First Look: Scythia

The terrible civ 6 design team strikes again. Tomyris wasn't a warrior, makes no sense she's dressed as such. If they weren't lazy enough that might have found this rendition of a Scythian queen....which came from the same book of the design they went with.

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I don't really get the criticism. They found another rendition of her which seems just as legitimate.
2 of the 3 images of Tomyris on Wikipedia depict her wearing armor. I don't know if those images are historically accurate (probably not entirely), but Civ often goes with the artistic depiction of leaders rather than going for historically "accuracy" (where accuracy is defined as no people saying "that makes no sense").
The terrible civ 6 design team strikes again. Tomyris wasn't a warrior, makes no sense she's dressed as such. If they weren't lazy enough that might have found this rendition of a Scythian queen....which came from the same book of the design they went with.

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The Greeks refer to her as a ferocious warrior, and she is typically referred to as a warrior-queen. Depicting her in warrior attire makes perfect sense, especially since her playstyle is not about military side. It is a good design.
The terrible civ 6 design team strikes again. Tomyris wasn't a warrior, makes no sense she's dressed as such. If they weren't lazy enough that might have found this rendition of a Scythian queen....which came from the same book of the design they went with.

Spoiler :

Lazy? :rolleyes:

You do realize that the artist "Saudi6666" from is hardly an authority on the way the ancient Scythians looked.

Personally, I see nothing wrong with depicting the Queen in warrior's garb. Many Scythian women fought alongside the men.

For example, here is the outfit that a Scythian Queen was buried in:

Spoiler :

Reconstruction of the golden armour of the Issyk warrior-priestess - photo courtesy of the World Tourism Organisation
One of those pictures directly says "Tomyris imagined by...". Good source.

Wildly inaccurate.
No one today can say with any confidence what Tomyris looked like or dressed like. Given the great amount of leeway available to them, it's not surprising the Civ VI team chose an exciting "warrior queen" depiction. At least she isn't sexed up!
Lazy? :rolleyes:

You do realize that the artist "Saudi6666" from is hardly an authority on the way the ancient Scythians looked.

Personally, I see nothing wrong with depicting the Queen in warrior's garb. Many Scythian women fought alongside the men.

For example, here is the outfit that a Scythian Queen was buried in:

Spoiler :

Reconstruction of the golden armour of the Issyk warrior-priestess - photo courtesy of the World Tourism Organisation

Yup. Lazy. Whoever the deviant art user was, they got the picture from the same book that the devs got their warrior image. They could have alteast used the Queen image.

Good job at googling images for a female WARRIORS grave, you got far more accurate than firaxis. :rolleyes:

Tomyris wasn't out in armor fighting Cyrus.

Were you expecting a Polaroid?
There's a difference between an attempted reconstruction and a wildly made up painting. Common sense.
Where is the source that Tomyris did not wear armor? (Note that historically, people wore more than one thing in their lifetimes.)
Tomyris wasn't out in armor fighting Cyrus.

There isn't a ton about the battle itself, she may very well have been out in armor fighting in that battle.

Because she WAS a warrior, a fierce one at that. So she most definitely did wear armor at some point. Therefore showing her in armor is completely viable, even if she wasn't in that particular battle.

Although she did have a particular set of skills, and they did take her son so....
I can find you an exact image of a common warrior wearing armor if you'de like. Besides that you can go search wiki articles for what you're looking for.
Nevermind my previous post, instead I'll just say this;

You need only go as far as her wiki page to discover that depicting her in armor is a trend dating as far back as the 15th century, if not further - but I'm not going to bother looking up any other examples because it has never been recorded with any measure of accuracy how Queen Tomyris did or didn't dress.

Mattia Preti, Castagno, and the Firaxis Art team all seem to envision her in Armor. That's fine by me.
Good points Jason. I personally just don't see any of the first image in the picture but good points.

Firaxis just filling their pc quota. (Female warrior) checkmark.
Personally I think she looks great as-is, there's no way of knowing how she actually looked unless there were photographs from thousands of years ago.
i can imagine the case of her not wearing armour and someone encounters her in the game: "what? i thought she was a warrior queen. why is she not wearing armour? she doesn't even have any weapons!"

Firaxis just filling their pc quota. (Female warrior) checkmark.

was there some sort of leaked document confirming this? :confused:
Light Cavalry is a unit type - not a specific unit. There are Light and Heavy Cavalry. While technically we don't know which type the horsemen is, I think it's a fair guess that it is a Light Cavalry unit considering the fairly specific name of the Heavy Chariot.

The real question is what the Knight and Later Cavalry unit classify as. My guess is that the Knight is Heavy, and the Cavalry unit is Light. So it's possible that Scythia won't be able to spam knights.
I would guess that Light Cavalry would be mounted units that don't require Horse resources -- chariots and Saka horse archers. Which would answer the question about horse resources for the double units. Unfortunately, it would mean that the Scythian ability only applies to two units.
chariots are called 'heavy' chariots and upgrade to knights so i don't think they are light cavalry
I would guess that Light Cavalry would be mounted units that don't require Horse resources -- chariots and Saka horse archers. Which would answer the question about horse resources for the double units. Unfortunately, it would mean that the Scythian ability only applies to two units.

The knight requires iron. So I don't think you can judge by the resource required.
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