civ editor11
EFTA and vietnam should be added in and playable
Actually, scratch my old opinion. I think the best way to go is to put Swiss in the EU and then add:
1. Taiwan (too important in modern politics to be left out)
2. Bangladesh (an emerging economic power, and a border state in between India, SE Asia, and China)
3. Vietnam (as one of the last communist governments in the world, it should be represented)
That means: Switzerland out from being independent and drops to 47 civs.
Then, Norway, Switzerland & Iceland into EFTA = 48 civs.
Vietnam added: 49 civs
Taiwan added: 50 civs
However, I don't really like the fact how Haiti is minor and not a failed. Not only is it unstable, but if a country has U.N. peacekeeping troops patroling it, 99% of the time it's a failed state.
Either way, can we please have a map with the new civs?
[IMG]Insert URL of image here[/IMG]
All you have to do to upload a picture on the internet is:
Find an Image you want and put it on your screen.
Press Prt Scr (Asumming your using Windows, If your using Mac, I'm clueless)
Go to Paint (Or Photoshop, it doesn't really matter which one) (If your in Civ 4, you'll have to hit Esc+Ctrl at the same time to get out without closing it out)
Paste and Save
Go to a image uploading site like Tinypic or Photoshop (You don't need an account for Tinypic, so I go there)
Upload and convert it to fourm BBS:Then Post!Code:[IMG]Insert URL of image here[/IMG]