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Fox10 - The Real Thing

Most of the cities are coastal. With the flotilla i mentioned, artillery isnt even needed. 2 carriers with 6 planes will get the defenders down to half health...the Battleships can bomb the defenses down. then tanks can kill em all......as far as the last defender goes, we could just move a few pinch Marines onto the last defender. As far as the woodie3...youre right, we dont need that....just attach a GG to one of our riflemen and get him to Medic3 which is 25% healing.

Ill bet if we go this route, that flotilla will raze more cities than the other groups combined. If we are getting flight, we might as well use it to its full advantage....and that advantage is not building any more artillery.
Planes can notch down the top defenders before/after arties giving col dmg to the other units... and they could strike down any airship that tried to sink the fleet ( they are more effective than destroyers for that ) .... They are not necessary ,but they can be useful.
Greyfox, I didnt say that planes give collateral damage. Heres an example I did in WB from a current game of mine.

Heres an example of the flotilla attacking 6 CG3 Riflemen which is above average as far as defenders go.

3 Battleships and 3 Destroyers can bomb it down to 0

The planes then attack

Even if you didnt feel comfortable attacking now..or some units need to heal, wait a turn and the planes can attack again.

A CR3 tank is getting 95.9% odds

And a Pinch marine is getting 95.3% odds

City is razed and 2 marines move onto the last attacker

I really think that an attacking force like this, that has a Medic3, can really raze alot of cities in a short span of time.

Why would I have suggested it, if it were otherwise ? :p :D The Sirian Doctrine™ works really well on those maps...
The only problem with that is the partisan event. Any amphibious units will get killed by the partisans. Played my set. Some bad news but the war effort is going pretty well.

Turn 477 - Susa is razed. The Zulu SoD hits us inflicing some losses. He caught me just as I was sending the infantry in that stack to India and to bring the rifles/grenadiers from India to Shaka-land (Gandhi is on the cusp of getting AL).

Turn 480 - Gandhi has infantry. Bangalore is razed and partisan infantry spawn :(

Turn 481 - GE is born. Since we can't found corps under mercantilism (bug), I settle him. Mining corp. would have only given us 1 extra hammer anyways.

Turn 484 - Hyderabad is razed. Leeds is razed (on that stupid little island the AI keeps on recolonizing). Churchill has rifles now too :(

Turn 489 - Flight is in. I hope these puppies do well.

Turn 491 - Galbara (or whatever) is razed.

The Indian front is doing ok now. We just have to kill any settlers that we see running around to stop the ICS that the AI is doing. I haven't seen many Sumerian troops though - we need to be careful of their SoD. Shaka has been weakened since we took out his SoD. That front should be self-sustaining at this point. I've continued upgrading the veteran destroyers and have built tanks as well. We may want to consider hiring priests instead of merchants. We're getting plenty of gold from razing now so I think we should shift more to hammers.


Gandhi has infantry. Shaka is close to infantry so we may want to send tanks/infantry there to swap out for the rifles/grenadiers soon. We can bring back the rifles/grennies and upgrade them before shipping them out again (or just send them against backwards Churchill who only has rifles). Zara is still a non-factor and Cyrus will be a non-factor soon as well. Gilgamesh still has a while to hit AL so I don't think we need to go after him yet (Shaka and Gandhi are more pressing).

edit: I did NOT adopt police state. It'll cripple our research and we may want to consider teching up to laser and/or robotics as a safety measure. With either of those two techs, we can destroy the AI very rapidly. I research fascism after flight to get the GG but Gandhi beat us to it. I've changed research to Radio for now (needed for both laser and robotics) but I think I burned 2 extra turns on Fascism that we didn't need :blush:


r_rolo1, Cable, and Shyuhe :whipped: :whipped: :whipped: -- all owe me a joke

Shyhue -- :whipped: :whipped: :whipped: -- I see 1886 save which is same as Cable's.

Cable -- don't need to teach me Sirian Doctrine, I know how to use it. My point is planes are not needed. In your example, Pinch marine (strength 24 + 25% = 30.0) is more than sufficient to take out the rifleman (strength 14 +85% = 25.9), with or without the planes. If you want collateral, a CR3 tank (strength 28 + 10% (CR3 gives 10% against gunpowder) - 50% (amphibious) = 16.8) vs CG3 rifleman (strength 14 + 10% (no CG3, since CR3 cancels it out) = 15.4) is still good odds.

Really, Sirian Doctrine is great for coastal cities, esp so when the enemies are equally matched, the fighter part is crucial. However, the plane part is not needed when you have artilleries/tanks/marines vs riflemans. I would rather spend the hammers for carriers and fighters elsewhere.

huh? Did I post the wrong save? My bad :blush:

My (bad) joke:

A criminal who just grabbed an old lady’s handbag was being chased by a cop. He ran in the nearby mortuary and lied down next to a dead man.When the cop arrived @ the mortuary, he asked ,"Anyone who didnt die of AIDS, please raise your hand!"The criminal raised his hand and was arrested.
Shyuhe, why is there 2 GG Medics in the Shaka stack?
2 25% medics dont equal 50% healing folks. You took the GG Medic out of the Indian stack and now it doesnt have a decent medic. Why would you do that?
It does accumulate...if its one unit. A woodsman3 and a medic3 will give you 40% healing. Since i war alot in my offline games, its what i allways strive to get.

2 medics do not accumulate. Both of those medics are 25% healing....thats all you get....25% healing...nothing more.
oops. That may account for the slower healing over there. I actually pulled the grennie out because it was all infantry over there. We should probably ship the anti-tank over to the Indian front with the next free transport. We've killed most AI frigates so a single escort of a destroyer or battleship should be enough.
In Singapore, 1st of October is designated as Children's Day.

You must be thinking: WTH do we care? Well, just keep that in mind and read on.

Back to the game: Shaka continues to send us ships for exp:


As much as possible, I tried to use airships followed by frigates or ship-of-line so that the vessels can promote to blitz and then upgrade to destroyers.

Meanwhile, I am pulled the anti-tanks and tanks from Zulu to India. The tanks go happy pillaging, accumulated more than enough gold to upgrade a few transports and destroyers.

Not a sight you see often -- cats vs tanks:


After a good laugh, our metallic beast rolled down Nobamba:


This gave us a general:


Which was still around at the end of my turnset for discussion on how best to use him.

Meanwhile, in India, boosted by the new antitank and marines:


Did someone say AI got smarter with moving ships out of a city before it falls? Apparently not.

We got a very sweet event: :dance:


Followed by sweeter things -- first a group of tanks rolled over the shiny new city of Gilgamesh and pillaged the towns o make it less lucrative for future settlements:


Then we destroyed one more Zulu city:


Followed by the destruction of Taxalia (doesn't sound like an India name, must be a barb city):


As seen above, barbie cities are appearing, which is good. At least it prevents the AI from respawning too fast.

Things take an ungy turn after Taxalia however. IBT, a stack of Gligamesh troops appeared out of no where:
Spoiler :

While defending in the wild near Lahore, Marine 1 of Cuzco (Marine) defeats (16.32/24): Indian Infantry (Prob Victory: 91.1%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Marine 2 of Cuzco (Marine) defeats (16.80/24): Indian Cavalry (Prob Victory: 96.6%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Infantry defeats (17.00/20): Indian Cavalry (Prob Victory: 95.3%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Marine 5 of Cuzco (Marine) loses to: Sumerian Cavalry (6.90/15) (Prob Victory: 97.1%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Marine 8 of Cuzco (Marine) loses to: Sumerian Cavalry (4.20/15) (Prob Victory: 83.4%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Artillery defeats (18.00/18): Sumerian Trebuchet (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Artillery defeats (16.56/18): Sumerian Trebuchet (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Artillery defeats (15.12/18): Sumerian Trebuchet (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Trebuchet 1 of Cuzco (Artillery) defeats (18.00/18): Sumerian Trebuchet (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Trebuchet 1 of Cuzco (Artillery) defeats (18.00/18): Sumerian Trebuchet (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Trebuchet 1 of Cuzco (Artillery) defeats (18.00/18): Sumerian Trebuchet (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Trebuchet 1 of Cuzco (Artillery) defeats (18.00/18): Sumerian Trebuchet (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Trebuchet 1 of Cuzco (Artillery) defeats (16.56/18): Sumerian Trebuchet (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Artillery defeats (18.00/18): Sumerian Trebuchet (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, 48th Infantry Corps (Infantry) defeats (12.80/20): Sumerian Rifleman (Prob Victory: 98.4%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Infantry defeats (11.80/20): Sumerian Cavalry (Prob Victory: 65.2%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, 48th Infantry Corps (Infantry) defeats (9.60/20): Sumerian Rifleman (Prob Victory: 98.1%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Artillery defeats (5.76/18): Sumerian Cavalry (Prob Victory: 77.1%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Infantry defeats (14.20/20): Sumerian Rifleman (Prob Victory: 95.9%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, 48th Infantry Corps (Infantry) defeats (4.00/20): Sumerian Rifleman (Prob Victory: 97.9%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, 48th Infantry Corps (Infantry) defeats (12.20/20): Sumerian Rifleman (Prob Victory: 90.4%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Marine 2 of Cuzco (Marine) loses to: Sumerian Rifleman (6.44/14) (Prob Victory: 81.5%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Freakazoid (Infantry) loses to: Sumerian Rifleman (2.66/14) (Prob Victory: 91.2%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Marine 1 of Cuzco (Marine) defeats (10.08/24): Sumerian Rifleman (Prob Victory: 93.1%)
While defending in the wild near Lahore, Infantry loses to: Sumerian Rifleman (6.16/14) (Prob Victory: 92.1%)
Civics Change: Gandhi(India) from 'Universal Suffrage' to 'Representation'

And we mourned the lost of Freakazoid:


The pillaging tanks immediately rolled down south, killed the surviving Sumerian troops, and joined the stack which promptly razed Lahore in rage.


This marks the learning of Refrigeration (giving us +1 movement), and I stopped here. I tentatively selected rocketry. I think this is the best path.

The Zulu front: we are ready to pull down the defense of Zulu capital (ridiculous seafood haven)


Note that Zulu is now also featuring Infantry.

Since Shyuhe has already built the carrier and some planes, I am forming the stack of floatzilla for the application of Sirian doctrine. The GG may be used with the anti-tank to get a medic or used with the marine to create another Freakazoid the Second.


The groups need a few more marines though. I suggest going for Sumeria once the transports are filled up.

Slightly less than 250 turns remain ... i think there should be enough time. Seeing how fast the AI are catching up with Infantries and Cavs, I agree we probably couldn't afford to switch out of representation at leas until both Zulu and Sumeria join India as the beaten down Civs.

Imhotep is UP ... and ah, before I forgot, the joke:

Spoiler :
I heard this over the FM radio, the DJ was saying:

"Valentine's Day is coming, and I am sure lot's of young adults and teenagers are looking forward to having a romantic time with their lovers. Do everything you want to have a good time ... but remember, don't cross the line!


Because Children's Day is just 9 months away!"

Hello back guys,

Can I please ask you to accept me out of the loop for a while ?
Have some serious RL issues to handle, and my attention was (and is) too much focused on Civ & SGs.
I don't know how long it will take - hopefully I'll get it right back on the track before it's too late (if it already isn't).

I'll keep you posted.

Had a great time playing alongside with you guys.

Not only were those well played turns, but your report was excellent. I know you spent a bit of time putting that report together and it really helps us and hopefully lurkers follow along.

Im glad to see the Antitank medic has finally stopped being shipped around the world and is finally being put to work. We have a Rifleman at home now, youi could attach the GG to him creating a 25% medic and put him in the Sirian fleet.

The Shaka army looks to be about 10 turns away from needing transports to get off that island. It might be time to bring them back home to upgrade the gunpowder units to Infantry if you have the cash.

I think Refrigeration should be the next tech and abandon the research on Rocketry. The game seems won at this point and we wont get any use out of Sam Infantry. A Carrier and some fighters will do the same job. But thats my vote.
Refrigeration will help our logistics. I don't think rocketry will give us much of an advantage at this point. I agree that this game is mostly in the bag. Unless something disasterous happens, we should be able to mop up the AI one by one. We should try to disperse some destroyers to prevent AIs from sending settler fleets.

Fox always has the prettiest reports :) Do you use photoshop?
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