• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Final Civ List.

I like it too. The key thing with huge, sprawling civilisations is that players will always abuse everything to the worst extent - not every player at every time, but every player at least once. Having the EFTA and the EU is far better methinks.
To answer IanInsane:

When we added EFTA, we had to drop one civ.

Taiwan was on the borderline of being added, and is a small 2 city island. I agree that its a strategic civ...but something has to give. The only other choice, I guess, is dropping Vietnam out again and putting Taiwan in.

It basically comes down to what you guys want: 3 city civ Vietnam. 2 city Taiwan. Every other civ, I believe is more or less set in stone. Vietnam is not exactly a "major contributer" to ASEAN. But, I guess leaving it Minor allows ASEAN and China to fight over conquering it to spread it's influence. That allows to put in Taiwan. But...its now up to you guys. Vietnam stays, or Taiwan stays. Can't be both...
Sorry, I keep adding Failed States as the 50th civ and keep forgetting they don't count as a civ since they're barbarian. So...Taiwan is included, as well as Palestine, EFTA, and Vietnam.
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