Fox10 - The Real Thing

Nicely done ... mopping up phrase is more lax. From now on, players can do whatever they want to have fun or test some theories (e.g. UniSuff, Police State, a warlords attached Fighter :lol: ... etc). Just not something blatantly stupid like deleting the entire stack ... speaking of which, the worker besides our stack in India should be deleted. No sense giving back the worker to the AI.

Cabledawg is UP, Pawelo on deck, Shyuhe waiting to go on deck.
Ive played 15 turns and Gilly has 1 city, England has 1 ...maybe 2....Cyrus has 2. The game can be over within 5 turns...should I finish it out?
Go ahead cabledawg, make it home. Ok with me.
Turn out the lights, the party is over

Turn 533 1941--->Preturn
I take a good look around and see that Rolo has left me with a really good start. I take a lil time forming a plan. That plan revolves around fast attacking. Up till now, I have lost only 1 unit in all of my sets and that was when i pressed enter from initially getting the save. Sometimes i play really safe because I hate losing units....especially in a OCC game where every unit counts.

By looking at the save, we are at a point where losing units is no big thats my plan...lose alot of

I turn research off and go straight production. I pull some gunpowder units out of the England stack to head home and get upgraded.

I take our Rifleman thats in Cuzco, make a GG Medic, then get a free promotion to Sam Infantry.

534--->Raze Nottingham

535--->I only add 4 units to the England stack including the Sam Infantry GG medic.

The other 2 transports will head to reinforce the Gilly stack. I pull an empty transport out of the western carrier stack to head home.

536--->Raze Reading

537--->Razed Ghandi's last city.....hes sleeping with the fishes now.

538--->Raze Norwich.

Now that ghandi is gone, Im gonna send this stack to clean up Shaka and Cyrus.

539--->Raze Shaka's last city.....seeya spearchucker....thats not a racial slur considering he really is a spearchucker.

540--->The Gilly stack finally meets up with the infantry i dropped off.

Ethiopians see their last city razed.....booofrigginhoo

541--->Raze Zohak from cyrus

542--->I upgrade all our Blimps to fighters and put them on a freshly built carrier. This small group will go do some damage and hopefully help with the Gilly stack.

Warwick is razed.

543--->The new attack group razes Birmingham on the island

Ergilli is razed
Kissiga is razed
Dover is razed

544--->Darius Kahr razed.....Richmond, a size 1 city that England slapped up gets razed

Girsu razed

Oxford razed

Ishtakr razed

547--->Bad Tibra razed.

I lost the rest of the pics...they just dissapeared.

I had a Marine stationed here in England, on a hill looking for settlers and he found 1. He kills the first guy, but the city gets settled next turn.

548--->Lagash razed.....Gilly goes down with just a wimper

549--->Coventry razed, Razed England last city....buhbye
razed Harrapan

Heres the last battle...3 on 3...2 tanks win, and the Rifleman is getting 9%...he attacks and loses....and gives Cyrus a, maybe not the last battle, so sue me.

550--->He puts in more units and Ill have to wait another turn

551--->Cyrus is dead and we win....woohoo


I had a pic of our score, but its gone. It was right in the middle.

I had a great time with this game and am looking forward to the next level.
:woohoo: One more for the bag ;)

To tell the truth , this one was slighty harder than Foz 9 , not because of the level , but because of the lack of land oil ( Thanks again Oz :p ). When we got oil online and got tanks + battleship + destroyers + fighters, this became a mop up...

Oh , are we going to Immortal :crazyeye: ?
jeepers - look at those kill stats.
Great finish! IMHO, it was more difficult partly due to the oil and the lack of river, but also in part due to the silly Partisan thingy. I can appreciate the event occurring at random after a city raze ... but for every city???

Thanks to the team for making this yet another excellent SG. :D :thumbsup:

As to the next level, you guys are welcomed to go ahead. I am however going into hiatus mode for at least 3 weeks.

Agree with Greyfox, also having no power for our factory made it harder. Is there a way to keep random events...which i like, but take out that partisan event?

Im all for an Immortal game. We need to decide on a map type.
We can ask Oz ( if he doesn't want to board for it ) if he can do us another map... I liked the idea of a inland sea map with a WB island for us.

And how about the civ? it is Immortal ( never won a game in that level, not even in SGs :blush: ) , so are we going to play safe and pick Biz?
:goodjob: team! I think the three reasons why this game was harder than the last is because of partisans, lack of land-based oil, and no power. If we're going to do immortal, I'd like to ensure that partisans are off and we have a source of power (we can deal with offshore oil). I don't know how plausible these settings are for immortal however... The immortal AI produces faster than emperor. Then again, we may get AI-AI wars before we make contact to slow down development (Shaka and Cyrus were at war in this game). Inland sea is actually not a great map - there are lots of rivers so it speeds up the overall tech rate.
Inland sea might be too tough. Our borders will expand and they will be able to send galleys very early on. Immortal may prove to be twice as tough. We would really need a capitol that is crazy good
lurker's comment...

The lack of power is our own fault/decision, had you settle 1W you would have had some hydro power... (and also a few extra bonus like working wines) at the expense of not being on a plain-hill... hich afair no one pointed at the beginning...
... to be taken into account for your next game(s)... :)


PS - great game - great discussions - great read (well maybe not for ALL the jokes :)).
settling on the plain/hill got them 550 unmodified hammers. i think with those multipliers, they got about the mids and TGL me thinks.

I'll be lurking aw occ on immortal as well, of course... moral support and stuff :mischief: ok I know i never said a thing but who cares? :D
550 is a bit exagerated as quite quickly they would have had an extra mined hill to work instead of a plain-forrest (swap the 2 tiles).
It would be more likely 50-100 extra in the beginning, which indeed is very important, but on the other hand it costs them at least a levee (4 hammers)+hydro plant. For tiles, they would have lose 2 seas for 1 plain-wine and 1 (un-irrigable) grass.

I still think that would have been not a trivial choice (but I am not sure they realise all the consequences on T0... I didn't, easy to say it afterward)

my statement is correct. the plain/hill got them 550 hammers. I didn't consider the tiles they worked or levees or hydro plants.
but the most crucial part was to get those early wonders for the gpp. and for those the plain/hill cap was very important.
my statement is correct. the plain/hill got them 550 hammers.

550 is a bit exagerated as quite quickly they would have had an extra mined hill to work instead of a plain-forrest (swap the 2 tiles).
I suspect that mystyfly is counting the raw hammers produced from the hills city tile (+1 per turn) while Jabah is counting the opportunity cost. It comes down to the value of early hammers v the value of late hammers. That single extra early hammer per turn can be the diff between kick starting the wonder, worker, settler (obviously not this game), etc.

I'd love to be able to settle on a plains hill and then move 1 tile after about 50 turns. Can someone please mod that into the game for me? :D
Mystyfly has a good point: early hammers pwns late hammers in any game and even more in a OCC ... and that was why a certain player decided to make Moai against the team's will :rolleyes: ... Thank God that it worked well, or else I would have to ear Fox :gripe: at me until the end of times

To say the truth, the lack of the power plant wasn't as noticeable as I thought it would be... with overflow management we could easily pump 8/9 units per 10 turns even before oil and Industrial park ( a nice addiction for a OCC with Nat Park )... The lack of oil was quite worse: we had some luck regarding the AI tech pace or else we could be in deep trouble ( if a AI hitted Combustion before we get Plastics )... and it limited a lot our unit options (OTOH it gave us a lot of XP due to the more even battles.....)

The big kill ratio is a direct consequence of the partisan stuff... I seriously hope that Firaxis look at this game and fix the mechanics. Having 4/5 infantries/rifles from a razed pop 2 city is hardly realistical and unfun ( unless you are crazy enough to play a OCC in a high level aiming to erase all the other civs of the face of the earth :lol: ). But gives good kill ratios :p .....
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