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Freezes, Disconnects, Crashes - PATCH THAT!


Aug 7, 2006
It is irrelavant patching balances of tribes before you can actually get the game WORKING. Frozen lunches where noone can move happen 50-70% of game lunches. Also sometimes for no reason host gets booted in midgame and not able to rejoin. Game also just stalls at any moment with a frozen timer and nothing will make it run. Or it crashes the old fashion way. Any way you put it - it is ridiculous. Yeh, they say, you can pick new inca/spain/babylon/mongols tribes online now - but you CANT REALLY PLAY THEM, or any tribe for that matter. And I know. I try to host daily.
Who cares Ermak - not Firaxis for sure. They work to make profit - not to please a customer. If they can still milk the cow without giving to much effort then good for them and bad for you. Can you do anything about it instead of moaning on the forum ? Not ? So feel owned by modern era business model.
Disregarding the customer can work very well in the short term. It almost always leads to the decline or fall of the corporation in the long term.

You observe the behavior so often because there is a classic principal/agent problem. The top executives of established firms have finite career terms remaining, and tend to act to maximize the company's performance during the time frame they are receiving benefits from the firm, rather than acting in the long-run best interests of the firm.
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