Final Civ List.

EFTA and vietnam should be added in and playable
CivEditor. You're fired. You post one sentence, all the time, and never have a reason to back up what you say. Come with reason, and logic, and then post and describe your reason and logic so that others can ascertain why you are making your comment and then can use their reasoning to agree or disagree. Simply posting one sentence and filling space is doing nobody here any good.
Since we lost the last page of info, here is a quick run-down with the discussion at this time, with possibilities:

1: Switzerland to EU. 3 new civs
1 (A): Possibilities to add:
-Remove ASEAN & add: Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines
-Ghana (currently Minor, and only 1 city on map, I believe)

2: Add NFTA Civ (Swiss, Norway, Iceland), add 1 more civ from above

My suggestion: Add Swiss to EU. The EU is a bit over-powered, but, their cities are a bit spread out and their propensity to be hard to mobilize will off-set that. Then I'd add 2/4 of Malaysia, Vietnam, Mongolia and Philippines because they have the most playable cities available. But that is just my suggestion. Lets get a final verdict on this by the end of Monday.
Actually, scratch my old opinion. I think the best way to go is to put Swiss in the EU and then add:

1. Taiwan (too important in modern politics to be left out)

2. Bangladesh (an emerging economic power, and a border state in between India, SE Asia, and China)

3. Vietnam (as one of the last communist governments in the world, it should be represented)
Actually, scratch my old opinion. I think the best way to go is to put Swiss in the EU and then add:
1. Taiwan (too important in modern politics to be left out)
2. Bangladesh (an emerging economic power, and a border state in between India, SE Asia, and China)
3. Vietnam (as one of the last communist governments in the world, it should be represented)

Haha...and we have a frontrunner for idea to be implemented by the end of Monday. Unless there is overwhelming support of another idea, this is most likely the scenario to be implemented. But, if you all have something else you really want to see...let it be known.
I'm happy with Bangladesh, Taiwan, Vietnam too.

We can always make minor adjustments if necessary after seeing how this pans out, but I know we'd all like to be playing the mod.
Okay, so it's agreed that the Final choice is:

Swiss EU
Separate Vietnam from ASEAN
Add Taiwan, again
Add Bangladesh

I think that's a reasonable list, there isn't any glaring faults.

However, maybe you should post a map just so we can have a visual representation on what we voted for. We should also have 1 final civ list, too.
Sorry to be a pain, but I'm just going through the civ list for the leaderheads and I really can't help feeling that EFTA is required and its inclusion is more than justified.

Norway, Iceland, Switzerland will have 7-8 cities. As it stands, we have an EU civ with well over 20 cities ie 3times as many as UK mainland, Germany, France, Italy have. This is not good, but to have Norway, Swiss, Iceland in is worse. If you have EU and EFTA then i think we're roughly looking at about 15 vs 7 cities as opposed to a made up civ with 22, which is in my opinion far better.

I think that's worth getting rid of any of the 3 Vietnam, Taiwan, Bangladesh for, who are going to have what 4, 2, 2 cities? Anyway i'm thinking out loud now and sorry for the lateness.

I agree no GLARING faults, just think EU civ is too big. I guess time will tell, if this is too late.
Well, if we do vote out one of them to make EFTA, I propose Bangladesh to be removed. I just really never heard of it untill now, and I'm sure a lot haven't heard of it, either.

Maybe minor Bang and add EFTA? I guess we should vote again, though.
Bangladesh is a small-ish country east of India. But it has massive population density and in terms of population alone probably deserves a slot. I'm going to try to keep out of it unless asked as I'm conscious I've come in rather late with this. I'll gladly accept any decision.
Thatnks for imforming me about it. I also just searched it on Wikipedia, too.

Well, like I said, we should all vote if we want EFTA in, and if so, which country to take out.

I, once again, say Bang out, EFTA in. Bang is a relitivlely small country, and it may turn out to be a one city civ, which was the excuse we used to remove Switzerland. Sure, it has a large population denstity, but I'm not that confident in including it. I'm also okay with not creating EFTA, to.
I agree. EFTA is worth a try and I could do without Bangladesh...
EDIT (had forgotten to add Palestine)


That means: Switzerland out from being independent and drops to 47 civs.

Palestine added = 48 civs
Then, Norway, Switzerland & Iceland into EFTA = 49 civs.
Vietnam added: 50 civs

That means: Switzerland out from being independent and drops to 47 civs.

Then, Norway, Switzerland & Iceland into EFTA = 48 civs.
Vietnam added: 49 civs
Taiwan added: 50 civs

That works.

However, I don't really like the fact how Haiti is minor and not a failed. Not only is it unstable, but if a country has U.N. peacekeeping troops patroling it, 99% of the time it's a failed state.

Either way, can we please have a map with the new civs?
However, I don't really like the fact how Haiti is minor and not a failed. Not only is it unstable, but if a country has U.N. peacekeeping troops patroling it, 99% of the time it's a failed state.

Either way, can we please have a map with the new civs?

Minor/Failed state list is not completely accurate in the civ list. There have been changes and thats the only list I didn't update because there may be more changes before it is final, anyway. Once you all get the map, then we can make the necessary changes. As for the map. Let me get the Denmark land bridge, and also let me get the city-owner changes done so the map is done.

After that, I will post a WorldBuilder save of the map (will not include things such as cities with correct buildings). I'm not exactly sure how to print a page of the map like Ghengis did...but that seems to be easier. If someone can inform me of how to do this, then I will do that and upload the images.
All you have to do to upload a picture on the internet is:

Find an Image you want and put it on your screen.
Press Prt Scr (Asumming your using Windows, If your using Mac, I'm clueless)
Go to Paint (Or Photoshop, it doesn't really matter which one) (If your in Civ 4, you'll have to hit Esc+Ctrl at the same time to get out without closing it out)
Paste and Save
Go to a image uploading site like Tinypic or Photoshop (You don't need an account for Tinypic, so I go there)
Upload and convert it to fourm BBS:
[IMG]Insert URL of image here[/IMG]
Then Post!
All you have to do to upload a picture on the internet is:

Find an Image you want and put it on your screen.
Press Prt Scr (Asumming your using Windows, If your using Mac, I'm clueless)
Go to Paint (Or Photoshop, it doesn't really matter which one) (If your in Civ 4, you'll have to hit Esc+Ctrl at the same time to get out without closing it out)
Paste and Save
Go to a image uploading site like Tinypic or Photoshop (You don't need an account for Tinypic, so I go there)
Upload and convert it to fourm BBS:
[IMG]Insert URL of image here[/IMG]
Then Post!

Actually, there's an even simpler way. Go to Civ4, get the screen to the desired area. Press Print Screen, then go to your Civ4 Screenshots folder (the one in the My Documents/My Games, not My Computer), see if it is there. Then go to this sight and upload the pic in the form of an attachment. Much quicker than uploading it to a totally different site and so on.
We now have buttons and flags for all 50 semi-finalised civs, the two barbarians (failed and minor) and I've left Bangladesh in, in case there's a change of plan in that respect.

Here's the EFTA flag. Think it's a bit OTT, or is it ok?

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