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FfH2 Bug Thread

Kudos on the Samhain thing btw. I just noticed in the game that I was able to do the deepening ritual and then later in the game samhain showed up lol (after 4th city)
We have been playing (2 players) on a LAN all the way up to patch g. I am not sure if it was h, i or j, but we can no longer play on the LAN. The games do not even show up in the LAN Lobby. I don't believe this is anything on my end, since we can unload the mod and play BTS on the LAN with no issues. Both systems have the same patch.

Is anyone else having this problem?

What exactly are you trying to do?

I wasn't trying to do anything with the Mage. He entered the city with my conquering SoD. I noticed his Spring (the ability to turn desert tiles to plains tiles) icon was highlighted will on a grassland tile. I cast Spring just to see what would happen. The visual and sound effects took place and the grassland remained the same.

The bottom line is that the Spring icon never should have been highlihted in the first place. Right?
Now that everyone knows I have a brain injury, here is a repeatable CtD, patch j.


  • Broken Hawk AD-0559.CivBeyondSwordSave
    406 KB · Views: 48
Now that everyone knows I have a brain injury, here is a repeatable CtD, patch j.

Here is a fixed file. this took me a long time to track down.

The crash was caused by the main Kuriotate army one square away from Kwythellar. It has over 230 units!! (Talk about not being aggressive enough ....)

The stack has 4 beastmasters. The only way to clear the crash is to eliminate one of the beastmasters, which I did. So the good news, is now if you attack him, he has only 229 or so units now! :)

Best wishes,



  • Broken Hawk AD-0559v2.CivBeyondSwordSave
    405.9 KB · Views: 71
Question; why does my game crashes if dwarvenslingers are involved in a battle (even just pillaging). Am i the only one or do other people also have the problem and what can i do about it? It happens while i am playing dwarves and/or the AI, khazad and luichurp slingers are equel in this ;-)

I hope someone knows an answer.
Here is a fixed file. this took me a long time to track down.

The crash was caused by the main Kuriotate army one square away from Kwythellar. It has over 230 units!! (Talk about not being aggressive enough ....)

The stack has 4 beastmasters. The only way to clear the crash is to eliminate one of the beastmasters, which I did. So the good news, is now if you attack him, he has only 229 or so units now! :)

Best wishes,


Wow. I'm glad I have a defensive pact with the Kuriotates. Thanks Breunor.
CtD at turn 300. I tried to go back a few turns to see if I did anything different would change anyting, but nothing seems to work. My games usually run smoothly, this is the first time. Patch j.

I thought maybe it was a massive amount of units, but I don't see any huge stacks anywhere.


  • Charadon AD-0300.CivBeyondSwordSave
    287.4 KB · Views: 62
(Just to be clear, this is a response to Avahz Darkwood's post, not a response to EverNoob's crash post.)

In theory people should only be posting reproducable crashes, and also in theory a resource crash won't be reproducable (although the game could start crashing every few turns as a result of resource problems). Neither of those theories is perfect so there are probably some not-entirely-bug-related crashes being posted.

Breunor is doing a great job finding the causes of many of the reported crashes, however. The ones he fixes seem legitimate. Deleting one or two units probably wouldn't fix a reproducable resource crash, for example, and of course he'd immediately notice if the reported crash wasn't reproducable (on his computer).
I have a CtD as soon as I hit the next turn button which has happened all four times I tried it. I'm using .41j in Vista and don't generally have problems with this mod. When Windows asked to check out the problem, the computer locked up.

View attachment 232709
Pre-41j every leader had a base value of 5, should every leader have the same value?

Not necessarily. In base BtS it ranges from 5 to 15, with one oddball having 20. Lower values mean that the AI is more likely to pull the "We fear you are becoming too advanced" excuse if you do allot of tech trading. Zero or fewer means they will use that excuse all the time, though they may hide it behind "we just don't like you enough" if that is also true.

As it stands, you can only trade with Friendly civs and your vassals because they ignore WFYABTA.

Strangely, AIs will still offer trades while they are WFYABTA, but if you don't accept it as they present it, you can't negotiate.
Simply restarting civ allows you to play past the point of a resource crash, though you'll have another one down the line. The best advice I have for resource crashes is this: save often.

I will add to that: set autosave for each turn...
is it possible that these crashes are caused by the massive number of troops using all the memory of the computers? (something like those memory allocation errors)

Emptiness is correct, in this case the crash isn't caused by the number of units. The stack had 230 or so units. When I eliminated 100 centaur archers it still crashed.

My belief is that the beastmaster crash was caused by a counter going above a maximum somewhere - the summoned tiger crashes are passing some max check for tigers, which are limited by priests of leaves; in this game, beastmasters are limited to 4 so I suspect that somehow something went wrong wehre it is assumed in the code the number of beastmasters has to be 4 or less, somehow it is getting to 5 or more, and an unanticipated crash occurs.

Of course, I could be totally wrong, so I'm sticking to good old trial and error! :)

Best wishes,

Small text issues.
  1. Adept requires building "NONE" because Mage Guild building class has description "NONE".
  2. "Caste system" and "Foreign Trade" civics show strategy message which is not FfH2 but BtS text.
  3. Each council resolutions don't show details in voting popup window.
There is my draft amendment. I'm glad if these files serve anyone.


  • CIV4GameText_FFH2.zip
    1.3 MB · Views: 66
CtD at turn 300. I tried to go back a few turns to see if I did anything different would change anyting, but nothing seems to work. My games usually run smoothly, this is the first time. Patch j.

I thought maybe it was a massive amount of units, but I don't see any huge stacks anywhere.

Here is a fixed file. It was the summon tiger bug (Hippus lands, next to Conrad Mor).

Best wishes,



  • Charadon ADv2-0300.CivBeyondSwordSave
    287.4 KB · Views: 50
Since patch "j" i have been having some problems. First a game that crashed, and now this game freezes when it gets to turn 374. I reloaded the game three times and it happened the same in every time. I attach the file. Thanks!


  • infernales.CivBeyondSwordSave
    558.1 KB · Views: 45
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