As much as this rework of France works well and is elegant, the +1

per city on military units does not make much sense to me. Most French rulers with major military victories also contributed massively to the creation and/or modernization of the French state in all domains, not just culture, so maybe the UA could reflect this a bit more.
A few examples:
- Philippe II Auguste substantially expanded French territory, and also created French bureaucracy and many existing monuments;
- François Ier went to war with Italy and the empire of Carolus Quintus, but also started the French Renaissance and invited many artists and scientists;
- Louis XIV waged many wars, fortified cities with Vauban, created many economic guilds and fostered arts and science;
- Napoleon I himself also created the Code Civil and many institutions of modern France which stand to this day;
- Napoleon III, although not so successful militarily, implemented massive economic reforms, industrialized France, and transformed Paris.
If I may propose an alternative to the culture per 10 units, we could have

Great Generals and Citadels increase

Great People generation, or increase the potency of

Great People (counting as extra Great Works, Academies, etc.), or give a bonus for a few turns (



) upon spawning - that would be a way to recycle the current UA's 40% bonus.
I agree with Gwennog, enlistment upon defeat is not really a historical French characteristic, regardless of time period. I do like the idea of increased

supply from population proposed by Pineappledan and Enginseer, as France has historically been fielding massive armies compared to its population (not just under Napoleon).
To complement the increased

supply, France can go a few routes which are more fitting of its history:
- The Foreign Legion/enlistment bit can have France gain units on city capture (which is the same reward system as Ashurbanipal) or on

peace treaties (which is quite similar to Montezuma). Alternatively, you could have other civilizations "gift" units (similar to military

city states) depending on France's tourism with them. The last idea creates a positive feedback loop between war and culture in France's toolkit which ties it together, but I don't know if it can be coded
(NB: it also makes this part of the UA weak until the later eras, which reflects history but incurs balance issues).
- If the UA is really about Napoleon's France, it could be giving bonuses to artillery, of which Napoleon was an absolute master (maybe a free Range promotion). Overall

movement bonuses would overlap too much with other civs.