
Is the original Finmod compatible with the Warlords expansion pack? I mean the translated, 1.61 compatible version?

And I would vote for sauna as an unique Finnish building :)
Kettu said:
Is the original Finmod compatible with the Warlords expansion pack? I mean the translated, 1.61 compatible version?

No. There are some serious changes in files:

CIV4UnitInfos.xml (all units here, also new units eg trireme)
CIV4CivilizationInfos.xml (new civs)
CIV4LeaderHeadInfos.xml (new leaders)

Maybe some minor fixes too.
Nice mod :) finnish: Ootkos ajatellut että kun tuolla on tekeillä tälläinen modi

Että voisitko lisätä tämän uuden civilizaation siihen :D Olisi tosi siisti homma että olisi Suomi WW2 modissa :) Itse ehdotin modin tekijöille että kääntäisin koko modin suomeksi niin olisi uusi kieli, kun tällä hetkellä on tulossa englanniksi ja puolaksi versio. Mutta olisi kova juttu jos olis Suomi ihan modissa pelattavana :D
Se ww2 modi on tosin tulossa warlordsiin.

Edit: Vai onnistuisiko se mitenkään? Kun tämähän on vanilla civilization IV:seen.
Hei pakko saada suomimodi warlordsiin. Sauna on kyl ihan loisto unique building :)
I say this in finnish because I don't know how to say it in english:

Elikkä mikä avuksi kun on semmoinen pulma että: Latasin modin ja asensin koneelle, modi näkyy mods kohdassa ja sen voi valita. Peli käynnistyy uudestaan ja ylhäällä lukee FinMod mutta kun otan Single Player ja sieltä Play Now niin siellä ei ole Finnish Empirea. Mikä mättää. Olis kiva saada apua.

Problem: When I go to load mod game says that game must restart. Game startes again and in the upper corner read FinMod. But When I go to Single Player and from there Play now there's no Finnish Empire or anyhing about Finland.

Could you tell me the version number you are playing with? / Voisitko kertoa versionumeron millä pelaat?

If your English skills are a bit lacking, let's continue this conversation with PMs. / Jos englannin taitosi ovat hieman puutteelliset, niin jatketaan tätä keskustelua privaviesteillä.

(Roughly a year since the last post :D )

Ok Uluk, I looked it from options->about this built:

CIV Version: 100
Save Version: 100
Build Version: (40601)

Game says that there is no updates.
Tekarit: Sent you a PM.

zappara: Mod... what? :eek: I haven't touched this mod (or Civ) for a very long time, so whatever "modular format" is, it's very unlikely. You may of course use this mod in any way you wish (as long as it stays free of charge). Credits and notification of your work is always nice to have, though. :)

Good to hear. Be aware that since the last update was made for v1.52 some of the files contain outdated information. These may include, for example, any changes to the units, like updated unit costs and the like. Nice to hear that it works, though. :)

I updated to v. 1.74 or whatever was the newest and the game is still working with FinMod
Hello all,

I have made a mod which adds the finns as a playable civilization. I made this because I noticed that I often started a new game with the germans renamed to finns. And since civ4 is supposed to be rather easy to mod I decided to give it a go. So here it is. Feel free to comment and make suggestions. If you find any bugs or other things which need fixing reply to this thread (preferred method) or drop me an e-mail (address is in the readme).

Latest release: v1.11 (15/3/2006)

Download the mod from this page (678kb)

Link to the readme

Link to the changelog

Some screenshots can be found here

What's new in v1.11:
  • Fixed a v1.1 compatibility issue with previously saved games

What's new in v1.1:
  • Support for patch 1.52
  • Unique Kekkonen AI (kudos to Mr. Will) (somewhat untested, comments and criticism are very welcome)
  • Three finnish Great Persons added (artists Jean Sibelius and Alvar Aalto, scientist A.I. Virtanen)
  • Various minor fixes

What's new in v1.0:
  • Three new flags to choose from:

    National flag

    State flag

    Coat of arms

  • Better civilopedia entries for the civilization and the leaders
  • Updated graphics
  • Starting techs are now Hunting & Fishing instead of Hunting & Pottery
  • Mannerheim's favourite civic is now Nationhood instead of Representation
  • Now the english use dark red as their primary colour to avoid the border problem

See the readme & changelog for more information.


I'm so excited! Yet there's small problem: the link doesn't work!! Help!! :sad:
UnaBombaH, you can get Finland in CIV Gold and it is mostly faithful to Uluk's excellent civ, as it was the basis for this version.

Ok, but still, i would like to have Uluks too.. Could you link them both for me here??
It appears excellent add to Civ, expect the link doesn't work. What about 'Hakkapeliitta' as the Finnish unique unit ja 'sauna' as unique building?

EDIT: Downloading CIV Gold, but what's the Finnish UU?

I don't think the file is in that location anymore and I do not have it. In any case, it's been a while since he worked on it, so I doubt it would be compatible as the game's been patched several times since.


In CIV Gold 3.0, the Finnish UB is the sauna.

I should stress that the Finland contained in CIV Gold, *is* Uluk's Finland mod. It has simply been updated for other versions of CIV, and has had the LH animated and UB added.
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