You can partially blame the demise of the "babe threads" on Google. They cracked down on a bunch of forums that showed sexually explicit or too-revealing or suggestive images (it's a bit surprising what images got banned on TrekBBS; there's an infamous one from the TOS episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" and it's not even of anything alive or sentient, and the person who had it as an avatar was miffed to have to get a new avatar). Even if the staff here had not decided that these threads were more trouble than they were worth and decided to disallow them, we'd have had to disallow them anyway.
I was on staff at the time, and had never looked at them until someone made a complaint in A&E over how far they could go in posting comic/cartoon art. A&E does allow artistic nudity (ie. the statue of David, since it's ridiculous to be able to discuss a work of art without showing a photo of it), but not sexually explicit, suggestive nudity. He said it wasn't fair for the "babe threads" to allow it and A&E not to allow it.
So I finally did venture into those threads and while most photos were okay, some were definitely not okay. To be honest, those threads were inconvenient from a moderation standpoint, and yes, as a woman I did feel creeped out by a lot of them.
There was. It wasn't used much.
A person can be reticent about official government premises being used for personal parties without being upset that a woman is leading the country. People here weren't happy about Stephen Harper's teenage son using 24 Sussex as a party hangout, for instance (the cops got called to that one). Nobody was upset about the sex of the PM (we just hated Harper and considered it inappropriate for his kids to have drunken teenage parties there; if they wanted to party, they should have done it at Laureen Harper's residence, as the Harpers eventually separated for awhile and had different residences).
It's 29 years since Canada had a female Prime Minister. I don't remember if Kim Campbell even had time to move into 24 Sussex, since she was in office for only a few months before having to call an election (which she lost). But if she had, and threw a wild personal party in the areas that were not the PM's private residence, that would have been frowned on - not because she was a woman, but because she would have disrespected the government.