nigh useless, and can not be upgraded to war elephants.
They do nothing because Luchiurp can't build the enabled units, I believe. Really, the building should be disabled but so long as you know it doesn't do anything, it's not too big of an issue.

Wither doesn't effect workers. Neither does Haste.
Workers don't count as living units. The Baron'd be even meaner if they did.

As part of my end game dance to avoid more armageddon, I tried starving cities by surrounding them down to size 1 before capturing them. Quixotically, although size 1 cities usually are razed automagically when you capture them, starved size 1 cities can still be captured. If you choose to raze them, however, you incur no AC penalty. Sometimes, it seemed like you even gained AC.

Also, Sanctify seems to be behaving erratically. Although generally Sanctify lowers the AC, it only registers after you end your turn, and the amount of AC lowered is disconnected from the city sanctified. You can sanctify city ruins of sites which cost no AC (because they were size 1) and still gain an AC lowering benefit. You can also sanctify the ruins of large cities and gain no AC reduction. Very strange.
This is due to your map size. Sanctifying ruins lowers the AC by a set amount, but changes are fractional as a balance to the larger map sizes. You'll only see effects when the counter rolls round to a new whole number.

Razing barbarian cities raises the AC.
Intended so far as I'm aware. At least, it's been like that since the start of Fire and the team haven't changed it.

Seas of Rage seemed overpowered. When it was used on me, the only thing that kept me from losing the game was the lack of any actual attacks coming at the same time. Used with intelligence, Seas of Rage seems like it would be an I win button against any one civ. Conversely, Golden hammer is very nice, but not an I Win button. The Sidar all my units are invisible for one turn seems relatively underpowered in comparison to either. The Worldbreak spell is problematic as no computer player seems to have the slightest idea how to put out fires. Some sort of computer handicap might be necessary until the AI can be improved (increased chance for fires to go out in a computer player's cultural zone, modified by number of water nodes?).
Civs are balanced as a whole and not in individual parts. The Lanun are not a particularly strong civ (except on water-rich maps), so they get a fairly strong world spell. Avoid the coasts when at war with them until they trigger their spell.

Cardith's city limit seemed quite severe on my map size, where he was limited to five cities. Does the Cardith city limit scale with the size of the map?
It does scale, but not greatly. The Kuriotates suffer on large maps in the same way that Lanun suffer without seas, orcs suffer with No Barbarians, and the Sheaim suffer with no AC. It means that games play out differently every time.

Catapults do not upgrade to Canons.
Do you have a gunpowder resource? If so, may be an issue with the removal of Alchemy Labs, but I've not checked myself.
The AC went down after I razed one Tasunke city. The AC counter went down again when I sanctified the site.

Sometimes Haste (I wrote down about Bambur, but I think it's general) when cast on units which are already out of mp will grant the promotion without granting extra mp. Sometimes the mp is granted, but the green/yellow/red movement state icon doesn't update.
Working as intended for the most part. If units are *just* out of movement, haste will give them an extra point. If a 1 move unit moves onto a wooded hill and is hasted, it remains at 0 movement. Else micromanagement would give too much of a boost to players who go for that kind of thing.

When you gain access to Paladins, you can no longer build Soldiers of Kilmorph (even though Paladins are limited to three). This sucks 8).
Likely to be a bug, but can I recommend not building Castles in every town as a stopgap fix? :)

I found the Dragon outside his city, presumably as the result of attacking someone who walked next to him. It seemed strange to me that he would leave his horde unprotected. When I killed him, I received relatively little xp (maybe 5 or 6?). As opposed to the Lich who gave me 25ish and a staff. Of the two, the Dragon is harder. Also, the staff's "Death Affinity" did not appear to be working for me, at least not until I made that caster into a lich, then it became less clear.
Acheron moving around is fixed with the latest patch. As for exp, Barbatos has the Hero promotion while Acheron doesn't, meaning that the former will be a higher level (and thus give more exp). Personally, I find the lich harder to destroy as his summons are pretty good at thinning any attack force sent to destroy him.

Mithril Golem -- Despite having every tech and every building, I could never build this one. Perhaps it requires the Kilmorph special holy building (I never got a great prophet :( ), but the civopedia entry makes no mention of such a requirement.
Requires the Holy city, but not the holy building. However, you need an AC above 70 to build either Avatar (the other being Meshabber)

Similarly, I could not build any Dwarven Shadows.
I believe these now require you to follow the Council of Esus.

Despite having the ratcatcher's guild and some very high crime rates for large portions of the game, I only encountered 1 crime event.
Yeah, these do seem a bit rare. But that's the RNG for you.

Using haste to gain the mp to upgrade a unit, for example, from adept to conjurer, etc. deprives that unit of its free promotion.
There are a few issues with the Free Promotion promotion at the moment.

Under the write up for Dwarven Druids, it says you must be Neutral, but they are the special unit for Luchiurp who is Good. Taking on a Neutral religion does not make you neutral anymore (as I think it did in previous versions). Somewhere in here seems like there is a bug.
Luchiurp aren't the only dwarven civ around. If they want druids, they'll need to convert to Octopus Overlords (or have Random Personalities or Unrestricted Leaders turned on.)

Duin the Werewolf hero can not take Commando.
He's a beast unit, who can't get that particular promotion.

I could not build any Bear Totem buildings, despite having all the requirements listed in the Civpedia.
Luchiurp don't gain any units from the buiding, so it's restricted.

You can Hurry (with gold, in my case), the Tower of Mastery. That seems wrong. Only cost me 14k gold. Deal at twice the price given the amount of time each turn was taking 8).
If your'e in a position to rush the Tower, you're likely far ahead of any competitor anyway. Think of it as a Doublewin condition.

If you surround a berserker werewolf, and use fireballs to empty a city, the werewolf will capture the city for the barbarians when it turns rabid (reverts to being Barbarian). This is a nice cheat for getting around razing cities you neither want to keep nor leave in the hands of your enemies.
a bit of a cheat, but it needs a fair amount of work to pull off, and you need to sit around waiting for the 1% barbarian chance. I don't think the team are all that worried about blocking a strategy that requires an average of 50 turns to avoid taking one city :)

Some possible bug/suggestions as well:

The +40 Armageddon effect was mad, crazy devastating. I know it's called "Armageddon" and all, but it really knocked my empire on its knees. The Computer players were less effected, owing to the fact that their infrastructures were much less well developed. If it could be graduated a bit, that might work out better. Also, and I tried to test this, but didn't manage it, if you trigger the +40 event, and then use Sanctify to get below 40 AC, do you trigger *again* when you hit +40 once more?
It's *meant* to be devastating, as it's one of several "rubber-band mechanics", levers which weaker civs can pull to get themselves back into the game. And no, it only hits once per game.

Starvation is a bit out of control. Once a city starts starving, it loses a population level a turn (because the food bank doesn't get refilled after the "logical" subtraction of the food deficit). Given all the ways to suddenly be lacking in the ability to feed your populace, this seemed a bit crazy to me. Perhaps some sort of reverse granary effect would be in order to make starvation (and the effects which cause it) a bit more under control.
The current sysem makes sense to me. You feed everyone until you run out of food. Once you've run out of food, you don't have any left by definition. It makes starvation a particularly powerful weapon.

Seems like there should be some benefit for capturing the palace of another faction. Given that they all provide mana, perhaps a free mana source of one of their built-in 3. Not a bug really, just a thought I had written down 8).
It's been considered, but ultimately it was felt that taking a well-developed city typically on a good location, and potentially wiping out a civilisation, were benefit enough.

Are the chances of earth mana generated mineral specials scaled with the size or speed of the map? By the end of my game (about 600 turns) I had cities on my starting continent with 5-6 extra bonus resources. With only 1 earth mana. This seemed a little extreme. You know it's dubious when you start thinking, "Ah man, that's only a copper resource, I got screwed!".
They're just meant to be little bonuses. If you're relying on em to win, I think you're in trouble :)

A spell that would create a fresh water source, perhaps as a ritual taking some number of turns, etc. would be very valuable for those large land masses where no fresh water is available.
Not sure how this could be implemented in a away that the AI would be able to take as much advantage as a human player.

Also, after using a spell which creates a unit (fireball, summoning, etc.) it would be a nice interface effect to automatically switch the selected unit to the newly created "spell" item (e.g. the fireball).
It used to do this, but was switched for the current system back in Light. I can't recall why, but I'm sure there's a reason.
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