FFH2 Pitboss game(s)


Crazy Horse
Mar 20, 2009
the 1800s
Welcome all! For those used to RP games here at FFH2 Civfanatics subforum, I believe that pitboss games may be the new answer for organized Forum based MP (for FFH2).

Some can be RP, others can be open form, but with 12 hour turn timers, turn splitting (meaning wars will not be determined by fast moves and misclicks, but by conventional tactics used in Sequential Turns (normal play)).

Other conventions for Pitboss games are things called OOG deals. With the slower pace of a pitboss game, more complicated diplomatic arrangements can be met, and breaching a "signed" diplomatic agreement will get you horsehockylisted. In other words, you can be safe in the knowledge that such OOG deals will not be broken (as long as they are signed, and not simply open banter)

Among these deals are non aggression pacts, which are largely critical for other such deals to be made.

Now for the meat n potatoes of it all:

In due time there will be another FFH2 Pitboss game.

Pitboss was made possible due to fixes implemented by Fantastic_Sid/ Dis_citsatnaf (on reddit/civfanatics respectively).

For participation in the pitboss, it is unfortunate that further patches need to be made to the already modded FFH2 patch O

Tholal 1.7 was used as a base for his DLL fix, however his 1 line of code could be used in patchO

So it is possible that he can make a version for Patch O users to use :)

However, for now, Tholal 1.7 and then Dis's patch should allow for Pitboss play.

http://www.reddit.com/r/Redditpitbo...g_last_ffh2_pitboss_game_starts_this_weekend/ here is the "starter thread" for the first ffh2 pitboss game.

http://webchat.freenode.net/ this is the chat used by reddit Pitboss players.


So let us know what you think! :)
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